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Kondrashkina Tatyana

Tatyana Kondrashkina 

Faculty: Economic

Speciality: Economics of fuel and energy complex

Scientific adviser: Vladimir Lysyakov 

About author

Improving Personnel Management through increased motivation

Research objective: to study existing system of stimulation of work on the basis of theoretical researches of a problem and the analysis of its condition and to find ways of its improvement.

The primary goals of research:

The «Kalinovskya-Vostochnaya» Mine has been chosen as an object of research. Experts of various qualifications and different specialists work at the given enterprise. Therefore it is necessary to analyze stimulation of their work.

Object of research will be forms and motivation methods with the help of which it is possible to induce collective and concrete workers to achieve the personal and collective (organizational) purposes.

Urgency of a theme of research

The reason for choosing the theme «Perfection of human resource management on the basis of strengthening of material stimulation» is its urgency which is expressed that the way to effective professional work of the person lies through understanding of its motivation. Only knowing what moves the person, what induces him/her to be active, what motives underlie his/her actions, it is possible to try to develop effective system of forms and methods of management.
New systems of work organization and salary should provide to employees material stimulus. These stimulus can be involved most effectively at a rigid individualization of a salary of each worker, that is at introduction of tariffless, flexible model of payment at which earnings of the worker are in direct dependence on demand for production made by him/her and carried out information services, from quality and competitiveness of carried out works and, of course, from a society financial position in which he/she works.

The review of researches on a theme

Laws of action of motivations and construction of methods and mechanisms of realization of motivation, concerning increase of productivity of labor activity in works of economists-classics A.Smith, F.Gilbreta, A.Maslou, F.Gertsberga, A.Afonin, R.Ouena, D.MakGregora, A.Vruma are widely studied that along with publications in periodicals of Ukraine and Russia are used in work as base sources.

Scientific novelty

Scientific novelty of work consists in working out of new system of motivation of work which will be directed on high-grade satisfaction of workers by work on industrial and, in particular, the coal-mining enterprises. The given system covers various aspects both material, and moral or psychological motivation.

Practical value of the received results

Introduction of the updated and advanced system at the domestic coal-mining enterprises assumes following advantages: increase of labor productivity at the expense of labor satisfaction of workers, improvement of a material condition of workers, optimization of a social component of the enterprise.

The basic content of work

The motivation of work is a prompting to work which defines the relation to work and working behavior of the worker. Needs are the major preconditions of motivation. At the heart of motivation of work lie not only the most significant worker’s needs, but also in what degree the worker can satisfy them, working in the given company, what prospects of their satisfaction he/ she sees in the future.
There are three most important for any organization aspects of motivation from the point of view of their role in support of balance of interests:

The motivation of attraction of the employee differs in different situations and depends on that who in whom is more interested: the person searches for a job or the company searches for the worker. In weight of the simple cases, not all aspects of motivation coincide one with another, and quite often and contradict. So, the person involved with conditions of the company, gets a job. Having started to work, he understands that there are circumstances which were not realized by him/her or were unknown at the moment of employment. They, exactly, lead in due course to change of his/her aspirations and motivation.
To factors which form motivation of attraction, as a rule:

In this list attempt to place factors on importance degree is made. However for different categories of workers there are priorities. So, for the higher management, increasingly, can appear significant, for example, last two circumstances, and for someone the one and only factor is important — the first.
When the motivation of attraction doesn’t work any more, there is a keeping motivation on the foreground. As a rule, the company forms keeping motivation in the form of corporate programs or in the form of certain individual conditions for the employee at receipt of signals about its possible leaving.
Strictly speaking, individual programs of keeping the concrete employee can testify that there is no system, in the company, which allows to consider change of qualification of workers and in due time to react to its growth. Undoubtedly, during work competence of the worker grows: it is enriched with new knowledge, masters new technologies, gains new experience; actually, it develops the company and is a law of growth of competence.
Corporate measures which allow to keep employees:

The motivation organization to effective work — the most difficult problem for the majority of the companies. In overwhelming number of cases, this exactly aspect is meant, when speech comes about motivations.
Presence algorithms of prompting to effective work in the organization solves possible contradictions between the worker and the employer, makes balance of interests stable.
The classical form of payment — set of the base rate and a changeable part. Their parity depends on a kind of business, company strategy.
The old ways of tariffing based on norms of an expense of time, die out by virtue of laboriousness and bulkiness. Earlier specifications of expenses of time for each work were developed for each trade and a design procedure of the size of payment. Now with arrival on the market of the foreign companies we have received also modern means of tariffing — «grading», the analytical ways based on calculation of complexity of work, the importance, responsibility of works, etc. So, methods Hay Group, Watson Wyatt Woldwide, some companies from the Big five already widely known in our market.
In modern conditions for productive work of employees it is important to change the basic approach to formation of material compensation, namely:
— The worker should earn the award, instead of lose it;
— It is necessary to reduce quantity of indicators of awarding, thus having increased the general size of awarding and a share of each indicator in it.
It is offered to make modernization of system of awarding for improvement of material stimulation.
It is necessary to consider offers of experts which recommend not to apply penal sanctions as it is better to award a worker, than to fine. On the basis of the above-stated the following approach is offered to use. The maximum size of awards and extra charges can be established at level of 80% from a salary and will develop of the extra charges provided by the current legislation (for the experience, for work at night or in harmful working conditions etc.), and actually awards.

Thus, it is offered:
— To simplify awarding system (to enter 2–3 basic of an indicator for employees of each structural division proceeding from specificity of their work).
— To enter the flexible approach in definition of size of bonus payments on the basis of the real labor contribution of each employee.
Introduction of system of surcharges to pension, for the workers who retiring from the enterprise and have worked at the enterprise more than 20 years, can become one of directions of material stimulation of workers.
The second direction of material stimulation of workers offers to enter a so-called social package. The concept «a social package» has come to us from the West. There, application social package became for a long time already usual practice and one of competition factors between the companies for highly skilled experts. The social package should join those privileges which the organization gives to the workers voluntary and besides the fact that it is defined by the state, and also the collective agreement.
The third direction — the moral (non-material) motivation is not less important, than material. And for some people (for example, with the developed feeling of a self-appraisal for which possibility of self-realization, achievements of results and a recognition of their merits) and even more significant is important. Therefore it is impossible to forget, about old tradition such as «Honours board» or entering of thankful record in the work record card.


Payment is motivating factor, only if it is directly connected with work results. Workers should be sure in communication between material compensation and the work. At a salary necessarily there should be a component which depends on the reached results.
Today, when because of a difficult economic situation it is very heavy to establish the high salary, it is necessary to give special attention to non-material stimulation of work, making flexible system of privileges for workers, humanizing work, for example:

Everyone wishes to show how good he/she is on the workplace and what he/she means for others, therefore it is necessary to accept work of each separate worker, to give possibility to make decisions on questions which concern his/her competence, to advise other workers, etc.
On the basis of in what form, with what speed and how workers receive tasks, they estimate own importance from the point of view of the head, therefore it is impossible to make decisions which concern changes in work of employees without their permission even if change positive, and also to interfere with access to the necessary information. The information concerning quality of work of the employee should be operative, scale and timely. The worker should give the greatest possible level of self-checking.
The majority of people aspires to receive new knowledge in the course of work. Therefore it is important to give people possibility to study, develop their creative possibilities.
At the same time, each person aspires to success. Success is realized purposes to which achievement the employee has applied maximum efforts. The success without a recognition leads to disappointment, kills the initiative. However it won’t occur, if delegate the additional rights to people, who have become successful and promote them.


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2. Комаров, Е. И. Стимулирование и мотивация в современном управлении персоналом // Управление персоналом. — 2002. -№ 1. — С. 39.
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4. Экономика труда / Под ред. Н. А. Волгина. — Минск: Экзамен, 2003.
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When writing this abstract the master’s qualification work is not completed. Date of final completion of work: December, 1, 2011. Full text of the work and materials on a work theme can be received from the author or his scientific supervisor after that date.