IntroductionThe relevance of the topic: Gold is a strategic metal for any country. In particular in Ukraine 240 ores were found. There are three gold regions, which include: Ukrainian shield, the Carpathians and Donbass. Muzievskoe deposit (Carpathians) was explored and prepared for exploitation. In terms of the scale of manifestations and the level of industrial content of gold and silver, Donbass is regarded as a promising gold-bearing region of Ukraine. Probable resources of Donbass gold is around 10% of the expected resources of Ukraine. Highly promising area of mineralization of precious metals occupy several hundred square kilometeers. One such area where gold is currently being searched for, is St Michael and adjacent Grabowski station located on the axis of the Anticline Ol?hovatsko- Volyntsevo (donetska oblast, Small area). Search and evaluation work at the Mikhailovsky station were completed in 1998, which were built with industrial content of geochemical Halo, calculated reserves of gold. In connection with positive result positive was justified the prospect for further searches in the territory of Grabowsky plot. Relationship of scientific programmes, plans, themes: Materials used in the work was obtained during the execution of research work at the Department of mineral resources and ecological Geology "Donetsk National Technical University in the nineties,20 century. The experimental research based on data from spectral analysis related items, spectro-metrical features of gold and assay testing of core samples drilled wells at the Mikhailovsky station (Ol?hovatsko- Volyntsevo Anticline). The goal of the work helped in solving the following problems:
Objective and basic work research: The objective of master's thesis is based on the content of gold prospecting at Grabowsky and Mikhailovsky stations, as well as data on tectonic structure and mineralogical composition of rocks to analyze their inter relationships and assess the impact of these factors on gold content. Object of study: Plots "St. Michael" and " Grabowsky”– gold ore Ol?hovatsko VolyntsevoAnticline. Subject of study: Analysis of the distribution of gold in sedimentary rocks in the Carboniferous Ol?hovatsko- VolyntsevoAnticline. Research methods:
Scientific value of the work: to analyze genetic factors and proved gold-bearing regions. Practical significance of results: The personal contribution of the author: This is based on material collected by the author during the second production practices at Grabowsky station. The author conducted statistical analysis, identified correlations between gold content and the concentration of elements – satellites built maps ore distribution using computer software to interpret the research results. Publication: The author has an article on research topic (see list of references). Structure of work.Master's thesis consists of introduction, five chapters, conclusions, a list of sources used, and additions. St. Michael is located within the Central Anticline of Donbass in Eastern Ol?hovatsko-Volyntsevo Anticline. The latter is the shape of the second order and complicated cross between Primary Anticline on the East by Roveneckim and Donetsk-Kadievskim deep fault line in the West. Home as for Anticline of Ol?hovatsko-Volyntsevo Anticline folded bed terrigenous formations dating from the Carboniferous age. In the svodovoj part of the Anticline are uncovered daily surface education suites C20 intermingle on the wings of medium sweet younger entities in the Carboniferous. Lower Carboniferous deposits are excavated wells.[1] Education Suite are monotonous structure: alternating argillites sandstone, the overlying deposits with low-powered lime stones and coals. As it is know, this set rocks characteristic of litho-type terrigenous of Carboniferous of Donbass. Striping is choppy-continuous cyclical nature and a suite or suites of varying capacity varies only lithologic types, breeds on stable over large areas. Differs from the rocks: facial marine facies through transitional to continental. All are naturally linked in time and space by defining transgressive or regressive thrust of sedimentation. Limestone and coal are boundary points sedimentary series. Tag «transgressions of the first, second, complete regression of the series. A special place in the column are powerful bundle sandstone bed facies violating building Cycles at the expense of undermining breeds and kill so individual parts of the stratigraphic section. Particularly wide development such sandstones are in suite 23, containing mercury mineralization in Nikitovskom ore field. There it was found that these sandstone for cutting depth in basement trees can reach 30 m.[2] Gold mineralization on the absorber are sediments from the top of the limestone ovity C20 E7 to limestone E91 approximately 500 m. Stratigraphic section is characterized by the predominance of the overlying clay and shale. Sandstones are in third place and are grouped into several layers of different capacity and tolerance. Most seasoned and powerful are your SJ "meffertovskie" (m) of sandstone between limestone E84-E85. In the peaks of acute grave "sandstones are not examined in detail and day surface wells and galleries. Power of sandstone ranges from 15 to 30 m. Build stacks of alternating sandstones and patchy by coarse medium fine-grain varieties. There are sometimes small pebbles at the base of sandstone conglomerates, which consists of mostly fragments of clay shale, siliceous aggregates, quartz and Carboniferous Shales.[3] Except as described in section polymath of the difference of sandstone are sandstones discharge quartzite bundle, in which quartz is 90-95%. In 60-80 m below the cut between limestone E82-E83 is moderate in the second-largest ore bundle sandstone d-day. Capacity of these sandstone ranges from 5 to 30 m without a pattern. Tablet Pack "g" is located at 40-50 m below the cut between limestone E8-E81. Power packs sandstone ranges from 10-15 m to 30-35 m. Predominantly fine-grained sandstones, layered structure by segments drill oil shale. In a large number of Muscovite sandstones and sericita, leaves targeted on webbing.[4] In 30 m below the cut between limestone-E7 E8 is Tablet Pack "n" with around 10-25 m. Pretty much attention given to shale 3-d volume because they are "abnormal" for gold and for prospecting for gold, they should be considered as possible places of localization industrial mineralization along mercury mineralization Nikitovskogo ore field.[5] Despite the instrumental nature of shooting map is substandard, the working basis for designing future prospecting for gold was a geological map of Donbass m-BA 1: 25000, published in 1980, which combines the results of all geological and exploration work carried out since the beginning of the study area. On the current map in svodovoj part is non-conforming [9]. In 1981-83. in Central and Eastern parts of Ol?hovatsko-Volyncevskoj Anticline held integrated geophysical and geochemical studies of Donetsk geophysical expedition HRG "Donbass geologies". Work included gravity prospecting, magnetic prospecting, electronic prospecting, to be competitively selected. Purpose was to prepare geophysical Foundation for searches of non-ferrous and rare metals.[6] ![]() Computation of datas with computer program SPSS IBM Work with scale 1: 25000. Works covered area of about 4 km in width and length up to 30 km from Gathering in the East to the Volyntsevo reservoir in the West. As a result of work mapped the integrated interpretation of geophysical, geochemical maps of mercury, molybdenum, zinc, silver, lithium.[7] These works have made a lot of new elements to the cognition of the geology of the studied territory, in particular as regards the structure of the deep horizons. In this respect merit cross zone allocated in the central part of Ol?hovatsko-Volyntsevo Anticline (St. station) according to the geophysics. The geological nature of the "anomalous" zones remained problematic, because the subsurface part were not exhibited in the geological structure. In 1985-1987. Gorlovka GRE within the central part of Ol?hovatsko-Volyntsevo Anticline (ouch. St.) were looking for mercury by drilling profiles. Depths average is 500 m. from the identified primary haloes mercury etc. elements, but bore witness to the lack of halos options here significant accumulations of mercury. In Cairns wells were sporadic blotches of cinnabar, representing only mineralogical interest. Identification of extensive primary halo of gold and arsenic made it possible to determine the gold mineralization for gold-sulphide type. Six samples from the gold mineralized intervals content reaches 5-6 g/t and reanalysis reaches 10-12 g/t.[8] Possible industrial gold region Olhovatsko- Volyntsevo Anticline in the form of gold-arsenic and gold-antimony ore formations predicted long ago and, according to the results forecast, confirmed based on 6000 PCs. Gold-spectral analyses of core samples and litho chemical samplings, St Michael's plot has been described as a promising commercial gold mineralization zone. According to geological data and results of the Mikhailovsky site in band Ol?hovatsko-Volyntsevo Anticline of about 50 km were designed in 1991 by searching works m-BA 1: 50000 of the sliho-geochemical testing alluvial and diluvia formations in profiles, at the distance of 500 m apart. As a result of these works revealed a number of plots with high gold content, which will require a more detailed prospecting (optimally 1: 10000).Geochemistry for prospecting have been detailed by drilling wells, ditches, pits at Michael's site.[9] The main result is a concentrated along with discrete mineralization. Bearing-1 g/t, 48 ore zones where the calculated probable resources of 1704 kg Gold. For a detailed study of the folded, trevino-bursting and trevino-actors within the gut looking at finding gold space station Grabowski employees of faculty, p and EG» Donetsk National Technical University, conducted structural tectono-physical studies. They included the measurement of fracture structure element array profiling (cracks, veins, sliding mirrors) as well as elements of folding. During the research guidance elements were measured over 2000 cracks, some 500 sliding mirrors and over 100 quartz veins. Solved task to identify the main fracture and explosive elements, their area of distribution. It was discovered that among the numerous cracks in both Northern and southern wings of the Volyntsevo Anticline, Ol?hovatsko-oriented perpendicular regularly prevail and parallel to the plutonic rocks.[10] ConclusionA detailed geochemical and structural-tectonic analysis of the impact of geochemical and structural-tectonic factors on distribution of mineralization of gold mining was obtained. Importrant commentThe master's work hasn't been completed. Due date for completion: December, 2011.Materials can be obtained from either the author or adviser after the indicated date. |