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Ivanenko Ivan

Terentiev Vyacheslav 

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology
Speciality: Systems programming

Scientific adviser: Vladimir Svjatnij 

Materials on the theme of master's work: About author

Development and research of the client interface of the subsystem of the visualization of distributed parallel simulation environment


Science and technology are not static - they are rapidly developing in all spheres of human activity. Moreover, almost any development or research needs experimental confirmation of their results. Often it is technically impossible or not advisable to conduct experiments. In this case it is necessary to build a model and simulation in a particular environment.

Many areas of science and technology have reached such a level that the conventional single-threaded simulation environment can not cope with temporary or detailing the requirements of the simulation. Thus - the need for new methods of simulation and building simulation environment. One system, which performs most of the technological requests is - Distributed Parallel Simulation Environment (DPSE).

One of the highlights in the numerical experiments is the visualization of the data and user interaction. When the intermediate results is not enough, such as it is important to display only the fact of the end of the next iteration. But often there is a need to visualize the intermediate results after each iteration. Sometimes the resulting image can affect the decision on whether to continue the account. For example, if you looked to the dynamics of the process is far from expected, then it may indicate possible errors in the numerical algorithm or incorrect initial and boundary conditions of the problem.

Aims and objectives

The aim is to develop the simulation software, which implements the functions of the client interface subsystem visualization DPSE, which will improve user-friendliness of DPSE to users and developers to model and extend the application of parallel simulation in different domains.

New challenges of this problem are to review DPSE as a dialog user and developer models (domain expert) with multifaceted resource protection, as well as visualization of intermediate and final results of calculations. Theoretical basis and development of effective support to the dialogue at all stages of the construction of diverse models and visualize the results of modeling of dynamic systems.

The main problem to be solved:

  1. Analysis of the state of development in the simulation software DPSE.
  2. Developing the concept of the subsystem (requirements, functions, structure of hardware and software).
  3. Development of algorithms, structures, approaches this subsystem.
  4. Implementation and experimental research of a subsystem consisting of versions of DPSE.

Main planned results

Planned construction of the prototype system, as well as the use of simulation software subsystem in the learning process and as part of the current DPSE.

Survey of research and developments in the Donetsk National Technical University

Research on the Distributed Parallel Simulation Environment in DonNTU being a long time and because of this has been good progress. In this direction, doing many of the teachers, masters, graduate and undergraduate students. Among the above, such as teachers Feldman L.P., Svyatny V.A., Anoprienko A.J., Moldovanova O.V., Solonin A.M., Nadeev D.V., Bondareva E.S., Guseva A.B. and Masters Stepanov I.S., Starodubtsev D.N., Merenkov A.V., Dudin T.S., Voitenko A.V., Voytov A.V. and others.

Thanks to dissertations, master's theses and articles written by these people obtained new solutions of actual problems in the field of parallel simulation.

Survey of research and developments in Ukraine

In Ukraine, this topic is not new, it is attended by such universities as the Donetsk National Technical University, Kiev Polytechnic Institute, and others. In particular, authors such as Tomaszewski V.N., Zhdanov E.G., Zholdak A.A., who in his works considered the practical problems of computer modeling (including PIF).

Survey of research and developments in the world

Subject parallel simulation is very relevant now in the world, as more and more research and experimentation is impossible without the prior model and even without it. The leading countries for the development of parallel simulation and development of simulation systems are the United States, Britain, Germany and Ukraine. Also recently the subject began to pay more attention to other developed countries.


There was a comprehensive analysis of functional of visualization subsystem (SV), a distributed parallel simulation environment. As a theoretical part, proposed a structure for SV DPSE providing systemic organization of the simulation tool DPSE and their interaction in the performance of all phases of construction and research models of the dynamic systems, as well as monitoring and controlling real objects. Developed a common vision and set of core functions of the SV.

The proposed concept of distributed parallel visualization subsystem modeling environment as a form of systemic organization simulation tools DSSP and DSDP opens positive prospects for effective utilization of modern parallel computing and integrated solutions.

Visualization subsystem plays an important role in the integrated functioning of DPSE, as it realizes the dialogue with the user and displays the data to be processed or analyzed. Thus, research and development of this subsystem - this is another step continuous development DPSE and simulation systems in general.


  1. Anoprienko A.J., Svjatnyj V.A., Braunl T., Reuter A., Zeitz M.: Massiv parallele Simulationsumgebung fur dynamische Systeme mit konzentrierten und verteilten Parametern. 9. Symposium ASIM'94, Tagungsband, Vieweg, 1994, S. 183-188.
  2. Святний В.А. Паралельне моделювання складних динамічних систем // Моделирование - 2006: Международная конференция. Киев, 2006 г. - Киев, 2006. - С. 83-90.
  3. Стан та перспективи розробок паралельних моделюючих середовищ для складних динамічних систем з розподіленими та зосередженими параметрами [Electronic resource] / В.А Святний, О.В. Молдованова, А.М. Чут // "Паралельне моделювання 2008" - Электрон. дан. - Режим доступа:, свободный. - Загл. с экрана.
  4. Аноприенко А. Я., Святный В. А. Универсальные моделирующие среды // Сборник трудов факультета вычислительной техники и информатики. Вып.1. - Донецк: ДонГТУ. - 1996. - С. 8-23.
  5. Розподілене паралельне моделююче середовище [Electronic resource] / И.С. Степанов - Электрон. дан. - Режим доступа:, свободный. - Загл. с экрана.
  6. Автореферат магистерской работы по теме "Разработка и организация подсистемы баз данных распределенной параллельной моделирующей среды (РПМС)" [Electronic resource] / А.В. Меренков - Электрон. дан. - Режим доступа:, свободный. - Загл. с экрана.
  7. Разработка и исследование решателя уравнений параллельной моделирующей среды на основе OpenMP-стандарта [Electronic resource] / П.В. Скворцов — Электрон. дан. — Режим доступа:, свободный. — Загл. с экрана.
  8. Forschungsgebiet: parallele Simulationstechnik [Electronic resource] / L. P. Feldmann, V. A. Svjatnyj, M. Resch, M. Zeitz — Электрон. дан. — Режим доступа:, свободный. — Загл. с экрана.
  9. Стан та перспективи розробок паралельних моделюючих середовищ для складних динамічних систем з розподіленими та зосередженими параметрами [Electronic resource] / В.А Святний, О.В. Молдованова, А.М. Чут // «Паралельне моделювання 2008» — Электрон. дан. — Режим доступа: , свободный. — Загл. с экрана.
  10. Автореферат магистерской работы по теме «Разработка параллельного MIMD-симулятора, 2 уровень распараллеливания» [Electronic resource] / А.В. Войтов — Электрон. дан. — Режим доступа:, свободный. — Загл. с экрана.

When this abstract was written, Master's work was not completed yet. Final Completion: December 2011. Full text of the work and materials on the subject can be obtained from the author or his scientific adviser after that date.