Date of birth: the 24th of February, 1989.
Place of birth: Donetsk, Ukraine.
Martial status: married, maiden surname - Fedotova.
Citizen of Ukraine.
Foreign pasport: present.
Higher education:
2006 - 2012 - Donetsk National Technical University (master);
2006 - 2010 - Donetsk National Technical University (bachelor).
Secondary education:
2004 - 2006 - lyceum "Donetsk College";
1999 - 2004 - school-gymnasium №91;
1996 - 1999 - school №76.
My native language is Russian. I know Ukrainian very well. I know well English and I know at the secondary level German.
I am fond of travelling, photography, drawing, astronomy, reading books (especially historical mysteries), I like nature and animals. I am fond of art, I visit museums, theatres, exhibitions.
Features of character:
sociability, initiative, commitment, perseverance, diligence, integrity.
Average point is 4.88 (bachelor).
I have got the skills to work with the following software packages:
1. routines "Microsoft";
2. program for drawing and 3D-modelling "Compass";
3. program for simulation of electrical and radiocircles "Electronics Workbench";
4. program for simulation of wireless devices: "System View", "LabView", "P-Cad";
5. program for mathematical calculations "Mathcad", "Derive";
6. programs for simulation and calculation of antennas: "Mmana", "Mmana-Gal", "Galana", "HFSS";
7. program for statistical calculations and analysis "Statgraphics";
8. program for modelling the components of motherboard "Layout".
During my studing at the university I practiced in the foundations.
Excursion: Broadcasting, Radiocommunications and Television Concern (BRT Concern) (site).
Trial practice: Scientific Research Institute of Complex Automatization in the 2nd course.
First and second technological practice: the utility "International Airport Donetsk", a division of BERTOS - in the 3rd and 4th courses (site).
The research and awards are described in biography.