ДонНТУ Портал магистров ДонНТУ

Магистр ДонНТУ Нестругина Ольга Владимировна

     Nestrugina Olga

        Physical and Metallurgical Faculty

        Department of industrial heat-and-power engineering

        Speciality: Energy management

      Theme of master's work:

     Rationale for the possibilities of using pipes made of polymeric materials to increase energy efficiency of heating networks

Supervisor: docent, c.t.s. Gridin S.V.

Materials on the subject of master's work: Curriculum vitae |Abstract

       About Myself:

     Average grade point in a period of studies at the University is 4.83.
     Language skills:

     I am an experienced PC user. PC skills:

     I love reading, traveling.

     Personal qualities: responsibility, diligence, patience, initiative, punctuality, desire to learn new things.

© Olga Nestrugina, 2011