Currently in the Donbass one of the main obstacles to the successful operation of coal mines, is the occurrence of deposits in difficult geological conditions. In particular, urgent is the problem of mining on the rocks strength f> 10. At high speed podviganiya lava and extent of development workings more than 2 miles, this problem becomes extremely important. Implementation of the mine plan, mining and the dynamics of its growth depends on the timely and rapid preparation of excavated sites
Conventional method of mining on the rocks strength f> 8 are blasting. Also has international experience a severe tunnel complexes to carry out work on the fortress of rocks up to f = 10. But despite the high level of quality production and materials used at the same time destroying the combine body wears out very quickly, because of its high strength and abrasiveness of rocks. The high cost of equipment, energy, fixed costs for repair and replacement cutters and cloves make this method of proportionate to the cost of drilling and blasting operations and do not give advantages to the speed of the mine workings.
Blasting, due to the insignificance of the initial costs and the ability to conduct operations in the rocks of any strength, remain the only reliable and tested method of mining on the hard rocks.
The decrease in the rate of mining significantly influenced by numerous factors.
• High gas content, which causes reduced conduction velocity, due to the inability to supply the necessary volume of air in the production, which is required to bring the composition of the mine atmosphere to the normal state.
• Complex mnogopachechnaya structure formation and geological disturbances in the way of production (in a mixed bottom), because of which the slowing down due to the need for adjustment of the passport of (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. The animated example location-section preparation output in the multiplicative array impaired. (5 shots, 1kadr/with, are made in gif_animator, 321kb)
• washouts formation of the roof with a decrease in net power, which slows down due to a significant increase in the proportion of upper Bomb (Fig. 2).
• High abrasive rocks, leading to frequent replacement of drill bits (up to 3 pieces. To trace), time-consuming to drill holes, the economic cost of materials and cost mashinosmeny equipment (especially in the pure pedigree bottom) .
Currently, the coal mines of Ukraine during the mining experts using standard formulas and calculation methods face several problems such as: cost overruns of explosive material cost overruns initiation; too much rock fragment distribution; considerable length of the tunnel cycle (which greatly affects the rate of mining), spending time and money on replacement and acquisition of drill bits.
In this study, we analyzed the currently existing methods of calculating passports blasting, the data from the tables of specific consumption of explosives (experimentally derived), data on indicators of flight of the fragments of rocks (obtained in practice), the size of Kish (the coefficient of holes). After which conclusions were drawn and recommendations related to 1) decrease the number of holes that will significantly reduce the time for drilling holes and thus reduce the length of the tunnel loop, 2) a decrease in specific consumption of explosives and the means of initiation, which will reduce the cost, and 3) optimization of the passport blasting that will reduce the dispersion of rock debris as simplifying and reducing the time to harvest breed. All recommendations were made based on the data and applied to the conditions "Mine Komsomolets Donbas[4].
Ways to solve this problem
Among the measures to solve problems can provide technical and technological solutions.
The technical solutions include the use of new, more productive technology, as well as the introduction of innovative technological solutions that are combined with a system of operational improvements and make the proper organization of labor.
Technology refers to increasing productivity on the basis of operational and organizational changes in the underlying technology. For example, the combination works in space and time, which will greatly shorten the duration of the tunneling cycle.
Since the company a major deterrent for carrying out mining is a high rock fortress, initially was considered applicable drilling equipment. Of the samples submitted equipment appropriate to apply the following: for species with a coefficient of strength of 16 choose the shock-rotary drilling method using a punch PK75A. [1]
Given the parameters oburivaniya face and the need for accommodation rig in the making, take the drill to install UBSH-503.
The next step is to choose the type of explosive.
Given the dangers of faces on the explosion of gas and dust, use of explosives safety class III AP-5ZHV.
Further works were carried out by conversion and verification of estimates of the passports BSB.
1) 1) Specific consumption of explosives is defined by prof. MM Protodjakonova, adjusted prof.Taranov :
2) 2) Determine the parameters of laying the traces.
The number of holes on a face is defined by N. Poskrovskogo[2]:
where j = 0,8 kg / m - weight of explosive per unit length of the trace;
а = 0,8 – filling factor of the trace;
n = 0,9 – utilization of the trace.
The distance between groups of spurs (L.N.S. fenders and contouring blast holes), subject to equality to the distance between the trace:
The number of groups of fenders and contouring blast holes and the width is equal to[2]:
где b – width of output;
bвр – width of the kerf.
The number of groups of fenders and contouring blast holes at a height equal to[2]:
Development layout holes in the mine development and refinement of their number[2]:
Fig. 4 Scheme of the location of holes:
Table. 1 Calculation of the parameters of holes on the order of detonation.
In order to reduce the length of the tunnel cycle will be used means of mechanization of loading holes.
For mechanized loading holes patronize explosives apply pnevmozaryadchik APZK-4.
In my work were the main problems faced in carrying out excavations at the enterprise "Mine Komsomolets Donbas. Was produced by their careful analysis in the framework set by the theme of master's work and developed a set of measures of both technical and technology plan aimed at resolving these problems. Objectives were achieved. Summing all the above analysis we can say that the stability of functioning and development of the mine as the coal enterprises in modern conditions can only be achieved through rational science-based planning of technical and technological innovations aimed at improving the basic processes of coal mining and carrying out excavations, as well as forecasting and modeling of geological conditions and irregularities in the way of mining operations using advanced computer technology and software for three-dimensional modeling and calculation.
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On that that given work yet is finished data abstract is not definitive and will be subjected сompletion