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Pavlo Pashchevskyi

Pavlo Pashchevskyi

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology

Speciality: Information control systems and technologies

Theme of master's work:

Development of computer subsystem for planning and prognosis of production release

Scientific adviser: docent, PhD Tamara Zhukova

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


  1. 1996-1997 - secondary school ¹ 14 in the city of Donetsk, 1st form
  2. 1997-2006 - Donetsk secondary school ¹ 13.


  1. 2006-2010 - DonNTU, FCST, ICS, bachelor
  2. 2006-2010 - ؤîيحزس, شتحز, بسر, post graduate

Proficiency in languages:

English - I`m a student of The London school of English, at present time studying at FCE level (First Certificate Expert);
Ukrainian - State examination in Ukrainian language was passed on 5 (B);
Russian - mother language.


Programming languages and development environments:

C/C++, Visual Basic, Assembler, C#.

Web-programing languages:

HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript.


MS Access, Base, Visual FoxPro, MS SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase.

Postrelational DMS:

InterSystems Cache.


COMPAS-3D, MATLAB, RationalRose, TraceMode, 1C:Company.

Personal qualities:

Honesty, kindness, ability to work.


I like listening to music in genre of rock.
Always watch TV quiz, "What? Where? When? "I love to watch the game "CCS ", historical and educational TV programs.
Like traveling. Am impressed by the city of Prague.