Русская версия Українська версія DonNTU Master's portal of DonNTU TTGR

Evgen Glushchenko

Faculty "Mining and Exploration"
Speciality "Drilling"

Development of core-shell auger sampling in geological engineering surveys


Scientific adviser: Ph.D. Yushcov Ivan

About author


Summary on the final work

Introduction. Rationale and relevance of the topic.

Purpose, methods and practical significance

Analytical review.

Overview on the topic.

Expected results.

The design of the device.


            Introduction. Rationale and relevance of the topic.

            In the process of construction of wells in a complex section, submitted by rocks of different classes and categories, appropriate use of different methods of drilling in the complex. The main task in the selection of samples of rocks, is the preservation of their natural structure and moisture. To ensure that efficient use of auger and core drilling, applying the corer of different designs.

            Corer greatest way satisfactory to all the conditions necessary to preserve the natural structure and moisture in the selection of clay rocks of the complex solid and semisolid consistency of sandy soils and dense medium density, as well as torfes soils.

            Drilling technique using this type of equipment has several disadvantages, such for example, as the curvature of the borehole, which in turn affects the structure and properties of selected monoliths, as well as difficult to determine the depth, the soil and the roof of selected species, and groundwater levels waters. The application allows you to shop auger corer to eliminate some problems, but they, in turn, also have disadvantages.

            Currently in a dense urban development with a strong network of communication significantly increases the need to use small equipment. Therefore it is not underestimating well as the advantages and disadvantages in principle of the rotary method of drilling, especially in times of increasing its requirements should apply to active his introduction to the mandatory terms and conditions as the mechanization of the process and the modernization of the equipment [10].

Purpose, methods and practical significance.

            The purpose of research 
to create core shell drill to improve the performance of drilling, and to obtain representative samples of soil, through the use of a removable core receiver.

            The object of study 
drilling geotechnical boreholes.

the use at the empirical level: analysis and synthesis, and modeling.

            The practical significance of the work lies in establishing an effective set of technical means for selecting the quality of soil samples during drilling geotechnical boreholes

Analytical review.

            The main task in the selection of samples of rocks, is the preservation of their natural structure and moisture. [12]
            The main methods of drilling geotechnical boreholes, depending on the following main conditions are:

            1. Cable drilling. It is used in the exploration of loose, connected and half breeds. The destruction of the breed is the result of periodic strikes a special rock-breaking tool suspended by a rope. As an example may apply drilling glass (coherent rock), various types of bailer (unconnected) or bit (poluskalnye).

            The composition of shell shock included weighted bars, or percussion cartridges.

            2. Core drilling. It is used mainly in rock and semi rocks, as well as in dense cohesive soils. The main criterion for the application of this method is the need for cleaning wells using special drilling fluids.

            Destruction of rock occurs as a result of rotation of the projectile with a drill bit on bottom. Due to the geometric parameters of the crown in the central part of slaughter formed pillar core, which as well uglubki fills core barrel. After filling the core barrel core separated from the array with the core catcher and given to the surface.

            Core drilling is carried out by washing the wellbore with fluid, providing cuttings, and maintaining the stability of the borehole walls. Instead of flushing can be applied by circulating cleaning wells instead of drilling fluid supplied under pressure of compressed air. Without the extra wash face and core.

            3. Vibrating mode. Is relatively productive, but limited drilling depth. It is used for sinking as messengers, and loose rocks. The basis of this method, the principle of transfer on the drilling tool longitudinal vibrations that are created vibrator.

            4. Worm-way. Is very productive, and is used in drilling, the area with unexplored cut.Destruction of rocks on the bottom is spinning bits of different designs. Breed, after the destruction, is transported from the bottom to the surface of the screw, the screw surface throughout its length [4].

            With this method of conducting geological documentation, because it leads to outcrop at the surface. There are many difficulties associated with partial mixing of rocks during its transportation, violations in this case its structure, and other factors. At the same time makes it difficult to accurately determine the boundaries of different breeds and recording groundwater levels.

            If necessary, the sampling in the form of core, with auger drilling, use shopping augers.Shoplifter auger is - a pipe with a helical surface, which connects with the drill bit and auger column. Inside this tube is placed screw shop for the core, consisting of a cut along the axis of the thin-walled tube.

Sampling of undisturbed addition by means of special devices - corer, which may be of three types: knock-in and pressed.

Corer greatest way satisfactory to all the conditions necessary to preserve the natural structure and moisture in the selection of clay rocks of the complex solid and semisolid consistency of sandy soils and dense medium density, as well as zatorfovanyh soils [3].

Overview on the topic.

            In DonNTU:

Topic: "Development of the drill with detachable corer for sampling soils and perform technical research in the wells of Technology WIRE LINE".

Edition: Drilling in complicated conditions, reports researcher.-technical conf. 
Donetsk: Donetsk State Technical University, 1996. , P.26-28.

Authors: Yushkov I.A.; Karakozov A.A., Kalinichenko O.I.; Yushkov A.S., Rusanov V.A., Ryazanov, A.N.

Brief Description: Donetsk State Technical University carried out to create drill corer with removable drilling to a depth of 150m. at a depth of waters up to 150m. Drill is designed for use on renovations natschno research project 05031 ships during drilling at the Sakhalin shelf.

             In Ukraine:

Theme: "Stormy wells in complex geological and technical conditions."

Edition: Drilling in complicated conditions, "reports researcher.-technical. conf. 
Donetsk: Donetsk State Technical University, 1996. , P.69-70.

Authors: Pirhalo A.V., Davidenko, A.N.

Short description: As a technological measures to ensure the selection of core undisturbed structure and its high-yield linear design is proposed core-shell with screw-wound and the container for the selection of drill porodys circular borehole. The basic structural components of the projectile are: core barrel with screw-wound; chip catcher; bearing assembly; rock cutting tools.


Topic: "Creating a Core shell with a removable shell"

Edition: Techniques and technology for the core. 
M: Nedra. , 1963. 185s.

Author: A.A. Grebenyuk

            Short description: The drill consists of an outer core barrel with rock cutting tip. When transporting gruntonoski inside the drill string latch locking device is in the retracted position, pursed sliding sleeve. Upon reaching the borehole latch locking mechanism includes a groove joints, fixing gruntonosku in the hull shell. While drilling is provided by the immobility of core lifter due to the presence of the bearing. Lifting gruntonoski proivoditsya with rope catcher.

Expected results.

- Reducing time spent on drilling, and therefore increase productivity;
- Increase the quality of samples taken;
- Reducing the likelihood of complications and accidents during drilling [6].

The design of the device.

Im.1 Core-shell auger

            Based on the analysis and the proposed concept has been developed design drill for the selection of undisturbed core samples, including such major components:

- Body;

- Core receiver;

- A special crown.

               Housing is a tube diameter of 127mm. Having the outside auger beaming throughout. Inside the case is boring, designed for connection with braces insert core receiver and a ledge for his stop. At the top threaded for connection to screw the drill string, and the bottom of crown.

            As the drill pipe is used with a diameter 127mm. Also having an outer tape beaming over the entire length, with an outer diameter of the helical surface 167mm. Lift angle screw line is 36 degrees, 30cm step. Pipe connection with the projectile as well as among themselves going through the couplings.

            Ridge-type drill bit diameter 171.4 mm. (6 ¾ inches), designed specifically for this device has four transverse ribs, reinforced carbide cutters. In addition there are washing windows to circulate the cleaning agent from the annular space between the shell and core receiver directly to slaughter.

            Maximum approximation of the outer diameter of drill pipe to the diameter of the well, provides a decrease of the bending of the axial load during drilling, as well as improving the transportation of sludge due to the minimum gap between the well and the projectile.

            Core receiver is the core barrel diameter of 108mm, which is connected to a host of fixation and suspension unit. Core receiver is removed and lowered by rope to the overshot as far as filling the core barrel cores. Overshot 
a catching device designed to pull, grip and lift core receiver inside the drill string on a tightrope.

            Core receiver, in turn, has three main components:

- Site fixation;

- Node suspension;

- Weasel set.

Im.2 Core reseiver

            In fixing the core receiver site are housing, liner, clamps, and a shaft for connection to a host suspension. Shank is used to capture overshot. Latches are moved to a conical bore inside the body, in the lowest position they are compressed, and in the extreme upper, due to spring open. When lifting the core receiver, after the capture overshot, he rises, stops at the same time compressed, and therefore exempt from the core receiver corps. When you place your stops back to its highest position, and fixed in the bore casing, fixing the core receiver.

            Node suspension consists of two single thrust ball bearings, allowing not to transfer the rotation of the drill string at the core lifter sleeve, and thereby improve the quality of the extracted core samples. Node suspension assembly. Shaft, which is transitory stage on the set of core barrels, fixed relative to the rotating shell. It established the cuff, allowing to keep this oil-filled unit. Fill the oil through a special side opening, a closed bolt.

            Kolinsky set consists of a host adapter with the suspension, core catcher, and core barrels. Core barrel diameter of 108mm (98mm internal diameter) connected to a fixed part of the bearing coupling. The length of the core lifter core barrel depends on the required length of the flight, the appropriate quality soil sampling. Disruption of the core is done via the petal core catcher.

            The presented technology involves extracting core receiver on the surface, without the need for tripping with the drill string. In addition to a significant reduction in time spent on drilling, it allows you to select the required length of core barrel, and thereby increase the quality of the samples [2].

            The devices can, if necessary, to build sensor fixing the location of slaughter.

            Drill is designed for use screw-pneumatic method of cleaning the face, and suspension design eliminates the ingress node of the working air flow inside the core lifter, also improving the safety of the core. Use as a cleaning agent is compressed air developed by the projectile will be used for self-propelled drilling rigs equipped with a compressor station [1].

            As a result, the work was designed software that allows you to determine the cost of power, strength characteristics of a shell, specify the mode of drilling the proposed shell and so on.

            The study identified a rational speed drill bit, and management of screw speed, allowing the upper and lower limit of speed for that projectile.

            We also calculated the nominal value of the thrust behind the regime and the necessary supply of air for complete cleaning of the face.

            Using the calculated values ​of the mode of drilling, were set the maximum cost of power at relatively the most unfavorable geological section for the final hole depth of 30 m is 39 kW.

Animation – volume - 146 kb; frame - 34; time delay - 0,05с.; repetitions - 7.
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            At the moment, Master's work is in progress. Full text of the paper will be ready in January 2012.
About author || Abstract

Русская версия Українська версія DonNTU Master's portal of DonNTU TTGR