I, Andrew Rudnev, was born June 20th, 1988 in Krasnodon, Luhansk region.
September 2010 - enterd in the Masters of direction "Mining" for the specialty "Mining and underground construction" in group W-10m. 2006 - 2010 by educated at the Bachelor. In the also in 2010 received a bachelor's degree. Average score for the period of study 4.84.
I speak the following languages:
Russian ("perfectly").
Ukrainian ("native").
English ("average").
German ("baseline").
Personal achievements: 2008 - Awarded Certificate of Donetsk Institute of rail transport for the best report on the student's scientific conferences. 2009 - awarded a diploma for active participate in organizing and conducting the 15 th International Scientific Conference of young scientists and students of Donetsk National Technical University. In 2011 I was awarded Diploma for active participation in the III International Scientific Conference "Energy. Ecology. Manx "," Xcurrent status and prospects of mining and underground construction ".
Hobbies: car, bilding.
I own a computer at the user confidence. About the work:
Operating System - Windows;
Application areas: Microcoft Office, Compas, AutoCAD, Alcohol 120%, NERO, MathCAD, ArhiCAD.
Plans for the future, complete universiet and at the end to find interesting and challenging work that will help make my future dreams.
Contact Information:
Email address. Mail: Scifutinskiy@mail.ru