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Master of DonNTU Oriola Victor Olushola

Oriola Victor Olushola

Faculty: Mining and geology

Department of minerals and ecological geology

Speciality: Geological survey, prospecting and exploration

P.K. Engelmeer as the founder of the philosophy of technology in Russia


Problems of dissemination of technical knowledge in Russia has been given considerable attention since the time of Peter the Great. Technology Education in Russia have begun Engineering (1700) and Mathematics and naval School (1701): "Peter I got to study engineering, not only in the Naval Academy, but also in the regimental schools and even theological seminaries" [2, with. 44]. However, the teaching of science in these institutions were still very basic and primitive from the modern point of view. At the same time complicated the engineering profession and the practice of placing new demands on the training of skilled engineering staff. Mining industrial case one of the first felt a need for special mountain schools.

By the end of the XIX century scientific training of engineers, their specialties, namely higher technical education were urgently needed. By this time, many craft, technical secondary schools were transformed into higher technical schools and institutes.

Important role in the dissemination of technical knowledge is the philosophy technology. Back in 1898, in the brochure "Technical result of the XIX century" PK Engelmeer follows formulates its objectives:

  1. In any human activity, for any transition from ideas to things, from the target to achieve it we must go through some special technique. But all these techniques have much in common. One of the tasks of philosophy art is precisely to find out what exactly is common?
  2. In what ways is technology from all cultures?
  3. Value engineering to economics, science, art and law.
  4. Development of technical creativity.

"In a word technique is only one wheel in the gigantic clock of the human community.Internal structure of the wheel explores the technology, but it cannot go beyond its limits and find the place occupied by the wheel and its function in the overall mechanism. This task can be fulfilled only by philosophy technology "[2, pp. 46, 49].

Activities of engineer in understanding P.K. Engelmeer

Despite numerous works on the history and theory of art, the term and concept of "philosophy of technology" are not unambiguous interpretation. We can show, however, that the writings of Engelmeer were not only first introduced in the scientific literature, but also received a deep, philosophical meaning of it - and how ontology engineering, ie teaching of its essence, being, and as epistemology, revealing the progress of knowledge and the mechanism of development of technical sciences, and, finally, as the sociology of technology. It is highly important that the writings of Engelmeyeer principally in the updated and not the usual term is considered engineering activities. It appears as an organic integrity of the application of technical and scientific knowledge, economic and social factors, ethical and aesthetic aspects, as well as the highest spiritual qualities of an engineer-creator, engineer, innovator.

The writings of Engelmeer highlights realistic, challenging but not insurmountable ways of forming an engineer of the highest grade - an engineer, production worker and entrepreneur, and a sort of scientists, economists and psychologists, meticulous artist and creator of a new technology policy, engineer or technologist and the artist, represents that area of human activity, which can rightly be called engineering.

Peter Kliment'evich Engelmeer is the author of a number of papers which, together, without exaggeration can be called classics of philosophy of technology. Peter Engelmeer owns about 100 articles, pamphlets and books (about 20 of them in German and French) [2, pp. 50]. Moreover, it is actually the only one who managed to uncover the true nature and social significance of engineering. That's what value attached Engelmeyer of the engineer and what he meant by this activity: "Life itself, the story itself irresistibly brings an engineer - this is truly the creator and head of management - from the crowded shops on a broad arena of public life and puts him closer and closer to the helm of the state and if you follow in the footsteps of the wise Plato and allow yourself to dream about the ideal state, we can easily reach the conclusion that ... in the modern state primary role becomes irresistible to the engineer ... But if so, the engineer must be prepared for leadership and public roles, and ready to fight with the four parties, namely, first and foremost, of course, from the technical to the close connection with economic and legal.But it is never and nowhere, he should not lose sight of the ethical aspects of their social function ... Here in what sense and on what basis are increasingly distributed authoritative voice, demonstrating the need to inform the engineer is already in school are not alone technical knowledge, but also deep mental and general culture. I would say this: it is necessary to inform future engineer:

  1. Actual knowledge of technology, economics, jurisprudence, politics, psychology and ethics;
  2. In this material for thinking, we should give him a chance to properly use this material, in other words, to develop it the right way of thinking, logic, philosophy "[3].

Curricula vitae

Just very little is known about the life of PK Engelmeer. His name was not included either in the "Great Soviet Encyclopedia or other reference books. Number of publications about this - a truly outstanding theoretician of engineering is very low. Themselves through his works came out in the period from 1887 to 1930., Never reprinted.

Peter Kliment'evich Engelmeer lived a long life - from 1855 to 1942 [2. 49]. Here are a few strokes of his biography. In 1881 he graduated from the course of the Imperial Moscow Technical College, majored in mechanical engineering. Engelmeeer had extensive experience in various factories, including in Germany. He taught at the Higher Technical School (now - Bauman im.N.Baumana) and the Baku Polytechnic Institute. Was acquainted with many prominent thinkers of the time - with Ernst Mach, Tolstoy and others.

In the first years of Soviet rule creates a circle on general engineering at the Polytechnic Society of the Moscow branch of the All-Union Association of Engineers (EAG). Program of this society was formulated in the article "Do we need a philosophy of technology?" (1927). In the 30 years and a circle, and VAI were disbanded, and the PK Engelmeer died in obscurity in 1940 or 1941. Paradoxically, his ideas were better known in Germany than in Russia, where only in the last decade they have become the subject of reflection and discussion [1, c. 92].

Main work pk engelmeer and its contribution to the philosophy of technology

The main difficulty can be considered "Philosophy of Technology", in which he introduces several new concepts. Above all, this notion technicism. He began his work with publishing and editing the journal "Technology." In the first quarter of a century it was well known both in Russia and abroad. It is no accident in 1922, the Soviet public honors PK Engelmeer "as the oldest Russian worker in the field of philosophy of technology"

Guidelines for Inventors

In the field of technology his interests were versatile. In 1912 he published the third edition of a practical guide for the Automobile. Motorcycle. Motorboat ", which provides a historical sketch of cars with pictures and photos [3]. He commits an automobile race from Paris to Moscow with his son Volodya. In 1909 Engelmeer taught a course in automobile, and in 1916 released, probably one of the first textbooks in Russia, on the integrated training in automobiles - Catechism of the driver "[3]. In 1930 he released together with co-authors a special edition dedicated to the design features of motor boats. And in the early thirties, his 30 typewritten pages of a draft of the Palace of technology that was supposed to build on the base of the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow.

Many worked PK Engelmeer and on issues related to inventions. In 1897 he published a guide for inventors, "Inventions and privileges" with the applications, which included: the Law on Privileges and supplements thereto, as well as instructions for processing the documents. Curiously, instead of the preface Engelmeer puts a letter addressed to him by Count Leo Tolstoy, an excerpt of which is shown below. "Dear Sir Peter Klimentich! ... I scanned the lists sent to you in your book. The purpose of it is very good. Few ofthese inventors are always very sorry for the abnormal mental state in which they mostly are due to unnatural stress badly designed intellectual abilities. Your book may be useful to those who have not lost the ability critically to their projects, so I wish her success. With complete respect, your obedient servant, Leo Tolstoy "[3].

The text of this letter will be more understandable in the open leadership itself. In the guide covers not only the formal side of the innovation process, how ethical and socio-psychological aspects of this process. Engelmeeer’s detail on the basis of concrete examples, examines such questions as, "The rivalry between the invention", "Failures of inventions," invention of perpetual motion "[3]. Thereafter, he supplemented this work edition, which has introduced a number of sections devoted to "the privilege of inventions", that is, in modern terms, intellectual property protection. This book actually is, an encyclopedia, and instructions for the inventor. In addition to the main sections, which gives an idea of the invention as "property rights", and "achieve the maximum possible amount of rights", the annex provides examples of "trials of the privileges for invention, trademark and drawings. This publication and is now able to serve as an excellent guide for the course "Patent Law".3.2 Participation in Public Life

No stranger was Peter Kliment'evich and participation in public life in Russia.Confirmation of active citizenship by PK Engelmeer is his speech at the Third Congress of the Russian figures for Technical and Vocational Education in Russia, held in December 1903 - January 1904. Speaking at a section of the "Schools and courses for workers," a report "On the necessity of pre-literacy and technical education", he emphasizes the importance for the successful development and education of highly qualified engineers, technicians and workers, the literacy of the population. To confirm his words on the impact of literacy on the industrial potential of the country he leads the data in 1899 on the percentage of literate recruits in various countries: Serbia-25%, Sweden - 97,8%, Germany - 99,8%, Russia - 45%, Denmark - 99,6%, Switzerland - 99.9% [3].

"Philosophy of Technology" PK Engelmeer and his formula will"

All that was said previously about the work of PK Engelmeer is important and relevant to the present. However, its climax in the development of ideas relating to the "philosophy of technology", he reaches in his fundamental work with the same name. Appearance of four editions of the "philosophy of technology" was preceded by a long way to understanding the role of "technical" in public life.

In the first part, we consider the concept of "equipment". In the second and subsequent parts of the work has consistently observed the emergence of "power over nature, the emergence of machines and energy principle, revealed by specific examples the meaning of" accumulation of energy, compared different types of "battery". Thus, despite the fact that "the economic importance of contemporary art" technology is analyzed from different perspectives: historical (from primitive man to contemporary), machine (the machine - as a source of change) and energy - the focus is still placed on purely utilitarian problems development of technology. Attempt to formulate some philosophical concept of "early Engelmeer" manifestly failed.

The more interesting stuff next job is perceived PK Engelmeer in this direction, published a decade later - "Technical result of the XIX-th Century" (1898). Externally, the table of contents, this work is very similar to that already considered. But this is only a formal similarity. "Technical eventually ..." Engelmeer first time came on really philosophical level [1, pp. 92]. When thinking about engineering as a kind of art, Engelmeer naturally concludes that the share of engineers falls "creative activities and guide the share of machinery - performance". For the first time, that in this paper, we introduce the relationship of technical and economic indicators. "Tech - wrote Engelmeer - refers to the economy as a utility (consumer value) to value (exchange) [3]. The next step was the book "Theory of Creativity," published in 1910 in this work Engelmeer not limited to matters of invention. It develops foundations for a new science "evrilogii" - the science of creativity. Dealt with problems of the nature of the creative process, not only in technology but also in science, religion and art. The main part of the book is a "theory trehakta" [2, pp. 51], which consists of three stages: desire, knowledge and skills. In the first act is supposed invention, the second is proved in the third carried out. Therefore, in the first act, it all starts with the intuitive appearance of a hypothetical idea. In the second act plan is developed, the invention is transformed into a logical representation. The third act is not directly connected with the work. Implementation of the plan may be requested to appropriate specialist. Genius is manifested in the first act, the talent in the second, diligence in the third.

Next Engelmeer conducts classification on fine arts (aesthetic) and useful (utilitarian) [3]. Based on this classification, it answers the question "what good is it?", As follows. "It is useful to all that facilitates achievement of the intended target ...anything that increases productivity. But this is precisely the function and the main purpose of art as a profession and as an art "[3]. On this basis, he defines art as art, designed to benefit, as opposed to the arts, aiming at beauty.

As already mentioned, the primary, the final work of PK Engelmeera should be considered a "philosophy of technology." The birth of this work himself Engelmeer connects successfully public lecture given by him in Moscow on 11 February 1912. in favor of the scientific circles of students of the Imperial Moscow Technical School, [2, pp. 51]. In fact, this date can be taken as the starting point of the birth of a new scientific field - philosophy, techniques, as first seen not simply aspects of the problem, but are put forward and justified by theoretical propositions.

Of particular interest is the formula of faith, "which Engelmeer’s conclusions based on" motives, "or, in modern terms, motivations. Considering that any motives associated with the pursuit of truth, beauty, good, it defines the volitional as a mixture of these longings. Drawing an analogy from chemistry, where, despite the infinite variety of organic bodies, they are ultimately of four elements: carbon - C, hydrogen - H, oxygen - O N - N, are connected in a certain proportion, that is, with certain coefficients He introduces a system of opposites [3], with appropriate notation of concepts and their coefficients: The Truth (I) - Lies (coefficient m), Beauty (K) - Ugliness (coefficient N), Good (D) - Evil (coefficient . R), Benefit (R) - Harm (coefficient q).Labeling will through "B", we get a general formula: B = I + K + K + M, which has two infinite limit. Divine will, when all factors tend to + infinity and dyavolskaya will, in pursuit of the coefficients to "-" infinity. Between these limits and carried out the will of man. We analyze typical cases. When n = p = q = 0, then will be sent only to the truth and we have the formula of "pure science": B = I. When m = p = q = 0, then there is "pure art": B = C. If m = n = q = 0, we have pure ethics and religion: A = A, and finally, when m = n = p = 0, there is "clean technology". In fact, none of the coefficients is not equal to zero, but when one begins to dominate over druggist arise applications: science, art, ethics and technology.

Last and most important issue of the "Philosophy of Technology" is called "technicism. In its most general form technicism defined as the construction of life. As a theory technicism Engelmeer proposed "three-act theory of creativity" [2, pp. 51].Basic assumptions of this theory are as follows. Man creates an artificial world. This artificial world called culture, and it varies a real culture and spiritual culture. Under the real culture of course an artificial world, external to man, and under the spiritual culture is meant an artificial world created by a man inside himself. Technicism is the doctrine of human activity, and hence about human life because it is inextricably linked with the activity. As an outcome of a generalized theory of creativity Engelmeer considering a three-pronged nature of the creative person: feelings, mind and will.

Actually the same human activities Engelmeer divided into three acts [2, pp. 51]: the intuitive, discursive or rational and reflective. Developing issues related to inventions, Engelmeer reached the level of the problems of innovation. And although his works, we do not see the word innovation and innovation is in fact the basics of these concepts in their modern interpretation. Therefore, the work Engelmeer as "classicism" and always relevant to the engineer as "classicism" and always relevant work of Plato, Hegel, Kant, the philosopher. Many provisions of the "theory of creativity" and "Philosophy of technology has not lost their relevance, but only just becoming aware of the specialists and the society as a whole.


Thus, the philosophy of technology provides wider humanitarian view of the technique. However, the emergence and development of the philosophy of technology (in particular the philosophy of technology, PK Engelmeer) would have been impossible without the humanitarian movement in the environment of engineers. Of the numerous publications of Russian engineers on humanitarian themes just one example can be given, pointed to himself Engelmeer - is the work of engineer A. Pawlowski "Advances in technology and their impact on civilization. We know how at the beginning of this century, science has blossomed, and how it led to the justification in the philosophy of evolutionism. Philosophy of knowledge facilitates the first steps in technology: it is time for technology, with a hitherto unknown speed and power paves the way for other industries and knowledge, with the philosophy in their head "[2, p. 53].

We can assume that Engelmeer at the time was the social order and understanding and willing to understand the audience of Russian engineering. Therefore, today one of the main practical problems of philosophy of technology is the formation of humanitarian ideas about technology and not only in the engineering environment, but also in society as a whole. A solution to this problem lies in the compulsory teaching of philosophy of technology, at least in the higher technical schools. In this - one way to humanize science and technology through education.

List of references

  1. Alekseeva LO, RO Dodonov, Muse, DE Philosophy of science and technology. A teaching aid for undergraduates - Donetsk: Donetsk National Technical University, 2006.-113 with.
  2. Gorokhov, VG, Rozin VM Introduction to the philosophy of technology: A Textbook.Allowance "Nauch. Ed. TS.G. Arzakanyana. - M.: INFZA-M, 1998.
  3. www.edu-zone.net/show/181615.html

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