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Магистр ДонНТУ Довгая Мария Анатольевна

Dovgaya Mariya

Institute for Mining and Geology

Departament: Mineral processing

Speciality "Mineral processing"

Investigation of breeding technology of oil processing slurry tank that contain coking coal

Scientific advisers: doctor of Technical Sciences, professor Papushin Yriy, doctor of Technical Sciences, professor Nazimko Elena



Actuality of work

A review of research in DonNTU

A review of research in Ukraine

The purpose and objectives of research



The energy balance of Ukraine coal industry plays an important role. Coal should be seen as a strategic and long-term source of energy in our country, because the reserves of oil and natural gas are limited, their value grows without ceasing, and to build energy policy based on these energy resources is inappropriate.

Coal reserves of our country can provide the energy needs of its economy for over 300 years. Therefore, if the development strategy of fuel and energy complex to take into account the availability of own energy resources, it is necessary to focus on coal as the main raw material source of energy.

For domestic coal cleaning characteristic is the method of storage of sludge waste in slurry tank, which are designed for long life and are characterized by high volumes and surfaces of the clarification. Currently, the concentrators of Ukraine is 35 slurry tank totaling 129 million m3, 180 hectares, they contain 114 million tons of sludge waste is mostly froth flotation ash content of 45-75% [1, 2]. Sludge each slurry tank have different meanings in area and volume.

In such circumstances, when there are problems with the operation of tailings energy shortages, higher interest are off-balance sheet slurry (waste of flotation), which is stored in lagoons and slurry tank coal preparation plants. In most cases, they contain a significant amount of industrial fuel-air mass.

Actuality of work

Now is the problem of fuel economy and improving its quality must be addressed together. Deteriorating financial condition of the coal industry encourages dressers constantly and continuously seek out sound technologies and sources of enrichment.

On concentrators Ukraine, for various reasons lost to waste up to 960 thousand tons of coal a year.

An important practical source of supplemental fuel is a coal-containing waste sludge and off-balance, suitable for processing.

According to the results of years of work established that the sludge of coal mines, coal preparation plants and slurry tank. Coke are the most promising targets in terms of their industrial processing.

Virtually all slurry tanks for all Coke filled up. Only in the tailings pond at the three DF Coke (Avdeevka, Makeevka and Yasinovskiy) stockpiled about 19.0 million tons of sludge.

Experience in developing points to the possibility of coal ash concentrates 10-30% of their output at 30-40% of the feedstock.

A review of research in DonNTU

Based DonNTU were conducted investigations of the oil agglomeration of coal (AGR-TES), a number of promising solutions for the application of oil agglomeration for the needs of the main hydrotransport systems (Smaga-HT) and the improved process AGR "coal-gold .

The technology of "MG-TPP was based on the" amalgam "mechanism of oil agglomeration in the light regime parameters. Tests of the pilot plant under different conditions allowed us to develop a rational regime map process.

As a result of the experiments yielded the following results: humidity — 14-18%, average grain size — 1.5 mm. After drainage of moisture of the product decreased to 10.9%. Thus, the results of studies conducted DonNTU confirm the theoretical calculations and suggests that:
• Quality indicators of products agglomeration practically do not depend on the ash content of raw coal;
• Costs of fuel oil per unit mass of raw coal is reduced while increasing its ash content;
• Ash waste of SMA is significantly higher than the enrichment of traditional methods of coal thin classes that allows their use in the construction materials industry;
• Granular concentrate well is dewatered on a stationary sieve that eliminates the need for centrifuges and heat drying;
• Apparatus agglomeration structurally simple and can be used based on serial machines flotation.

DonNTU group of scientists and scientific-production association "Guy MEK" was investigated six major technological options "hydrotransport-agglomeration of" Coal:
1. Mixing coal to the main terminal hydrotransport System (MGTS) in pellets of type 1 (film) - pipeline transport granules in a stream of water — dehydration and desalting of jigs centrifuges end of the terminal.
2. Mixing of coal in the main terminal in the granules of type 2 (meniscus) - hydraulic transport granules - dehydration and desalting in centrifuges end of the terminal, which was filtered. 3. Mixing in the main terminal of the coal pellet type 2 — transport through pipes mix "coal-chips" — dewatering in centrifuges, filters, or jigs, the final terminal.
4. Mixing coal into pellets of 1 type directly in the line, followed by dehydration and desalting resin on jigs centrifuges.
5. Dewatering of coal, MGTS transported to the destination terminal in centrifuges, followed by mixing coal with fugato centrifuge pellet type 1 — dehydration and desalting resin on jigs centrifuges.
6. Dehydration by centrifugation at the final terminal, followed by mixing coal with fugato centrifuge pellet type 2 - dehydration and desalting of the granules on sieve and mixed with coal in a centrifuge.

A review of research in Ukraine

In Ukraine studies were undertaken on the selective oily aggregating of foods . This method was adopted "OVZUMS". A process of "OVZUMS" is further development of technology of the selective oily aggregating and intended for enriching of carboniferous foods of washeries — wastes of flotation, slime waters, centrifuges et cetera. Developed a process — P. Sergeev, V. Beletsky, A. Elishevich, Kochetov, A. Kvasov, Gavrilenko et all.

Installation to implement the process (picture 1) was established on the basis of flotation MFP-50. The first chamber machines have been converted as spacers on the shaft which is equipped with two mixers: The top of a four-Phillips, the lower — standard impeler flotation. Normative motor was replaced with a more powerful (30 kW).

Aeration tube with the stator, as well as penosem, were sent on mission dismantled chamber volume increased to 6 m3.

Picture 1 — Office of the oil agglomeration "OVZUMS: 1 — pipeline input source of pulp and a reagent, 2 — turbine granulator 3 — the console tree, 4 — body of the working chamber, 5 — hole for discharging the finished product, 6 — pulley.

The purpose and objectives of research

From the above analysis of trends and methods of processing of secondary raw coal, the stored in ilonakopitelyah that existing proposals on the use technological flotoothodiv require its further development aimed at more efficient energy use syrya.Osobenno true for coking coal. The purpose of this work — for the conditions ilonakopitelya PCM-1 Avdeyevka Coke to develop the technology selection concentrate suitable for coking, and other technology training of high-side ilonakopitelya to energy use.

The put purpose is illustrated on a chart (picture 2) .

Picture 2 — Block diagram of processing.

The starting material (waste flotation) was fed by a pump connected to the tail-pocket adjacent flotation cells. Binder (MOSH) served on the pump suction branch. Product mix with turbulator gravity into the second chamber flotation.

This camera (the camera separation) was equipped with a standard flow impeller with a reduced half-speed. To reduce the intensity of turbulent flows over the stator in this cell has been established 'soothing' grille with mesh size of 50x50 mm.


In the Donbass slurry tanks and dumped about 120 million tons of coal flotation wastes, which can be regarded as secondary raw coal. Current practice is often the development slurry tanks low-tech and inefficient.

Developing effective ways of processing slurry tanks is quite relevant for the fuel industry of the country. Technology development slurry tanks largely determined by physical and chemical properties of dumped sludge.

Oil agglomeration is a process prevailing in conditions, other methods of enrichment classes i Ultrathin hydrated coal in the range initial characteristics of raw materials, technological diversity of conditions of application, prostoti implementation, efficiency coal enrichment and dehydration.
