Main results
On the one hand, the improving of the national economy structure in Ukraine, is accompanied by the development of entrepreneurship, that leads to the emergence of a number of enterprises of different organizational forms, which must find its place in social production. On the other hand, this process is inevitably accompanied by the discontinuation of a number of business entities that are not able to perform complex tasks faced with them. This is followed by the unsatisfactory state of basic funds and low efficiency of their use, falling production volumes, reduced competitiveness, insufficient capital investment. This calls for deepening the theory and practical tools for improving the validation of possible directions for further development of the enterprise that can ensure the improvement of its efficiency [1].
In this paper we propose to consider the development of the company as a long-term set of processes of quantitative and qualitative changes in the enterprise that lead to an improvement of its condition by increasing the capacity of adaptation to the external environment and internal integration, thereby increasing the ability of companies to counter the negative influences of the environment and its life.
From the standpoint of the functioning of the enterprise, the essence of the development process represents an increase level of its organization, when the accumulation of information reduces uncertainty. This should be done so that all changes in the company, allowed in the dynamic market conditions to maintain and improve the profitability and stability. Features of the environment and the need for constant changes also require changes in approaches within the scope of the management of organizations [2].
In the literature there are several different approaches to the classification of the methods of management decisions. One of the most common methods of classification is shown in pic. 1.
Picture 1 — Classification of methods of management decisions
The balanced development and proper use of its potential is a prerequisite for the strategic development of the enterprise in a market. To achieve maximum growth potential with minimal is possible only with proper selection of management solutions to its capacity. Operating benefits of the enterprise, rates of changes and quality of business depend on the ability to use properly available opportunities. In this connection it comes very important to identify and quantify potential of the company, its realized and unrealized parts [3].
One of the modern tools of computerized assessment and management capacity is a graphical-analytical method of analysis, called "Square of the potential". In this method there are the following four components of the potential of the company: production, distribution and marketing, organizational structure and management, marketing, finance. The algorithm of this method is as follows:
1. The initial data are presented in the form of the matrix, which is a table. In this table the names of the indicators and their significance are recorded.
2. For each indicator, the smallest value with a glance of the sensitivity coefficient is selected and the following ranking of the definition of appropriate venue is done.
Adjusted value (EV) is calculated by formula 1:
СЗ = З * Кч/100% (1)
where З — the value target;
Кч — sensitivity factor, which is calculated by the formula 2:
Кч = 100% - Yв (2)
where Yв — weighing indicator, %.
3. The total amount of places is determined.
4. The sum of places in the quantitative value of the vector, which characterizes the square of potential is converted.
The value of the vectors characterizing the square of potential is calculated on the formula 3:
Вк = 100 - (Рj - n) * 100 / (n * (m-1)) (3)
where Рj — the amount of places; n — the number of indicators; m — number of periods.
5. The graphical interpretation of the quantitative values of the vectors for each block. Squared potential of the company has four zones corresponding to the sections used in the system of indicators, and four vectors that create it.
6. After constructing a square of the potential of enterprise, relevant conclusions and recommendations are given.
Presented method for optimizing the capacity of the enterprise provides an opportunity to establish a cause-effect, i.e. qualitative and quantitative relationship between the particular components of the potential, to estimate the level of the development and the competitiveness and on this basis to justify, to adopt and to carry out promptly management decisions to ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise.
By turn, value analysis of costs is recognized as the immediate instrument for solving problems of company management. This method of analysis is able to create the best representation of the structure of the full cost of production companies, giving the opportunity to establish the origin of excess charges. Value analysis is the information interaction of planning and cost accounting in the implementation of the general functions of the enterprise. However, in a cost management as in a process management functions, and object-oriented action, there is diffusion due to lack of interaction management features aimed at the development costs in order to achieve the target ratio of benefits received and costs incurred related to the activities of industrial enterprises [4].
To find the most economical variants both for the consumer and the producer, the options of a practical solution with the help of the analysis should address the following objectives: general description of the research object, the object detailing on the functions, grouping functions allocated to principal, additional and unnecessary, the definition and grouping of costs in accordance with the selected functions, the calculation of the costs amounts of manufacturing products when you turn off unnecessary functions, and use of other technical and technological solutions, the development of proposals for technological and organizational improvement of production.
The economic effect of management is achieved by reducing the complexity of management functions as a result of getting rid of duplicate functions, and extra links, excessive documentation and select the most economical ways of performing the functions transferring some functions on a computer.
Effect in the management proposed to calculate the formula 4:
Эу=ЭД+ЭК (4)
where ЭД — the effect in the management of getting rid of duplicate functions;
ЭК — the effect in the management of training workers.
Effect in the management of getting rid of duplicate functions, is defined as the total cost of the function, by turn, the effect in the management of training employees is defined as the annual savings after the training department employees.
Value analysis is an effective way to identify the reserves to reduce costs, it is based on finding cheaper ways to perform the main functions (through organizational, technical, technological and other changes in production), while removing unnecessary functions.