I Julia Rybka was born on August 20, 1989 in Rodinskoe. I have an older sister who graduated from Donetsk National Technical University.
I grew up a quiet kid and very independent one. I never knew what a kindergarten. Even as a child, I began to show thirst for knowledge, I learned to read at the age of 4 by myself.
In 1996,1 stepped across the threshold of the secondary school № 9 in Krasnoarmeysk. I will never forget my first day at school, the first bell ringing. It was very interesting to learn something new. The first three years of school passed quickly. In high school I became a regular participant in the school and city Olympiads in various subjects. In 2005 I won first place in the Olympic Games in Economics and from that moment I realized that I wanted to associate my life with this direction. I spent my free time very actively. In 2006 I graduated from high school with honors and began to prepare for the entering the university. For entering I chose DonNTU, because this University trains highly qualified specialists.
In September 2006 I became a student of Donetsk National Technical University with a degree in Economics of mining industry. In front of me new opportunities have opened up, new life of adulthood was around me. I decided to choose this profession, because it seemed to me very interesting. There are the teachers at the Department of "Economics and marketing", who possess large quantities of relevant information and they know how to present material to students. I am very grateful for the knowledge which I have possessed.
In June 2010 I received a Bachelor's degree and decided to enroll in master's degree in my specialty. In September 2010 once again I was enrolled to the specialty DonNTU, but as a master's degree.
My supervisor is Professor Fyodor Ivanovich Evdokimov. The subject of my master's thesis "Planning reproduction cost of coal face under uncertainty." I chose this topic because it is very relevant to our region. A characteristic feature of modern industrial enterprises are large capacity, high intensity of production. This fact causes high demands on the organization of the reproduction process. They must be coordinated in time and space. Especially, the topic is relevant to the modern reproduction capacity of coal mines. During my studies at the university I was very grown up, on the other hand, I began to look at different things and treat people around me differently, and changed the demands to myself.
In the near future I plan to finish and protect the master's work. Also I think about how to find a good job, develop as individual and as a specialist.