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Магистр ДонНТУ Главатских Ольга Петровна

Glavatskih Olga

Faculty of economy

Department: Еconomics of enterprise

Speciality: Еconomics of enterprise

Theme of master work:

"Assessment of employee potential of the enterprise to improve the motivational mechanism"

Scientific adviser: Stepanova Tatjana


The abstract

Introduction. Today, it’s obvious to everyone  that  no one  control system  can operate successfully  unless it  includes an efficient  system of  motivation, which  encourages  each  individual employee  to work  productively  and efficiently  to  achieve  specific  goals.

In  this context it becomes important the  rational  use  of labor  capacity  of native enterprises, as well as the  introduction of  an effective mechanism to  motivate  staff,  which determined the choice  of research  topic  and its  relevance.

The goal for research is the development of theoretical, methodological approaches and to develop practical recommendations to improve the motivational mechanisms.

Research object.  The research object  of  master's  work  is the  process of  assessing the employment  potential  and the  formation of  a motivational  mechanism.

Research subject. The subject of  the study  are  the principles  and  methods of the labor  potential  of the enterprise  and  the creation the motivation mechanism.

Scientific novelty of the results. Further development of theoretical, methodological approaches and development practical recommendations to improve the motivational mechanisms.

In the first section there were proved theoretical foundations of management labor potential. There were also analyzed  methodologically different views on the nature of the employment  potential and its place in the system of economic categories.

The employment potential - are the possibilities ( demographic, social, spiritual) of the workable population, which can be implemented and brought into action in a certain level of development of the productive forces of society and scientific and technological progress.

In the second section there were proved theoretical foundations of management labor potential. There were also analyzed  methodologically different views on the nature of the employment  potential and its place in the system of economic categories.

The employment potential - are the possibilities (demographic, social, spiritual) of the workable population, which can be implemented and brought into action in a certain level of development of the productive forces of society and scientific and technological progress.

In the second section there were revealed methodological approaches of the assessing the employment potential of the company , analyzed foreign experience staff estimates.

Domestic scientists prefer the method of assessing human potential based on economic indicators. The higher an individual worker productivity and a longer period of his activity, the more it generates income and is more valuable to the enterprise.

There are the following methodology for assessing the employment potential of the enterprise on based on economic indicators: the expenditure method, method based on the unity of the labor, the coefficient method; productive technique methods.

In the third section there were  analyzed  and  assessed  the working potential of  the enterprise  according to it  qualitative and quantitative characteristics , and also there were given recommendations  for  improving  the motivational  mechanism . In this section there were also established basic requirements for the motivational mechanism formed to date, taking into account market conditions prevailing in the economy work values:

• motivational mechanism should be based on motivational factors inherent in each category of personnel and to ensure the maximum coincidence of the main landmarks of economic behavior and organization developed motivations; 
• motivational mechanism should be a combination of tangible and intangible component; 
• salary should closely match to the efforts;
• a salary, which is formed in the material component, must be competitive in the labor market;
• motivational mechanism of how the system should be directed and to encourage the employee to the development of innovation, continuous process of learning, professional development, career growth;
• intangible component of the motivational mechanism should include a social motivation. 


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3. Грішнова О.А. Економіка праці та соціально-трудові відносини . — К.:Знання, 2004 . — 535с.

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5. Краснокутська Н.С. Потенціал підприємства: формування та оцінка: Навчальний посібник. — К.: Центр навчальної лігератури, 2007. — 352с.

6. Протопопова В. О. Экономика предприятия . — Донецк, 2004 . — 107с.

7. Тарасюк Г.М.,Планування діяльності підприємства. — К.: Кондор,2004, — 266с.

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Note. At the time of writing this summary the master thesis was not yet completed. The deadline for completion is December 2010. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his advisor after that date.


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