


Stadnik, Andrey

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology (CST)
Department: Automated Control Systems (ACS)
Speciality: Information Management Systems and Technology (ICS)
Theme of master's work Identifying similar footage, using methods of
pattern recognition
Scientific advisor руководитель: Hmelevoy Sergey



I was born on March 23, 1987 in Donetsk. From early childhood, little to remember. I remember my sister actively taught me how to read, that instilled a love of books in later life. In the kindergarten went to 2 years. One of the first group learned to read and consider (thanks to my sister), and generally liked to learn something new. At age 5 I was transferred to a children's high school with advanced study English language and mathematics. In this high school, I graduated the first class. Also during this period I became acquainted with the computer. It was a ZX Spectrum c 48Kb of RAM and 16 KB of ROM, as the monitor was 12 inch TV electron, and a tape recorder as an external drive. Since the second grade I had to learn in a regular school because high school was closed.


It was in second grade, I think I came the school life. I was transferred to the general education school № 44 in the 2-G class, which was a 5-minute walk from the house and therefore did not need to wake up at 6am to catch a class. I was very happy to transfer, just because of what it learned almost all children who live nearby.

Our class, like the school in general was very friendly and sociable. At school I found my best friends who are and those of today. In teaching, I was given the easiest math, physics, chemistry, computer science, but I tried not to fall behind in the humanities, I almost succeeded, but the Ukrainian and Russian languages. I never liked to teach the rules of language and so I never was an excellent student in school.

In grade 9 parents gave me a gift and bought a computer. The first few weeks I've admired computer graphics, and played various games. Then I got tired of this thing and I decided to learn Windows 98. When you try to deal with the operating system the computer had to carry 3 times service center and restore the OS, so I finally deprived its capacity to function normally. During the third treatment in the service center, I was given a disc with Windows 98 and the master showed how to installing the system. Since then I have reinstalled it a lot more times until you learned how to handle a computer.


In 2004, I failed the entrance examinations for DonNU specialty Applied Mathematics was insulting, gleaning until through passage of the ball 0.5 minimum. Found work as an intern designer of computer graphics. Having worked and gain experience, found a job in a photo laband worked there until 2009.

In 2005, thoroughly prepared, he entered the Faculty of Donetsk National Technical University in correspondence with a degree ICS. Group I immediately liked about the first session we became good friends and good friends ever since. Learning was difficult because everything had to be studied independently. It is especially difficult given the higher mathematics and physics. From the third year began spetspredmety and learn easier.

In 2010 he received a diploma of specialist.

Future Plans

My nearest plan - a writing master of and receiving a master's degree. In the future plan to get the second higher education, or associated to the legal or the economic specialties. It is also planning to start in-depth study English. Find an interesting and well paid job, which at the same time would allow me reach an international level IT industry.

Copyright © DonNTU Stadnik A., 2011