ru  ua

Artem Riabtsev

Faculty of radio engineering and special training

of radio engineering and information protectio


Protection of information with limited access and automation of information processing

The theme of the graduate work:

«Research of electromagnetic method of data destruction from magnetic carriers»

Supervisor of studies:

Candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor Ovodenko A.

Brief resume

Date of birth:

March, 1st, 1989

Place of Birth:

Astrakhan region, USSR

Average point during study period (bachelor):


Language proficiency:

Russian, Ukrainian, English (at the level of understanding and reading)

Skills and abilities:

Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Pascal, C/C++, html, CSS, Adobe Photoshop, System View, Electronics Workbench, Compass-3D 8V, repair and service of office appliances

Personal qualities:

responsibility, sociability, punctuality, initiativity, diligence

Personal data:

two higher educations (the second one is International Institute of finances, subdepartment of finances and banking, speciality- finances, specialist), driver's license of B, C categories


music, sport, active rest, psychology

Contact Information:
