The practical value of the work
Main tasks studies are as follows
The development of Ukrainian industry invariably associated with the construction of new, more profound, and reconstruction operating coal mines. Vertical trunks of these companies are building in complex with permanent and temporary excavations immediately adjacent the trunk and have different purposes, shape, size and location. Such generation were called around-trunk, a special place here is construction of interfaces. Domestic and foreign experience shows that not Despite significant achievements in this traditional technology attachment trunks reinforced concrete remains of materials, has a significant cost and determines the lowest rate of construction [1-5].
Appointment, number and design around-trunk workings depend on the type of vertical shaft to which they abut. Rassechka conjugation can be carried out during the construction period trunk in the process of sinking, and during the operation of the trunk and leads to Change the steady equilibrium state of "lining - an array of" not is less complex and subsequent operation these sections of barrel influence around-trunk workings.
Comprehensive full-scale studies sites pairings 200 deep (more than 600 m) vertical shafts in the Donbass, made VNIMI showed that plots of vertical shafts, which are in zones of influence around-trunk workings, are the most complicated in terms of of bolting and reinforcement. Over 75% of violations lining vertical shafts in Donets Basin accounts for areas of interfaces. Typical types of injuries is chipping and peeling lining cracks and weirs in the lining, fall of roof supports and rocks, deformation of reinforcing elements, twists shootings and conductors. When This a clear trend deterioration in the lining and reinforcement sections of the pairs with around-trunk workings with increasing depth of the barrels.
According to the degree of loading and the stress-strain state of pairing with the lining drift okolostvolnogo yard divided into four zones [6] (Fig. 1): I - zone of contiguity trunk to a horizontal formulation; II - the same as for the horizontal development of the soil; III - the weakest area cross coupling; IV - Zone the weakest section of the horizontal output.
Thus, there is an urgent need search for ways to improve the retention of conjugation of vertical shafts for by reducing consumption of materials attachment [7,8], the development of technological and technical solutions that significantly increase the duration of their maintenance-free operation [9,10], which is a very important task.
The object of study - are the pairings barrels of coal mines.
Subject of study- A special concrete lining vertical shafts of coal mines under construction in heterogeneous rock mass.
The idea of this work is to increase in terms of maintenance-free operation of the trunk lining mate with okolostvolnymi yards through the development of a special lining, improvement of technology production, increasing the waterproofing properties of the monolithic concrete lining through the use of special additives in the concrete mix to ensure adequate bonding in place concrete shaft with new technological concrete interface.
Determined the structure dependence of the magnitude distribution of violations in the pairings, lining vertical shafts from the geological and mining-technological conditions.
The parameters of monolithic concrete lining vertical shafts in the area of interfaces with okolostvolnymi yards mining horizons mines in the construction of vertical shafts for combined scheme to improve the penetration of technical and economic indices of their construction and operation.
Analysis of the database log "IFLA Shahtoprohodka" allowed us to obtain empirical relations and graphs, allowing them to develop a rules-based construction spetskrepi these sites.
Validity and reliability of scientific statements, conclusions and recommendations of confirmation: the use of proven methods of research, application of mathematical methods Statistics in the processing of experimental results, the use of computer technology, reliable laboratory tests on models (lattice mismatch between the calculated and experimental data does not exceed 30%) using the complex research methodologies, including methods of engineering analysis, scientific generalization of input data. The scientific value of the work is to establish laws of propagation of disturbances in the vicinity of the pairs with horizontal workings, implemented in the form of empirical functions and graphs, and justify their base parameters and regulations allow attachment to their base to develop regulations raising special-lining of these areas.
The practical significance of:
improved methods of integrated assessment system "lining - rock mass" with the use of combined geophysical methods;
substantiated and confirmed by the calculations of the special concrete interfaces;
developed technical regulations fixing shafts in the area associated with the use of special concrete lining;
ensure the application of the technology stems from the passage of mates rates, not lower than the normative.
The scientific value of the work is to establish patterns of widespread violations in the area mates with horizontal workings, implemented in the form of empirical dependency and graphs and justify their base parameters and regulations mounting allowing for their base to develop regulations erection spetskrepi these sites.
refinement of the technique Integrated Assessment System "lining - rock mass" with combined geophysical methods;
substantiated and confirmed by calculation parameters of the special concrete interfaces;
developed a technical regulation mounting shafts in the area associated with the use of special concrete lining;
To ensure that the developed technology for transmission shafts mate with the rate not lower than the normative.
Evaluation of major mining-technological conditions and geomechanical features of buildings mates of vertical shafts from the position of resource- lining;
Performing on the basis of analytical studies qualitative and quantitative assessments of the vertical sections of mates trunks and the establishment of laws among the major dominant factors that affect the stability of the trunk;
Rationale based on laboratory and analytical experiments, the feasibility of a special concrete lining conjugation;
Computer system study "A special concrete lining - rock mass";
Development of calculation methods parameters of technology facilities mates.
Methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific and technological achievements poprobleme, mathematical and statistical processing of experimental and laboratory studies, laboratory Experiments using integrated geophysical methods, analytical research using computers and using provisions of continuum mechanics and underground structures; feasibility analysis.
Main of work were reported on an internal university conference on international conference chair, "Construction of mines and underground structures" DonSTU (2007 - 2011g.g.) For extended faculty meetings, "Construction of mines and underground Constructions DonSTU (2007 - 2011g.g.) on the international Scientific-Practical Conference "Problems of Geo-Information Science at the complex development Subsoil MSAU (Dnepropetrovsk, October 29, 2011), at an international conference in Tula (October 2010)., Tula, at international conferences Shachtinsky Institute (r) SRSTU (NPI) (2009 - 2011g.g.) Shakhty, at international conferences Department "Geostroitelstvo and mining technologies" "Suchasna mill i perspectives of rozvitku g³rnitstva that p³dzemnogo bud³vnitstva KPI (25 May 2010. and on April 8, 2011) Forum-Contest youth work in SPPGI (20-22 April 2011.), the St. Petersburg.
In the complex mining modern mine shafts have to share 25 ... 30% cost and 35 ... 50% of total construction time [11,12]. Occupies a special structure of interfaces. Home and foreign experience shows that the attachment interfaces trunk remains material-intensive, inefficient and expensive. Despite the considerable material costs when mounting, almost 48% of stems coal mines are deformed mount, and 50% of their mates with horizontal workings of an urgent need repair (NIIOMSHS) [13,14].
Completed surveys UkrNII mates of vertical shafts Donbass showed significant discrepancy between the actual thickness of the lining settlement (76%) [15]. Violations of the lining in the area mates lead to the fall of her, changing the geometry of the contour of the barrel, deviation of the reinforcement, which in turn breaks the rhythm of the ascent, and in some cases leads to a halt trunk.
Under normal circumstances, the vertical trunks and adjacent production are fixed in situ concrete class B15 ... 25 strength, thickness of lining is 300 ... 500mm. In complex geological conditions (In areas of expected stress concentration) used massive concrete, reinforced concrete, metallobetonnye or multilayered lining. At the same time increasing the thickness of lining for every 50mm increase yields the cost of the trunk at 5 ... 6%, and the use of reinforced concrete leads to an increase in this value against the cost of conventional concrete lining in 2,5 times. Simultaneously, a 35% increase complexity works and a 60% reduced rate penetration.
Thus, the results of the analysis state of the vertical shafts of Donbass [15,16] suggest that applied lining and technology of their construction in the area of ??interfaces in most cases do not meet modern requirements for them.
The modern level of scientific and technological knowledge in the field of study has gained as a result of prolonged research and fundamental work carried out by research, design and construction organizations IGTM NAS, listening, IHM them. AA Skochinskogo, NIIOMSHS, TsNIIPodzemmash, Yuzhgiproshaht, Dneprgiproshaht, Dongiproshaht, Donorgshahtostroy, KuzNIIshahtostroy, Krivbassproekt, etc., as well as number of scientists and engineers: NM Pokrovsky, MM Protodyakonovym, PM Tsimbarevichem, GG Litvinskaya, Yu.Z. Zaslavsky, BM Usachenko, AN Shashenkov, AM Kozel, AN Dinnik, NS Bulychev, VP Drutsk, V. Leavitt, S. Borshevsky, MA Vygodina, AP Maximov, AN Nasonov, N. Fotiyeva, SG Stradanchenko, AY Prokopova, MS Pleshko et al.
Introduction of special supports in vertical trunks [17] requires experimental and theoretical studies with the use of the experience of building conjugation [18].
To this end, based on full-scale observations made qualitative and quantitative assessment of vertical sections of trunk interfaces, to identify the main dominant factors affecting on the stability of the trunk [19].
As the study were identified 20 mine shafts, with two-way coupling and flat bedding of the rocks.
Generalizing parameter characterizing the zone violations and determining the choice of technology attachment is the height of the expected distribution of violations of conjugation in the area technological joints.
Stability of underground mining determined by the workings of a huge geological and mining factors that influence the degree of which varies. Evaluated the effect of various factors the height distribution of violations of conjugation. It should also be noted that AN Shashenkov, O. Bells and other researchers have shown the dependence of stability workings of capital, passed a the same way in the same geological conditions on the direction of penetration with respect to the plane attenuation. These observations [20-22] suggest that the pattern is global and fully applies to the dual shafts.
Among the multitude of factors, based on analysis by group account of arguments, identify the most influencing a manifestation of rock pressure near the excavation. Statistically Depending height distribution of violations of the conjugation (Y) from directional angle for mating with the barrel horizontal production (X1), the ratio of the production to the diameter of the barrel in the world (X6), the condition construction (X5).
The best of the above models with an error of 11,6% has a linear form:
Y=20X5+5,42X6-0,18X1 (1)
To determine the nature the relationship of each input variable with the output value was used software package CurveExpert1.3
Ph.D. Borodulya AA, in his time, received the following depending on the height distribution of violations:
directional angle axis pair(À):
the condition of buildings ():
ãäå Rt – reduced accommodating long-term strength of rock mass at a distance 20r (where r - radius of the trunk light, m); g- volume weight of rocks, kN / m3; Í – depth, m.
from ratio of width mating horizontal production (B) and trunk diameter at light (D):
Generalizes the formula for determine the height distribution of violations based on the three identified dominant factors is as follows:
Minimum size of zone violations of conjugation in the directional angle of the horizontal development of 40…600.
A plot hí=f()
[6] confirms the necessity of laying the pairings in the rock fortress
below 6…7.
In interpreting the dependence hí=f(B/D) [6] should be divided into three characteristic zones: 0,5 ... 0,7, 0,7 ... 0,9; 1,0 ... 1,2. Minor magnitude violation in the first zone, preferably related to the fact that for small sizes the width of the conjugation (B) is very small its role as discharge generation. In the interval relations B / D = 1,0 ... 1,2 holds alignment of stress concentration around the trunk and adjacent production that significantly reduces the magnitude of hn, and the displacement of rocks mostly parallel to the cylindrical generatrix bolting stem. In the case when B / D = 0,7 ... 0,9 on a number of technological reasons there is an increase volumes potentially falls, the array and as a consequence, the radius of the inelastic strains, which together with the magnitude of stress concentration is cause the greatest extent of deformation lining of the conjugations, reaches 65 m.
The qualitative nature of the processes occurring in the real barrel simulated in laboratory experiments technique IGTM NAS [22,23]. In this multilayered slozhnostrukturny array and metal elements spetskrepi modeled on the equivalent material changes in the azimuth of the horizontal development of simulated a change in direction with respect to bedding. Based on obtained dependences of longitudinal and transverse strain from compressive voltage, the expediency of spetskrepi, part of the constant on sections of trunks of interfaces.
Geophysical Research has shown that the intersection of the trunks of soft rock, waste spaces, sites of conjugation, are prerequisites for geomechanical further education in the rocks lining cracks and strains in the direction of "Revolt - the fall".
To bosnovanie value zone violations hole in the conjugation were carried out analytical studies [24,25]. In constructing a mathematical model takes into account that the pair stem with a horizontal formulation is a complex spatial system, so to simplify considered the plane problem of mutual influence of the trunk and the horizontal development of on the stability of the trunk of conjugation. Identified statanalizom dominant Factors included in the mathematical model [22] in determining the equivalent stresses on the contour of the horizontal development of.
On the basis of field observations [1] produced qualitative and quantitative assessment of the vertical sites mates trunks, found that one of the main factors influencing on stability of vertical sections of the trunk of the conjugation is directional angle of the mating with the barrel horizontal workings.
Conjugation trunk with drift is a complex spatial system (Fig. 2), so logically, making some assumptions, to consider the influence individual components conjugation on the stability of the trunk. To exclude the influence of site of conjugation (2), at a sufficient distance execute two flat sections II and II-II (Fig. 2 b, c) barrel (1) and an adjacent horizontal workings. (3).
It is obvious that stress-strain state of rock mass around the trunk does not change at different orientations relative to the northern direction, the equivalent voltage across the contour are equal (Fig. 2 b).
Considering the site directly contiguity of the two developments, it is clear that the impact on the state of the trunk above the conjugation has only a high concentration of stress at the corners contiguity and does not change depending on the direction of rotation "North - South".
It should also be noted
survey a number of coal mines of Donbass (AN Shashenkov, O. Bell) [26,27]
which showed that the stability of the workings of capital, passed by one and
in the same way in similar geological conditions, but in different
directions with respect to the plane of weakness, is very different. These
observations suggest that the pattern is global and
fully applies to the pairings of vertical drift
trunks, affecting, in turn, the vertical portions. It is obvious that
significant effect on formation pattern of stress-strain
state of enclosing rock mass has a lateral pressure rockslgÍ, which is formed
on the borders of a single mine field, through the coefficient of lateral thrust l.
It should be noted that among the
important mining and engineering tasks allocated the problem of determining the orientation
laying adjacent to the trunk horizontal workings. Specificity statement
the problem is related, mainly in view of the vectors of principal stresses,
acting in the rock mass, its physical and mechanical properties of bedding,
the ratio of vertical and horizontal stress components. In progress
master's work will be performed finite element modeling interface
trunk in a layered array. An analysis of the literature
Sources identified the purpose and objectives of the master's work. Dependencies
prigruzok characterize the effect on the strength of hardening concrete class B20,
B25, B30 with additives to accelerate the setting; The resulting dependence and
results of computer simulation of the geomechanical processes in the vicinity of the conjugation
vertical shaft and okolostvolnogo court permitted the formulation of Recommendations
on the optimal choice spetskrepi and class of concrete at a construction shaft coupling
in different geological conditions. At a writing of the given abstract masters work isn't finished yet. Definitive end: December, 2011 the Full text of work and materials on a theme can be received at the author or its head after the named date. Levit VV
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The Important remark