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Shostak Aleksandra

Aleksandra Shostak 

Faculty: Management
Speciality:Personnel Management and Labour Economics

Scientific adviser: Pozdnyakova Svetlana 

About author

Organization of staff appraisal

(Summary of research and developments)


Today in the period of socialization of market processes the issue of personnel evaluation is quite actual, and the necessity of its solving and implementation is obvious.

In general, the personnel evaluation is a process of comparing the qualitative characteristics of the staff (its competence) to the requirements of position or workplace. Thus, personnel evaluation is the process of determining the effectiveness of the realization of the employees` duties and organizational goals.

The topicality of the problem of personnel evaluation grows from its great practical importance and at the same time from the lack of theoretical base of personnel evaluating system.

The degree of problem development. Among foreign sceintists the most famous works in the sphere of personnel management are the works of M. H. Meskon, G. Mintzberg, I. P. Druckera. The problem of personnel evaluation was studied by such Ukrainian and foreign scientists as G. G. Rudenko, S. N. Apenko, A. M. Ponomariov, T. A. Berkutova, N. V. Kronikovska, V. A. Diatlow, V. T. Pihalo, A. J. Kibanov, J. G. Odegov and others.

The development of organizational and economic mechanism based on the data domain system analysis is the main object of this work.

The practical significance of such a mechanism would be the systematization of personnel evaluation process specifying the main issues at each stage of its realization.

The main tasks of the work are: to determine the nature and basic problems of the personnel evaluation process; to analyze foreign experience in personnel evaluation and assess the capability of its applicacion in Ukraine; to develop a mechanism of personnel evaluation process taking into consideration existing findings.

The predicted scientific innovation. The work identifies the main problems of personnel evaluation at an enterprise. Also the organizational and economic mechanism is developed. It  allows to organize personnel evaluation in the right way from the very beginning to ensure its effectiveness and functioning of the enterprise in general.



Personnel evaluation is considered as a control element and also as a system of personnel certification applied in one or another modification. At the same time it is a necessary means of studying the quality of the human potential of the enterprise, its strengths and weaknesses as well as the foundation for the improvement of individual labor ability of employees and improving  their skills [1, p. 214].

Among the entire set of goals and areas of personnel evaluation only main one is singled out  to improve the management of the enterprise. All categories of employees are evaluated but the evaluation significance for individual categories is different. Besides the evaluation of personal and professional qualities of managers and senior specialists is much more difficult than the one of the staff.

 Directly through the personnel evaluation the head  of the company or any other authorized person may obtain information concerning employees` operating efficiency , their potential and growth prospects; identify the causes of particular employees’ poor performance; analyze the needs and priorities in training and further education; find ways to improve the organization of work etc. .



Among the main methods of personnel evaluation popular abroad the following ones can be singled out: management by objectives, Assessment, 360 Degree Certification etc.

Management by Objectives is an organized systematic approach which allows to focus on achieving goals and the best results using available resources. This method is based on the following: at the beginning of the month or quarter the enterprise, departments,divisions, employees get clear tasks fulfilling which they get their bonus [4].

Assessment is a method of multidimensional personnel evaluation which allows to evaluate employees in conditions close to real.

          At 360 Degree Certification employee is estimated by his/her supervisor, his/her colleagues subordinates.


 Personnel evaluation as one of the key elements of the personnel management system is its main issue.  The most important questions are "Which method to choose?""Should the external experts be envolved?", "How to secure the objectivity and credibility?" and others.

 To ensure the correct process of personnel evaluation a special mechanism has been developed. It contains the main stages and elements and methods of evaluation, the foundations of its implementation actual at each of its stages and socio-economic effects achieved in case of well organized personnel evaluation.

The process of personnel evaluation consists of five stages: collection and analysis of information, organization of personnel evaluation, assessment according to the selected procedures and techniques, processing of results and sizing up.

 It should be noted that if the process or personnel evaluation is properly organized the company will be able to get the following benefits: increasing efficiency of production, optimization of employees quantity, identifying employees able to perform more responsible job, rationalization of methods and techniques of management procedures, optimization placement, updating of the existing system of motivation, staffing, evaluation of the effectiveness of employees certification, etc.



 Thus, personnel evaluation as the main factor of effective personnel management and a key part of personnel certification is the process of determining the effectiveness of the realization of the employees` duties and organizational goals. Besides it is one of the most important means of evaluating the effectiveness of personnel costs.



When writing this abstract the master’s qualification work is not completed. Date of final completion of work: December, 15, 2011. Full text of the work and materials on a work theme can be received from the author or his scientific supervisor after that date.


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