Educational and Scientific Institute: Higher School of Economics and Management(IEM)

Faculty: Management (M)

Department: Personnel Management and Labour Economics (PMLE)

Speciality: Personnel Management and Labour Economics (PMLE)

Theme of Master's Work:

Improvement of occupational safety and health at the enterprise

Scientific Supervisor: Dr.Sc. (in Economics), Professor of the PMLE department Aleksandra Sled'


Date of birth: September, 28, 1989.

Average mark in bachelor's degree: 4,75.

Languages: Russian and Ukrainian (fluent), English (basic level).


Managerial capacity: quick learner, ability for independent thinking and rapid decision-informed decisions, responsibility, perseverance, and creativity.

Personal qualities: active lifestyle, sociability, civility, dedication, skill and desire to work in a team.

Hobbies: drawing, psychology, backgammon, houseplants.