I was born on September, 21st, 1989 in a small cozy settlement of city type Nikolaevka (now a city) that in the Slavyansk area of Donetsk region. I was the late and long-awaited child in the family. From the very first day I has been surrounded by love and care of the parents. My mother – Kuzenkova Valentina, was born in 1955, worked on Slavic power plant the machinist - obhodchik (now – the pensioner), father – Kuzenkov Alexander, was born in 1953, worked on Slavic TPP by profession an electronics engineer. My elder brother Kuzenkov Roman helped in my upbringing. He was born in 1980. In 2002 he graduated from Donetsk National Technical University, soon married and is currently working on a specialty.
Since three years I started going to kindergarten «Romashka», where I was a very active and curious child. There I with pleasure played, draw, took part in all the matinees, made applications which with pride gave to the parents and grandmothers. In the kindergarten most of all I did not like the quiet hour.
Since three years I already knew and very much liked to tell children's stories and poems and to sing children's songs. Also I liked to play in the yard with my friends.
My favorite season was snowy winter. Then I liked sledding, skiing, but most of all I liked skating.
I has learned to read and write before school, so I have gone to the first class of the prepared.
The next stage in my life were the school years. On September, 1st, 1996 I went to the first class of the city Nikolaevka. In the same year my elder brother was a graduate of eleven class and we are proud to have given the first call of 1996 academic year. I became a schoolgirl of Nikolaevka school ¹ 3, which is considered one of the best schools in the city. With pride I remember the first teacher – Borodulkina Galina Ivanovna, who has given me the first knowledge. My class was very amicable. I took part in school concerts.
In school days I had time not only to study, but also to visit various mugs. From the second class I began to visit ballroom dances within three years, where I was awarded pennants and diplomas. Then I opened a talent in playing the piano and I was enrolled in music school. Also, I visited the circle of needlework and sewing. I participated in the contest «Miss Cinderella-2000» and received a nomination for «Miss Hostess».
During the summer holidays I liked to rest in the children's recreation camp «Orlenok» in Krasnolimansk area in a pine wood near to the Seversky Donets River.
I want to note the head of the senior classes – Mochalov Stanislav Sergeyevich, who taught us the history and right.
My favorite subjects in school were mathematics, chemistry, and labor training. We were taught to sew, knit, embroider, cook on labor training.
In my school years I had a good marks. In 9 class I participated in the city ñompetitions in chemistry and mathematics.
Class 11 was the most difficult, because in the end of the school year I faced a delivery of school examinations in mathematics, Ukrainian and other important subjects, and also receipt in university and the beginning of independent life.
It was simple to choose university.It undoubtedly was the Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU), because this university is very popular and it is considered one of the best, and also it was finished with distinction by my older brother. And here over a speciality choice it was necessary to think. As a result, I chose a speciality in Enterprise economy with specialization Marketing. So in 2006 by results of rating examinations, I became a student of Donetsk National Technical University of faculty of Economics and Management, on a speciality Economy of enterprise (marketing).
The first course was the most difficult and sated as the coming new acquaintances, new teachers, the beginning of independent life.
As nonresident I have lodged in a community number 5, where I have found my new friends and a lot of fun spent free time their. Very accurately I remember the first pair at university. It was a lecture on "History". Initially it was difficult to get used to the third building, it was certain "labyrinth". But soon it became me a native place.
During four courses it was necessary to study set of various subjects, very important for the further career. My favorite subjects were "Higher Mathematics", "Information", "Enterprise economy", "Marketing Research".
In 2010 I received a bachelor's degree. My further purpose was enter in a magistracy. In 2010 I was entered in a magistracy on the same speciality.
The topic of my master's work is consideration the economic security, particularly energy enterprises.The head the professor of Economics and Marketing Nadtoka Tatyana Borisovna.
In the near future I'll plan to write and successfully defend a master's work, get a master's degree. After graduating from university my dream to find interesting and highly paid job on a speciality and move up the career ladder. In the future I would like to have a strong and friendly family.