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Posunko Yulia

Âining and geological institute

Speciality "Mining surbeying"

Use of application methodology of results of directional survey of exploratory wells in arrangement of surveying graphic documentation

Scientific adviser: Myrnyy Vyacheslav



1 Surname, Name Posunko Yulia
2 Birth date May 11, 1989
3 Birth place ñity Khartsizsk, Donetsk area
4 School 2004 - 2006 — profiled school ¹2 of Khartsizsk with Economics and Legal class;
1996 - 2004 — school I-III stages ¹22 of Khartsizsk
5 High educational institution 2010 - 2012 — Magistracy in Doneckiy national tehcnical university (DonNTU) of Speciality "Mining surbeying";
2006 - 2010 — Bachelor in DonNTU of Speciality "Mining surbeying"
6 Middle mark 4,40
7 Language knowledge I speak Russian and Ukrainian in perfectly and English in basic level
8 Passions Reading scientific and cognitive literature, swimming, music, active rest
9 Personal qualities Analytical constitution of mind, responsibility, punctuality, purposefulness, communicability
10 Personal achievements Participating in 2011 in an international scientific-practical conference the "Surveyor providing of geotechnologys"
11 PC skills Skills of work with the programs Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Access, Microsoft Office Power Point, AutoCAD, Surfer
12 Experience In 2009 passed the first productive practice on a mine the name of Tkachuka in Charsizsk as a doubler of surveyor
13 Future plans Successfully to finish an university, attain high results in professional activity
14 Information contacts
