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Production efficiency is one of the key categories of the market economy. Production efficiency is directly related to the achievement of the ultimate goal of social production in general and each company in particular.
Economic efficiency is a quantitative relationship between the two values the results of operations and production costs. The problem of raising production efficiency holds in the economic life of the enterprise is one of the pivot locations. The essence of the problem of increasing the economic efficiency of production is to increase the economic benefits per unit cost in the use of available resources.
In a market economy practices encountered different forms of economic efficiency. Technical and economic aspects of performance is characterized by the development of the basic factors of production and productivity of their use. Social effectiveness reflects the decision of the specific social problems (for example, improving working conditions, environmental protection, etc.). Social outcomes are closely linked with economic ones. Under market conditions, every business has the right to use any evaluation of the effectiveness of its own production within the established state tax deductions and social limitations [1].
The problem of efficiency in general is not new. Under the conditions of market relations, when the results of some market participants depend on the clarity and coherence of other subjects, the problem of efficiency becomes crucial.
Important in the production management system has the ability to more objectively determine the efficiency of the enterprise [2].
The aim of this work is to develop organizational and economic mechanism to increase economic efficiency of industrial and economic activities of coal mines.
This goal is achieved the following tasks:
1) ñonsideration of the basic theoretical aspects of the economic efficiency of the enterprise;
2) development of methodologies for calculating production capacity and its analysis in order to eliminate bottlenecks, and as a consequence of increased economic efficiency of the enterprise;
3) development of appropriate measures to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.
1 Nature and significance of the efficiency of coal production enterprises
Effect shows the degree of achievement of some desired result. In assessing the effect compares the actual and expected performance with the established standard, standard, adopted by the pre-order and other economic data. However, to assess the real impact in various spheres of work is not always possible. However, the effect in general terms is the difference between outcomes and costs between the price of the product and its cost, between the planned (normative) and actual values [3].
Economic efficiency is the most important socio-economic category, which is characterized by dynamic properties and historicity. Efficiency of production characterized by different levels of development of the productive forces of each social formation. At all stages of historical development of society have always been interested question: what price the costs and resources is achieved final production results. Thus, the initial model is a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of a relationship between economic performance and cost management. Maximization of the final results from a unit cost of resources or minimizing the costs and resources per unit of outcome, that is the primary goal of society, the labor collective, the individual (employee). This objective, the method of achieving it, the way and reserves to increase economic efficiency (their classification and quantification) are the content of economic science and economic disciplines (industrial and functional).
Thus, the efficiency ratio characterizes the effect obtained with the cost of its implementation and is a kind of cost or fees to achieve this result. If the same result, for example, defined the purpose, generally is not achieved, then loses its effectiveness and a positive economic value.
In the course of economic activity the concept of "effect" and "efficiency" are treated as a broad category of general science, including scientific, technical, social, economic and other results [4].
The problem of determining the effectiveness arises in different situations, and rational decision in a specific context provides for the use of certain approaches or methods. We can distinguish the following general areas in which efficiency is determined by:
1. Evaluating the performance of production to ensure the optimal strategy for them. Within this framework, we study the first effective use of resources of the enterprise.
2. Evaluating the effectiveness of the company to determine its attractiveness as a potential object of investment. Such an assessment can be carried out by the enterprise, potential investors or to ensure fairness - a disinterested organization. While portfolio investors, as a rule, satisfied financial performance indicators and strategic mostly interested in a comprehensive assessment of her.
3. Evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise at the macro level of the state.
At the present stage of development of Ukraine, ensuring stable operation of the enterprises manufacturing competitive products, is a high priority for managers at all levels. Important quality characteristics of management at all levels is the production efficiency [5].
For Ukraine the coal is of primary importance, its share in overall energy balance of the country of almost 25% (in terms of conventional fuel). Against this background and given the crucial role of coal in sustainable energy development of the country, its metallurgical complex, and the state mine stock, which requires significant improvement, there is a need to develop long-term strategy of development of coal industry in Ukraine, whose main goal should be to ensure sustainable human and economic country's own coal as a priority source of energy [6].
The main problems the coal industry:
- Outdated morally and physically worn mine stock, determines the low investment attractiveness for the implementation of innovative models of modernization and development of the coal industry;
- Decline in output of coal, a significant reduction in the front clearing works;
- A catastrophic loss of human potential due to prestige of miners' trade (reducing the level of pay compared to workers in other professions, unsolved social problems, etc.);
- A chronic lack of funds (equity, state, non-investment) as to ensure the current operation and the development of coal mining enterprises;
- Unresolved issues of adaptation pricing mechanism for coal products in market conditions;
- Lack of market mechanisms and incentives to improve efficiency of coal mines;
- Legal unsettled property relations in the industry, which leads to inconsistent state and business interests;
- Lack of environmental safety in the elimination of mines;
- Discrepancy in prices for mining equipment and coal products;
- Poor state of industry research for the chronic shortage of funds, moral and physical aging of laboratory-research base, the loss of human potential because of low wages and unresolved social problems.
According to the main directions of the energy strategy of Ukraine until 2030 "terms and conditions for the recovery of the coal industry may be:
- Economic justification for maintaining the existing production potential, subject to recovery and effective functioning;
- A real possibility of coal mining companies and the state finance the development of the industry;
- Rational use of mineral resources at the expense of recovery methods of maintenance works;
- Adaptation of coal mining enterprises to market conditions of managing and creating effective legal environment to attract private investment in industry development;
- Structural changes in the industry through a clear division of functions between the subjects of management at all hierarchical levels;
- Improving the safety of labor and social protection sectors [7].
2 Analysis of basic indicators of production efficiency
The system performance of production should give a comprehensive assessment of all enterprise resources and contain all the general economic indicators. It is important that estimates of production efficiency were continuous: the stages of the draft plan approval of a plan, to the extent of its implementation.
The system of performance indicators should:
- Display the costs of all kinds of resources consumed by the enterprise;
- Create conditions for the identification of reserves to improve production efficiency;
- Encourage the use of all the reserves available in the enterprise;
- To provide information regarding the efficiency of production units all the administrative hierarchy;
- Perform a criterion function, ie for each of the indicators should be defined rules to integrate their values.
In a system of indicators of production efficiency are the following groups of indicators:
- Efficient use of assets;
- Efficient use of revolving funds;
- Efficient use of labor;
- The effectiveness of individual activities;
- Generalizing the performance of the enterprise [1].
Problem of defining a single integrated indicator engaged Candidate of Economic Sciences in Kiev Aviation University A. Voronin. According to his article in practice utilizes a number of indicators that characterize one or another side of efficiency. All they needed, however, neither individually nor collectively do not allow a final evaluation of the effectiveness of [8]. Each individual indicator reflects the effectiveness of one type of economic resources or ongoing costs.
General indicator should be universal and cross-cutting [9].
Coal mines each year in need of significant capital investment for capital renewal and commissioning of new facilities to replace retired. At their own expense many mines with this task can not cope. Chronic insecurity of the finance reserve mine opportunities in a timely manner to carry out works on modernization and technical re-equipment.
To change this situation, you should implement measures aimed at solving local problems. At some mines, with favorable conditions to provide for their reconstruction. The prospect of the coal industry is determined to stabilize or increase the productive potential of the region by tab and construction of new mines in proven areas with large reserves of coal [10].
The main areas recovery status of coal mines include takzheanaliz production costs and finding ways to reduce costs. Managing costs going towards managing production and marketing to maximize profits. That focus of cost management to increase profits is the fundamental difference between cost analysis as a tool to improve the economic activities of enterprises under the present conditions [11].
Effective development of Ukraine's coal industry is defined in the following areas:
• Enhancing the role of coal in the energy security of the state;
• Establishment of a reliable raw material base for the development of coal industry and increase the efficiency of its use;
• Diversification of the coal company;
• Reform of property relations of the coal industry and creating an effective system of sector management;
• Improved pricing and market coal products;
• Efficient use of production capacity and industry capacity, since this determines the volume of coal production;
• Improving the quality of coal products, which is very important in market conditions;
• Financial restructuring of the coal industry;
• Addressing social and environmental issues is improving health and safety.
Ukraine has enough potential for further development of the coal industry and the functioning of the industry during the period, which far exceeded the capacity of the oil and gas industry. Given the stocks in the long run coal will occupy a leading position in the production of energy resources of the country [6].
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