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Pohomov Alexey Aleksandrovich


Computer Sciences & Technologies


Computer systems & networks

theme of master's work:

Development and research structures of mobile system on the basis of FPGA-technology

scientific adviser

Yuriy Zinchenko

> the Abstract <

Development and research of structure of mobile system on the basis of FPGA-technology


At the present stage of development of a society safety of material assets of different patterns of ownership impossible without usage of reliable and effective protection. In turn effective protection today inconceivable without usage of different means which allow to carry out round-the-clock protection of objects, as much as possible having eliminated the human factor, to reduce expenses for its content and essentially to raise its reliability. The anticreeping system is general period for a designation of the automated complex which is made of set of different devices, controlers, core and back supply units, control and access control, and also other additional devices has attached reception and information transfer. Reliability of anticreeping system depends on quality, both the equipment, and its reliable mounting and connection. System which is developed, is the independent unit which can be hidden, for example, under a cowl of the car or in any other "cozy" place. The uniform condition is presence of supply leads. For implementation of the conceived project different numeral components, a coordination of their operation are used and is a chief goal of the given development.

the Urgency

Mobile Gsm-Система is the functional and reliable device and has a compact appearance. Such advantages give the chance wide application. A basic purpose is supports of reliable protection of mobile objects (the car, the yacht, a moped, the plane etc.). Compactness and reliability of the unit complicates search of an occurrence of system, besides such systems the thief isn't in a basic complete set of the car or a moped of volume can and not guess existence of such effective system. Control of such device doesn't cause complications in the user because mobile phones and Internet now is a necessary part of our life. Means Gsm and Gps-navigation are very effective and reliable, and Microblaze the fast and powerful processor, therefore the system is the reliable that functional. Thus, implementation mobile GSM – systems also can find application, probably, in all areas of the industry.

the Review of researches

In network Internet there are some types of similar devices. But many of them use microcontrollers as the control device, in our case COTTON VELVET is device heart. More low resulted some pages on which some analogs are described:

  • http://mega-info.org;
  • http://gps01.mircen.su;
  • http://www.predator.in.ua;
  • http://www.24au.ru.
  • Distinction, in our opinion, should consist in information transfer rate, the sizes and the price. These three differences allow the device to compete in the market to similar devices.

    Distinction in speed appears thanking COTTON VELVET. Fpga-tehnology thanks to gated architecture, more faster than at microcontrollers in which all is organized at programming layer.

    the Purposes and the task of development and researches

    A project Chief goal is development and researches of functional reliable the cheap device which could compete in the market. For object in view achievement it is necessary:

    - To consider existing analogs, to render lacks and advantages;

    - To research structure of existing devices;

    - Soundly to select necessary At - commands for programming GSM;

    - To research the market COTTON VELVET, to render lacks and advantages;

    - To select a CAD for programming COTTON VELVET and to research the interface;

    - To develop own skeleton diagram of the device;

    - Leaning against the skeleton diagram, to develop the schematic diagram;

    - Writing of the code of the program;

    - Debugging of the program by means of a debug board;

    - Code loading on selected COTTON VELVET;

    - To solder the device circuit, leaning against the schematic diagram.

    Scheduled practical results

    In a work progress over the decision of tasks in view it is planned to receive the device which on the functionality didn't concede to analogs, and by criterion of speed and the sizes even exceeded existing devices. Also expected result is floor price. The main parts of the device reach so that as much as possible to reduce the price and thus not to lose quality of the full-function device.

    Scheduled scientific novelty

    According to plan in quality COTTON VELVET has been offered analog-to-digital COTTON VELVET of firm of Actel. Combined analog-to-digital COTTON VELVET Smartfusion contains in однои to a chip a programmed logical matrix, the hardware processor ARM Cortex-M3 and the programmed analog unit. Provides completely provisionable configuration, protection of your project and ease in usage. COTTON VELVET Smartfusion, fulfilled completely on FLASH technologies, is the ideal decision for creation of systems on a crystal (снк), providing considerably the big flexibility in comparison with traditional decisions on hardware microcontrollers with the fixed feature set and has considerably smaller cost in comparison with decisions with usage of expensive software-processors in COTTON VELVET.

    Distinctive features
    Hardware 100 Mgts 32-Bit processor ARM Cortex-M3
    АНВ the bus fulfilled in the form of a multi-level matrix of connections with throughput to 16 Gbit\s 10/100 Ethernet MAC
    On two controlers SPI, I2C and UART
    Two cascaded 32-bit timers
    To 512 Kb Flash ROM and to 64 Kb
    The external bulk memory controler
    8-channel controler PDP
    The integrated digital-to-analog coders
    The integrated channels of strain measurement, current and temperature
    To 10 high speed 50 nanoseconds of comparators
    The analog computing block discharges the processor here preliminary analog signal processing
    To 47 analog and to 169 numeral input/output ports

    Draw. 1 - Strukture of SmartFusion

    Structure GSM

    Network GSM is made of set of function objects which can be divided into three types. Mobile phones which subscribers use, the subsystem of basic stations carrying out and supervising a radio communication with mobile phones, and the network subsystem, which body - switching center of services of mobile communication (Mobile service Switching Center, MSC) - leads switching of calls between the subscribers and users of other networks, and also fulfills many other functions, such as authorization (reliability acknowledgement) and so forth The mobile phone and basic station carry out interaction with the help Radio communications (Um-Interface). The basic station interacts with MSC through A-Interface (cable communication). The subsystem of basic stations is a connective link between mobile phones and a network subsystem and is made from two parts: the receiver of basic station (Base Transceiver Station, BTS) and the controler of basic station (Base Station Controller, BSC) which provide the coordinated operation. In densely populated regions of basic stations should be more. Requirements to them - firmness of a signal, reliability, portability and the minimum cost. The controler controls process of a radio communication and services one or several basic stations. The network subsystem is a basis of all system GSM, certainly. It is a brain which controls all functions of a difficult organism of a network of mobile communication. A central component of a network subsystem is MSC - switching center of services of mobile communication. It fulfills the functions necessary for operation with subscribers of mobile communication, such as registration, authorization, update of the data about a location, handoffs, routing of calls for subscribers who use service to roaming and much that another. This operation some function objects, which in aggregate and образовывают fulfill a network subsystem. MSC also provides communication with normal telephone networks. Routing of calls and роуминговые possibilities GSM (in particular international roaming) provide databases HLR (Home Location Register) and VLR (Visitor Location Register) which functionally aren't a part MSC. Basis HLR contains the administrative information on each subscriber registered on matching network GSM, together with a current location of a mobile phone. Logger VLR contains the selected administrative information with HLR, necessary for control of calls and provision of services on which subscribers, for each mobile phone allocated at present in geographical area, supervised by given logger VLR are signed. There are two more databases which are used for authorization and safety. The first of them - database EIR (Equipment Identity Register) - is a database which contains the list of all mobile phones which operate, in networks, and each mobile phone is identified by means of IMEI. IMEI affects as invalid if on given phone it has been informed, how about stolen, or the type of this device isn't certificated for net surfing. The second - authorization center - is the protected database in which copies confidential the code, saved on a sim card of each subscriber which are used for authorization and an encryption of radio channels are stored.

    Architecture of the antijoy ride device

    The Security arrangement is made of following units:

    • GPS – the unit

    • GSM – the unit

    • FPGA – the unit

    • the Unit pressure conversion In the given project as Gsm-Модуль for a basis the taken architecture and a dial-up of At-commands of a mobile phone of Siemens CX65. The choice of this mark of phone is justified by following factors: - Low cost of phone;

    - The simple menu;

    - Support of a standard dial-up of At-commands;

    - Support of standard GSM 900, GSM 1800, GSM 1900;

    - Compactness of phone (length of 108 mm, width 46 mm, Thickness of 18 mm weight of 90).

    As GPS - the unit it is used high-frequency GPS - a receiver on the basis of the modern chipset SIRF Star III. This chipset is applied practically in all modern navigators GPS. The main advantages:

    - Excellent quality of reception in conditions of "city canyons" and wood;

    - Low power consumption (30 ма);

    - 20 independent channels of reception;

    - The small sizes (3 sm х 3 sm);

    - Inconsistent ASCII the exchange protocol given

    The FPGA-module – processor Microblaze is built in in наладочную board Spartan 3E Development KIT Xilinx firms (rice 1.3). Thanking this unit the system operation organization is adjusted.

    The unit of conversion of pressure – an electric circuit which eats from the accumulator of the car and arranges the necessary pressure on different units of mobile system. A supply all system is organized in the unit of conversion of pressure which is connected immediately to the car accumulator. It provides to the device robot in real time.

    Princip of operation

    The Main idea consists in the following: at a certain signal of the user (mobile communication means), it is activated Gsm-module which sends request to a control mean (microcontroller). The following stage – operation control means (PC). Behind the installed standard ІМЕА, the PC forms the protocol and sends to Gps-module which defines local coordinates both returns result and transfers system management to Fpga-Микроконтроллера. The received result is transferred through the Catfish-port in a type At - Commands, clear for phone, forcing it to send the text message to the user, in which specified local coordinates of object. The user, having received local coordinates of object, thanking Wide area network Internet easily converts the received result and receives exact coordinates to object.

    Draw.2 - Princip of sistem's work

    Application fields:

    transport Dispatching / logistics:
    Equipment трекерами a motor car park, loads, messengers
    Equipment трекерами sea / river fleet

    Attending of the valuable loads, expensive equipment
    Anticreeping complexes

    the Personal security:
    Children and the schoolboy out of door
    Older persons
    Storages sick of loss
    The pedestrian walks or run
    In holiday
    Briefcases and bags for notebooks
    Pets (for example, thoroughbred dogs on hunting)
    Children and schoolboys out of door


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