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  Магистр ДонНТУ Екатерина Валентиновна Фундеряка  

Kateryna Funderiaka

Faculty of economics
Speciality: Economics of enterprise

Theme of master's work: "Investment strategy in evterprise development"

Scientific adviser: Olga Shylova


General characteristics of research

Relevance of the topic

One of the components of effective business management is to implement an effective investment activity, which is a component of developing an investment strategy that allows us to define not only the forms and sources of funds that you plan to use the enterprise to implement an overall development strategy, but also take into account the factors of influence on its further development and implementation, in turn, creates conditions for effective investment management. Every company that operates in a market economy can not exist without a well developed strategy. A key problem formulation and justification of the strategy is to find ways to overcome the competition in the market and ensuring high economic growth rates the company with sufficient financial stability. 
Development of theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of the formation of an enterprise development strategy involved in many foreign and domestic scholars, in particular, Aleksandrov, AN Alekseev, N. Afanasyev, R. Ackoff, Ansoff I., E. Beltiukov, A. Castle, in . Gerasimchuk, L. Dougan, V. Efremov, S. Ilyashenko, M. Kruglov, VA Liashenko, LI Melnik, H. Mintzberg, B. Nemtsov, Porter, W. Pukhal'skii, V. Rogozhin, AJ . Strickland, Thompson, A. Chandler, Ponomarenko, VP Fadeev, S. Shershneva and others. 
However, there are still insufficiently explored issues surrounding the development of investment strategy in the management of enterprise development. The need to deepen the theoretical - methodological developments in the field of strategic management of investment activities in the context of an enterprise development strategy, led to the choice of theme, set goals and objectives of the research.

The purpose of the research

The aim of research is to validate the theoretical concepts, methodological approaches and search for the development of applied recommendations for the formation of the company's investment strategy in the context of its development strategy.

The object of study

To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following problem: 
to analyze and synthesize the theoretical positions of the essence of the category of "development" in relation to the company and identify key management tasks of the development process of the enterprise;  explore the modern scientific and theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the content and objectives of the investment strategy in the context of overall development strategy of the enterprise;  form a major methodological approaches to the formation of the investment strategy of the company to ensure its sustainable development;  develop guidelines for managing the implementation of the investment strategy of the company to ensure its sustainable development.

Subject of study

Theoretical propositions and practical foundations of the investment strategy development and implementation of the investment strategy of the enterprise.

Methods of investigation

Analysis of changes in volume and structure of assets, analysis of changes in the size and structure of liabilities, the dialectical method, the method of induction and deduction, a systematic approach, expenditure approach, the comparative approach. Implementation of research based on scientific concepts and theoretical achievements of foreign and domestic scientists. The information base for the study were: legal acts of Ukraine, scientific papers by leading economists, the publication of periodicals.


Contents of Master's research


In the introductory part of the study briefly characterized the content of master's work, given the relevance of subject matter and purpose of the study, object, object and research methods, reveals the practical value of the results of master's work.

1. Theoretical foundations of the development of enterprises

In the first section of master's research made an analysys of the external ecenomical trends which influence on investment policies of ukrainian enterprises, made a conclusion about investment dynamics and sourses of investements, current state of assests and profit of enterprises. There also made a research of such categories as "development" and "development of enterprise" based on critical analysis of famous scientics opinions. Laid the theoretical foundations for further development of the material master's thesis.[1-6]

2. Methodological approaches to the development and implementation of the investment strategy

The second section provides reasearch and critical analysis and general clasificatio of methods wich help to develop an effecient investment strategy according to the needs of the enterprise and based on the general development plan of enterprise. Enough attention paid to issues of profit - risk management which is the basis of investment strategy choice[8]. For each model of risk-profit management (Markovitz and Sharp prortfolio models) is given critical analysis and made a conclusions and recomendation about streights and weeknesess of using those model in contest of development of investment strategy of enterprise development.

3. Development of the investment strategy of the enterprise development

The third section provides guidelines for the development of ivestment strategy for the enterprise development, goal setting for investment strategy and usage of math metods in the process of implementaion.



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  3. Гриньова В.М., Козирева О.В. Соціально-економічні проблеми інноваційного розвитку підприємств: Монографія. – Харків: ІНЖЕК, 2009. – 192 с.
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  14.  Дегтярева Ю.В. Критерии отбора оптимальных стратегических управленческих решений // Ефективність сучасного менеджменту та управління персоналом організації: Зб. наук. праць. – Харків: ХІБМ, 2006. – С. 77-81.
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