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Bobrisheva Anna

Bobrisheva Anna 

Faculty: Management

Theme of master's work:

Management of the intellectual capital organization

Scientific adviser: Podluzhnaya Natalya 

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


1. Master surnem: Bobrisheva Anna

2. Date of birth: 13.11.1989

3. Birth - place: Snegnoe, Donets region

4. School: Pervomaiskaj scool,Snegnoe

5. University: National Technikal Universiti, profession Human resource management and work economy

6. Middle point: 4,83

7. Possession languages :Russian and Ukrainian - freely, English - base

8. Personal achievements: participating in scientific conferences on direction "Human resource management "

9. Hobby: active rest, books on psychology

10. Personal internalss: decency, punctuality, honesty, executiveness, communicability, aspiring to perfection, learnability.

11. Possession a computer: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet

12. Experience: Practice 1) MakNII Makeevka is a economic department (2010) 2) Management of labour and social defence of population is Snegnoe - human department of resources (2009).

13. Plans on the future: to realize itself as a specialist on Management by a personnel, to travel with the family

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