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Perepadia Mariia

Perepadia Mariia

Educational and Scientific Institute "Higher School of Economics and Management"

Faculty of economics

Speciality: Economy of the enterprise (Marketing)

Theme of master's work:

"Development of marketing policies pharmacy network"

Scientific adviser: Yarim-Agaev Alexander

About author

(Summary of research and developments)

Development of marketing policies pharmacy network

The purpose of master's work is the development of marketing policies of pharmaceutical network "Arnica".

The objectives of work are:

1) the definition of the concept of marketing strategy as part of the economic policies of pharmaceutical companies;

2) analysis of the pharmaceutical market;

3) determining the characteristics of the assortment, pricing, marketing and promotion policy in the pharmacy network;

4) development of a marketing policy for a particular company, taking into account the influence of external factors.

The purpose of master's thesis

Economic policy of the enterprise is an important aspect of its operation on perspective. Enterprises in a competitive environment must focus not only on the internal environment of the enterprise, but also to develop long-term policy that would give them the opportunity to conduct activities in accordance with the changes.

The stability of the enterprise, the achievement of competitive advantages, strengthening the position of the company in the market are provided with provided a rational ratio of service quality and prices of medicines, which would allow not only meet the needs of the consumer, but also generate long-term loyalty to the pharmacy network - all this is achieved through the introduction of properly designed economic and marketing policies. Therefore particularly urgent problem of the formation and management of marketing policies of the enterprise.

Marketing policy is a component of the overall domestic economic policy of the company, whose formation is an important task for the future operation of the business.

Often, the marketing policy is defined as a system of principles, priorities, targets and mechanism of interaction with economic agents of internal and external environments that characterize and define the content of market research and the formation of a specific position of the enterprise on the market. In this case, applied a broad interpretation of the concept of "marketing ", resulting in a marketing strategy includes policies of market research, pricing policy, sales policy and product policy [1].

Marketing policy is a system of management of the enterprise, based on a comprehensive market analysis. Includes the study and forecasting of demand, prices, and the organization to create new products, advertising, coordination of corporate planning and finance, etc. [2].

Marketing policy of the company consists of four sections:

1) Product Policy - set of marketing activities and actions to influence the market, aimed at improving the competitive position of the company;

2) Pricing policy - a combination of different types of pricing behavior in the market, determining pricing strategies and pricing tactics;

3) Sales policy - planning and development of distribution channels of goods;

4) Policy of promotion - planning and implementation of complex measures aimed at sales promotion (advertising, sales service).

Marketing policy - a document which defines a set of solutions of the interaction of pricing policy of the company with the methods of direct or indirect incentive marketing company policy. He is also a document that expresses and justifies the procedure for determining the selling price, depending on factors relevant to the organization (the party sales, total sales, the timing and order of payment, the importance of the buyer in the relevant market) [2].

Marketing policy - a combination of commercial, pricing, communication, marketing policies, implemented through the marketing planning, marketing research and marketing information through the system in collaboration with internal and external environment. Diagram 2 The basic components of the marketing policy of a well-functioning enterprise.

To develop marketing strategy you should analyze the pharmaceutical market.

Ukrainian pharmaceutical market is far-reaching and growing, as evidenced by significant volume and high dynamics of its sales, as well as a significant level of diversification of product range submitted to him.

The dynamics of the domestic pharmaceutical market and pharmaceutical market since early 2010 was characterized by undulating development. Fluctuations in the retail segment due to the dynamics of the most important categories of goods "pharmacy basket. The volume of purchases combined market of medicines in the first half of 2010 decreased by 9,5% in cash terms and 4,3% in volume compared to the same semester last year [4].

The retail segment of the market drug showed such dynamic parameters of the first half of 2010 compared to the same period in 2009: in-kind -2,7%, 42,6% in UAH, USD -7,0% in Euros +6,0% [3].

The stability of the enterprise, the achievement of competitive advantages, strengthening the position of the company in the market are provided subject to the rational relationship of service quality and prices of medicines, which would allow not only meet the needs of the consumer, but also generate long-term loyalty to the pharmacy network - all this is achieved by implementing the right developed economic and marketing policies.


When this abstract was written, the master’s qualification work was not completed. Date of final completion of work: December, 2010. Full text of the work and materials on a work theme can be received from the author or scientific supervisor after the date.


  1. Нотченко В.В., Бабко А.Т. Научное обоснование политики предприятия как инструмент адаптации к изменениям внешней среды // Проблемы современной экономики, 2007. - № 2(26) - с. 111-118;
  2. Бойков В. Маркетинговая политика // Управление корпоративными финансами, 2004. - №3.- с. 45-49;
  3. Сквозь тернии к звездам! Аптечные продажи в Украине: декабрь 2009 / Оксана Сергиенко //Аптека- 2010. - №4 - с. 76-83;
  4. Объект национальной гордости. Рынок аптечных продаж в Украине: декабрь и 2007 г. в целом/ Оксана Сергиенко, Екатерина Кармалита// Аптека – 2008.- №7 - с. 94-99;