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Prokopenko Yulia

Prokopenko Yulia

Faculty: Economy and marketing

Speciality: Economy of fuel and energy complex

Theme of master's work:

Analysis of basic tendencies and prognostication of development of power rinka

Scientific adviser: Kendyukhov Alexander 

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Prokopenko Yulia Viktorovna

Date of birth: December 2, 1988

Place of birth: d. Bilozerske, Dobropole district, Donetsk region

School: school ¹15 Bilozerske

Hight school: DonNTU

Grade point average in a periodice learning at the university was 4.89.

Languages: Russian and Ukrainian language - "perfectly", the English language - the "basic level".

Hobbies: a choreography (classical, folk, modern).

Personal qualities: purposefulness, persistence, patience, skill to communicate.

Possession of the computer:

is an office suite of Microsoft Office applications (Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Picture Manager);

- work with OS: Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista.

Plans for the future: to find a decent and interesting work.

Contact information:
