Educational and Scientific Institute: Higher School of Economics and Management (IEM)

Faculty: Management (M)

Department: Personnel Management and Labour Economics (PMLE)

Speciality: Personnel Management and Labour Economics (PMLE)

Theme of Master's Work:

Improvement of occupational safety and health at the enterprise

Scientific Supervisor: Dr.Sc. (in Economics), Professor of the PMLE department Aleksandra Sled'


Improvement of labor and health safety system

Urgency of the research. Studying and solving problems related to ensuring healthy and safe environment in which any labor activity takes place is one of the most important challenges in developing new technologies and production systems. Observing and studying real and potential causes of industrial accidents, industrial diseases, explosions, fires and development and suggesting activities and requirements aimed at these causes elimination enable us to create safe and favorable working conditions. Comfortable and safe working environment is one of the main factors influencing work efficiency and safety as well as workers’ health.

Neither state, regional and sectoral management of labor protection nor numerous supervisory and monitoring inspections ensure safe work unless it becomes a major daily task and a moral obligation for everybody without any exception: employers, managers, engineers and technical workers. To solve all the problems relating to labor and health safety requires a systematic approach to effective labor and health safety management system (LHSM) at each enterprise, institution or organization regardless of ownership and size [1, pp. 142].

In recent years, labor protection is dramatically changing. Many enterprises are showing interest in using of health and safety management model which involves mutual social and economic responsibility of business and workers in ensuring safe working conditions in order to increase the role of social partnership in creating healthy psychological climate in the enterprise and maximize the well-being as of the employee and the organization as a whole.

Among the categories characterizing the enterprise economic and technological indicators are usually singled out. However, they occupy a leading position only if they fulfill the main condition of the enterprise as a business entity, notably it provides secure production processes and work of the personnel.

Poor conditions of safety and labor protection at a certain enterprise lead to a deceleration of economic and social progress of the country as a whole. According to the experts of the International Labor Organization, the damage due to industrial accidents and industrial diseases is 4 % of global gross domestic product (GDP). Thus, the improvement of occupational safety system is one of the pressing issues as at the state level as at individual enterprise or the company level.

The purpose and objectives of the study.The aim of the research is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of occupational safety and health at the enterprise level, as well as its improvement based on developing and implementing organizational innovations.

To achieve this goal a number of scientific research tasks have been formulated and solved, they include:

The objectof research is the system of labor protection for individual enterprise.

The subjectof the master’s work is theoretical and methodological foundations and practical aspects of improving the system of labor protection at the enterprise level.

The scientific novelty of this work is to develop and implement new and effective measures aimed at improving working conditions and safety in acertain company.

The practical significance of the results. The conclusions and proposals contained in the master’s work, aimed at creating conditions for effective functioning of the enterprise by improving labor protection system.

Management of LHS at the enterprise is a set of activities performed by the officials, which are put into practice on the basis of current analysis of information concerning safety in all workplaces to improve it and maintain it at a certain level in accordance with the laws and regulations [2, pp. 108].

Stimulation of labor safety is an indispensable condition to prevent industrial injuries and diseases. At the state level, stimulation of safety is regulated by legislation, and especially by the law of labor protection in which this issue is devoted to Section IV, and the Law of Ukraine "Compulsory state social insurance act for industrial accidents and diseases, which resulted in the loss of health" [5].

Considering the health and safety in a market economy special attention should be paid to economic aspects of LHS. Implementation of measures to improve working conditions and safety exercises a stimulating effect, both on economic and social results of production [4, pp. 162-163].

To assess the results of the implementation of measures to improve working conditions and safety four groups of indicators are used:

The acceptable approach to safety at an enterprise, correct use of various intangible ways of encouraging employees provide the latest with necessary sense of security, stability and governance in the interest of their employees. Thus, through an established system of labor protection labor turnover reduces, which, in turn, positively affects the stability of the entire enterprise.


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When writing this abstract the master’s qualification work is not completed. Date of final completion of work: December, 1, 2011. Full text of the work and materials on a work theme can be received from the author or his scientific supervisor after that date.