Faculty: Management
Speciality: Human resource management and work economy
Urgency of the research: At present in the global progress society the transition from an industrial economy to information or knowledge economy is observed. The transition period is characterized as usual by permanent high value of natural resources and raw materials, but also by continuously growing significance of human resources, innovation and intellectual activities, forming the intellectual capital as a factor of steady socio-economic development [1]. The role of high technology products in the development of production is also increasing. The level of intellectual capital and the ability to use it effectively determine the success of the organization in today’s market of goods and services.
Purpose and objectives: The main purpose is to study the nature of intellectual capital, the structure and management of its elements as a whole. To achieve these goals the following objectives have been formulated:
- to studying the essence of intellectual capital, the definition and analysis of the structure;
- to consider approaches to the management of intellectual capital;
- to define the role of personnel management in the development of intellectual capital.
Scientific novelty:The scientific novelty of this study is to determine the role and importance of personnel management in the development of intellectual capital of organizations. The author’s definition of “intellectual capital” is suggested. The structure of intellectual capital of organizations has been summarized and further developed in Makeyevka Research Institute.
Expected practical results: Implementation of recommendations for defining the structure of intellectual capital and its optimization in terms of Makeyevka Research Institute are projected.
The basis of this study were the works of both foreign and domestic authors who studied the nature, structure, methods of assessment and management of intellectual capital. The main foreign founders of the study of intellectual capital were such authors as: K. Vig, T. Lloyd, P. Drucker, R. Akkof, J. Menzer, L. Prusak, E. Brooking. A. Toffler, Daniel Bell, E. Maasuda. Among the russian scientists we can distinguish R.I. Kapelyushnikov, I.M. Albekov, T.G. Leonov, T.Y. Bazarov, A.J. Kibanov, S.A. Djatlov. Lukicheva, A.N. Kozyrev, B.B. Leontiev etc. Also this subject has been studied by the scientists of Donetsk National Technical University (Bogdan V.S., Kendyuhov A.V., Tsvirko I., Levina I.V. etc.).
Intellectual capital is a compound of knowledge, information, experience, organizational capacity, informational channels that can be used to create wealth. In other words it is a total sum of what people know and what they possess. However, despite the significant number of studies carried out, many theoretical and methodological aspects of the IC control process are not fully disclosed. Information, knowledge, intellectual property have become a product of manufacturing process. Modern information and communication technology determine not only today but also tomorrow’s modern society, the development of which depends largely on effective communication and utilization of information processing tools (computers, computer equipment, copiers, phones, software) [7]. Intellectual capital (IC), thus is a term to refer to intangible assets, without which the company can no longer exist. V.P. Bugov, E.N. Seleznev, V.S. Stupak, the authors of the manual “Managing intellectual capital” in the term “intellectual capital” imply the concept “intellectual wealth of the organization, which determines its creative possibilities for the formation and implementation of intellectual and innovative products” [6]. Famous foreign scientist E. Brooking offered the term “intellectual capital” to refer to “intangible assets without which the company now can not exist” [9]. Nevertheless, the most precise and comprehensive definition of the term “intellectual capital”, in my opinion, is “knowledge, information, experience, organizational capacity, information channels that can be used to create wealth”. This is what the company owns and that is used as opportunities for the further development.
In this paper the basic approaches to determining the nature and structure of the intellectual capital of organizations are outlined and stated. Also the structure of intellectual capital of Makeyevka Mining Works Protection Research Institute (MakNII) are presented and identified. The basic recommendations for improving the structure of the above mentioned MakNII are also suggested. One of the main prospects for the study is to determine the role of personnel management in the development of intellectual capital.