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Shablovsky Alexey

Faculty: Physical-Metallurgical

Speciality: Black metal metallurgy

Theme of master's work: Investigation of the influence of raw materials, which give slag-forming mixture of equivalent chemical composition, their performance characteristics when casting steel caster

Scientific adviser: Smirnov Alexey


I was born on April 5, 1989 in Donetsk. Father: Shablovsky Valentin, working as a Head of Science and Technology Division at JSC NPP "Tehmet. Mother: Shablovskaya Lyudmila, is a senior fellow at the Donetsk regional museum. Sister: Elena Shablovskaya, an engineer for PRAM Donetskstal Metallurgical Plant.


In 1996 I gone to first grade at school ¹ 14 of Donetsk. During training an interest in such subjects as mathematics, physics, history and chemistry. Also active in sports, particularly track and field (pole vault)


In 2006, even before leaving school, by results of rating tests has arrived in Donetsk national technical university on physics-metallurgical faculty, a speciality “Metallurgy of ferrous metals”

Plans for the future

In the near future I hope to build a strong family and realize itself as a specialist.