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Abstract | Brief resume |
Strives For Life, Adolescence Learns It, Youth Revels In It ...
CHILDHOODIt was a warm autumn day, when I rushed to see the light. And on October 24, 1988 in a small mining town Ukrainsk in Donetsk region I was born. Even then they noticed my unexampled vigour and eagerness to live. My parents: father is Yavorsky, Vladimir Ilyich, mother is Yavorskaya Taliya Mudarisovna. Thanks to my parents, I received excellent breeding and education, and grew into a patient and responsible person, a curious and developed personality. I am the youngest child in my family. My dear sister Natasha is 6 years older than me. During my whole childhood she was my second mother, counselor and teacher of the subject called "life". Natasha learnt at music school and completed piano lessons course. I should admit it was she who cultivated love for music in me. In addition, being a child I showed an interest in drawing. Still unable to read, I tried to embroider and sew. For everything that happened to me for 22 years, I'm grateful to my mum, dad and sister! ADOLESCENCEOn September 1, 1995 I entered a first class of school No 71 in Donetsk. I remember that large unknown building, which opened the wonderful world of knowledge to me. Since I was always a sociable, open and kind child, I quickly succeeded in making new friends at my class and in learning all school rules. Education was what I always liked, and ever since my school years I developed a habit to have only excellent marks. When I was 9, my parents transferred me to the private school "Sovremennik". I have so many good memories associated with this school: solemn meetings, memorable occasions, informative lessons and noisy breaks, my favorite English, arts, dancing and singing lessons. I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my class teacher Chirkova Ludmila Viktorovna. And yet I have something of really great value to me which stays with me since my study time at "Sovremennik". This is my friendship from childhood that I cherish and am proud of. And I realize that this friendship is the most reliable of all, because it withstood the test of time. Not seeing any further opportunities for realization of my abilities in the private school, in 2002 I entered Donetsk Educational Complex No. 1, which was one of the best schools in Donetsk region. I was accepted to a physico-mathematical class. Perhaps all 4 years spent there were the most striking, interesting and eventful period of my school life! It is great warmth and joy inside of me every time I think of our united class, exciting trips to country side ("tourist meeting"), theatrical performances, our duties, happy occasions and school competition, unforgettable Senior Prom night and of course my teachers who embody kindness, wisdom, strictness, exactingness, understanding and justice. Significant influence on my personality formation was made by my teacher of Russian Language and Literature Viktoriya Nikolaevna Polozhy, for which I am very grateful. I would like to make special mention of the following teachers: Tatyana Anatolyevna Demina (Mathematics), Elena Mihaylovna Shyrokova (Physics), Zoya Viktorovna Sytnikova (Biology), Tatyana Viktorovna Pryhodko (History, Law). Thus, in 2006 I finished Donetsk Educational Complex No. 1. YOUTHIt was April, 2006 when I was sure that I entered Donetsk National Technical University, even though I had not received a school leaving certificate. The knowledge gained in the physico-mathematical class earlier allowed me to enter Donetsk National Technical University ahead exams schedule, during rating tests. My specialty "Personnel Management and Labor Economics" was chosen almost by my intuition... However later on I realized that I made a good choice. I received evidence that this university was really a good one having a high level of education and demanding a lot of my efforts in education. I grew fond of my specialty and faculty; learning process pleases me and is of undeniable benefit to me even today. High professionalism and dedication to teaching are the most important features of all my department lectors. So, studying at the university is very interesting, as there are lectures, practice studying, seminars, parties, concerts ... My first session was graded as "excellent". Being a first year student, I participated in university competition of student research papers; my section was "History Science". I should admit that at first necessity of unsupervised work confused me. However later on I grew older, my attitude to study process changed which became more creative, not just obligatory. In addition, I was glad to take an active part in social activities of my department and faculty. While studying at the university my special achievements were successful practice in the CJSC Donetskstal Metallurgical Plant, participation in student conferences of international (DonNTU, DonNASA) and Ukrainian (DonNTU, DonGUU) levels; there are more than six publications, a memorable part in the GMC - Global Management Challenge Junior - Student Championships on strategic management, which involved only teams. The main task of each team was to develop and implement a strategy for a company for its successful development and maximum share price. In July 2010 I received a bachelor's degree with honors and under my average grade point I entered MA course, specialty "Personnel Management and Labor Economics". The topic of my master paper "The formation of the organizational culture at the enterprise" was determined after my unforgettable experience of technical and economic practices at "Donetskstal-MP". I should point out huge impression made on me by the attention which this enterprise pays to social, spiritual and moral development of its employees, charities and social services. The enterprise constantly develops organizational culture that strengthens team spirit of employees. I would like to contribute to its development and improvement by any available means. Ever since the first year of my university I have been studying English at the School of Foreign Languages "Sherwood". During my MA course I succeeded in taking courses held by Donetsk Accountants Training Center, where I gained inestimable store of knowledge in taxation and accounting. The greatest benefit was of studying following subjects at the university: personnel management (Doctor of Economics, Professor Shvets I.B.), employment indicators analysis (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Zakharova O.V.), personnel records management (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Kotova N.I.), economic theory, microeconomics (Usachev G.M.), higher mathematics (Evseeva E.G.). Special gratitude shall be expressed to my supervisor, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Alexandra Nikolaevna Sled. Life
is similar to riding a bike. To keep your balance you must move.
PLANS FOR THE FUTUREIn my nearest future I plan to graduate from DonNTU successfully and defend my master paper. My main aim is self-actualization, therefore to find an interesting and favorite job is my next step after my graduation. In the future I plan to continue learning English, because now it is a main requirement for a successful career. And, of course, what may be more important than family? At the same time I want to create a united family. I think a happy family is the key to success in the future. |
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