I, Sergey Pryshchenko, was born on November, 17th 1989 in a city Kirovskoe, Donetsk area.
In 2010 entered in a magistracy in a direction of preparation "Mining" on a speciality "Mine and underground building".
2006-2010 bachelor's course. In 2010 received the bachelor's degree withea honnors. The mean score during training has made 4,81.
1996-2006 fimshed a comprehensive school of ¹2 Kirovskoe.
I know following languages: Russian (perfect), an Ukrainian language (perfect), English (average level).
Personal achievements:
2009 - awarded for active participation in the organisation and carrying out of 15th International scientific and technical conference of young scientists, post-graduate students and students DonNTU.
2011 - it is awarded by the reading and writing for active participation in the organisation and carrying out of 17th International scientific and technical conference of young scientists, post-graduate students and students DonNTU.
2011 - has passed, additional courses of improvement of qualification and has acquired the certificate for the management right explosive works.
Hollies: swimming and volleyball.
Personal qualities: responsibility, conscientiousness, initiative, confidence, persistence.
Possession of the computer: operating system Windows, modelling in programs AutoCAD, the Compass, MathCAD, a package of Microsoft applications Office, Ansys.