Semenova Olga Sergeevna
Faculty: Physicometallurgical
Department: Pressure Metals Processing
Speciality: Pressure Metals Processing
Theme of master's work: "Development of a mathematical model regimes compresses in the horizontal rolls roughing stand SHSGP"
Scientific leader: professor of department OMD Rydenko Evgeny Alekseevich.
Development of mathematical model of distribution of wringing out is in the
horizontal felling of draft cages of ШСГП
A purpose hired is determination of rational law of distribution of wringing out on the horizontal felling.
The calculation of the mode of wringing out is in-process produced on the figure of 2000ЧерМК. This figure was put into an operation in 1975г, intended for rolling of stripes in thick 1,2-16мм from cast and катаных слябов of carbon and low-carbon steel. The draft group of figure consists of vertical descaler and five horizontal cages. The feature of this figure consists in that three draft universal cages are incorporated in a continuous sub-group. It allowed to shorten length of draft group of figure on 83м, to improve the temperature condition of rolling due to diminishing of heat and possibility to regulate the size of speed of rolling. A draft horizontal двухвалковая cage is the first cage for wringing out of сляба on a thickness. Diameter of rollers of 1400мм..
All cages the universal consist of two cages: vertical and horizontal, distance between them 2,7м.
There are many methods of distribution of wringing out but mostly apply:

This method provides diminishing of the absolute wringing out from the first to the last cage. But we did not avail them, because he does not provide the even loading of cage on a moment and force of rolling. In this connection we choose another way which will provide the even loading of draft cages on force and moment :

1.The analysis of method of distribution of wringing out showed on ГВ of draft cages, that rational are methods based on an equitability that provide the relative loading of cages on force and moment of rolling.
2.The executed calculation of deformation temperature-speed parameters of rolling is in ГВ of draft cages.
3.The investigated methods of distribution small influence on the temperature condition of rolling.
4.Methods distributions of wringing out can be used in quality mathematical models of of draft APCS groups of cages.