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Levashova Olga

Levashova Olga

Faculty of economic

Speciality: Economic of enterprise

Theme of master's work:

"Aktivization and efficiency of investment prosses"

Scientific adviser: Hobta Valentina

About author

Summary of research and developments


Actuality of theme. The research of problems of investment of economy always was at the centre of attention of economic sciences. It is caused that the investments mention the most deep bases of economic activity, determining process of economic growth in general.n modern terms they are the most important means of ensuring the conditions to overcome the economic crisis that has arisen, structural changes in economy, technical progress, increase the quality of economic activity on the micro and macro levels.
       The economic situation in Ukraine is now more difficult for investment: development of the investment mechanism, adequate to the market relations is required. The investment processes of each country are closely connected of each general economic development. The activization of investment activity during economic stagnation , not only contributing to replacement of outdated fixed capital, but also is an indispensable condition of introduction in production of the newest scientific and technical achievement.

The purpose of the master's work is further development of theoretical, methodological approaches and development of the practical recommendations for evaluating and improving the efficiency of investment processes in the Ukraine, as well as developing recommendations for its development.

To achieve this goal is formulated in complex tasks:

  • examine the current state and problems of investment activity in Ukraine;
  • the essence of the investment and the investment process;
  • identify factors to stimulate investment;
  • to study the mechanism of investment activities of enterprises;
  • improve the mechanism of investment decisions;
  • develop recommendations for improving the methods of evaluation of the investment performance of industrial enterprises.
  • The object of the investment processes are being planned and implemented in the Ukraine.

    Research methods. Theoretical and methodological basis of the master's work are the classical position of economic theory, the fundamental work of scientists and practitioners on the investment processes and increase their efficiency.

    Analysis of recent studies and publications. The issues of investment and the investment process involved both foreign and domestic scholars, including W. Behrens, L. Gitman, Samuelson [1], J. Honko, I.A Blank [2], A.D Dubrava, I.J Dorosh, M.I Kisil, M.Y Kodenska, I.V Lipsyts, A.V Mertens, A.A Peresada, G.M Pidlisetskyy, P.S Rohozhin, P.T Sabluk, V.P Savchuk, O. Starikov, T. Khachaturov, V.M Hobta [3], V.J Shevchuk and others. However, the questions connected to efficiency of investment processes, sources of financing and methods of activization of investment activity of the enterprises remain unsufficiently worked. Necessity and practical importance of the decision of these questions have caused a choice of a theme of research.

    The main content of the master's work

    First section — "Theoretical bases of investment processes" to reveal the essence of investment, the analysis of the current state of investment processes in Ukraine, to identify factors to activate and enhance effectiveness.
         A modern economic situation in Ukraine considerably complicates investment activity (political, economic instability high level of inflation, etc.) [4]. According to official data of State Statistics Committee of Ukraine for years of independence the parameters of development of economy had the negative tendency, but since 2000 the improvement of separate parameters was achieved. Since 1998, the rise in capital investment — an increase of 6,1%. Dynamics of macroeconomic indicators is reflected in the table 1.

    Table 1— Change the main macroeconomic indicators,% of previous [4]

    Year GDP Volumes of industrial products Investments in the fixed assets
    1995 87,8 88 71,5
    1996 90 94,9 78
    1997 97 99,7 91,2
    1998 98,1 99 106,1
    1999 99,8 104 100,4
    2000 105,9 112,4 114,4
    2001 109,2 114,2 120,8
    2002 105,9 107 108,9
    2003 109,3  115,8 127,7
    2004 112,1 112,5 128
    2005 102,7  103,1 101,9
    2006 107,1 106,2 119
    2007 107,9 110,2 129,8
    2008 102,1 96,9 97,4
    2009 85,2 80,1 58,9
    2010 101,3 112,5 99,4

     Dynamics of foreign investments in Ukraine is characterized by large fluctuations. So in 2000-2005, observed an annual increase of foreign investments in Ukraine (348% in 2005 to level 2004), but already in 2006 the total investment flows declined sharply from 7843.1 million. U.S. 4717.3 million. USA. A distinctive feature of the investment processes in Ukraine is to reduce the state's role as an investor and development of private investment, the main source of investment for most domestic enterprises that presently their own funds, which significantly limits the expansion and improvement of production efficiency [5].
         W ith a comprehensive point of view, the term "investments" can be defined as follows: investment is investment in various sectors of economy in the facilities business and other activities for profit (income) and to achieve other economic or non-economic effect.
          The second chapter deals with the development of regulations to improve the efficiency of investment processes and methodical approaches to the evaluation of investment projects.
         Today date, the mechanism of investment company is in process of formation. Investment activity serves as the main form of economic strategies that promote successful problem solving business. Problems of functioning of investment activity in industrial enterprises and some of its elements is given serious attention today. However, analysis of current practice shows that the mechanism of regulation of investment processes (Fig. 1) requires further improvement.

    механизм управления инвестиционной деятельностью

    Picture 1 — Constituents of mechanism of management by investment activity

    In terms of improvement of investment activity in industrial enterprises now much attention is paid to the use of strategic approaches. Indeed, the main purpose of investment in the company should be to ensure the most effective ways to implement its investment strategy, which acts as a system of long-term goals, resulting from the general objectives of development and investment ideology [ 10].
    The decision on whether individual investment is determined by the procedure evaluate their effectiveness. The research gives good reason to assume that the low efficiency of investment in our country to some extent determined by the imperfect tools for project appraisal. Therefore, comprehensive financial and economic evaluation of investment projects has a special place in the justification of the choice of alternative investment investment resources. To ensure the dynamic development of industry is possible with the development of optimal strategies for financing of investment programs and the procedure for assessment of their effectiveness in the calculation of risk factors. While financial and economic evaluation to determine the level of performance most used in modern practice are the following figures. (Pic. 2).

    Performance evaluation of investment

    Picture 2 — Performance evaluation of investment

    When making decisions in the company of long-term investments are needed in forecasting performance. It is necessary to conduct long-term analysis of revenues and expenses listed in terms of figure 2, which are calculated by the following formulas [7]:

    1. Net present value(NPV):
      где IC — initial investments;
      r — rate to the percent on credit-side
      k — period;
      i — prognosis middle level of inflation.
    2. profitability index (РІ):
      где СFj – input money stream in a j-й period;
      Invest – value of investments.
    3. Internal rate of return (ІRR):
    4. Discounted payback period (DPP):

    The method of selection of investment projects based on the list of criteria is considered compliance of each criterion and each of them is evaluation. The method allows to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the project. In compiling the list of criteria to use only those arising from the objectives, strategies and objectives of the company, the orientation of its long-term plans.

    The third chapter involves the development of practical recommendations to improve methods of evaluation of the investment performance. This evaluation must begin at the stage of calculating the values of key performance indicators. To solve the problem of increasing the efficiency of business investment, primarily to develop the complex mechanism of investment activity, one that will allow to adequately assess the implementation of planned projects, to detect possible threats and risks of investments and make necessary adjustments.

    The research methodology selection of investment projects is the need to develop criteria to assess the effectiveness of investment in industrial enterprises. In deciding which of the indicator to follow when deciding on the feasibility of the project, you must use a variety of economic methods. Their substantiation and practical use in industrial enterprises of Ukraine will be devoted to further investigation.


    1. Самуэльсон П., Нордххаус. «Экономикс», М.: Издательство журнала «Криминал», 1993 г.
    2. Бланк Н.А. Инвестиционный менеджмент. — Киев: Ника-центр Эльга, 2004. С. 320.
    3. Хобта В.М. Управління інвестиціями: навч. посібник. Видав-во 2-ге, перероб. и допов. — Донецьк: ДВНЗ "ДОННТУ", 2009. — 448 с.
    4. Державний комітет статистики України
    5. Карковска В.Я. «Привлечение сбережений в инвестиционный процесс экономики страны» // Актуальные проблемы экономики. — 2009. — № 3. — с. 156 -161.
    6. Шнипко О. Нагромадження основного капіталу як фактор конкурентоспроможності економіки // Економіка України 2005. — № 7. — с. 23-35.
    7. Растяпин А.В. Методика оценки экономической эффективности инвестиционных проектов // Экономика Украины. — 2002 — № 8. — с.81 - 83

         At the time of writing this summary the master thesis was not yet completed. The deadline for completion is December 2010. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after that date.


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