Dmitry Balandin

Dmitry Balandin

Physical-Metallurgical Faculty
Speciality: Metallurgy of ferrous metals

Theme of master’s work:
Research of influence of technology deoxidizing effect and a steel alloying on degree of mastering of alloying elements
Scientific adviser: Sergey Hrapko

The short resume

Date of birth: on November, 8th 1988
Average mark in bachelor’s degree: 4,96
Possession of languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English, French


Programming languages: Web-programming: НТМL, CSS
Work with a drawing: Adobe Photoshop
Work in OS: Windows 98/XP/Vista/7
Means Office: MS Office 98/2000/2003/2007/2010, MS PowerPoint
Business qualities: responsibility, initiative, purposefulness
Personal qualities: skill to communicate, decency
Hobby: football, a car