DonNTU    Masters portal

Solopova Anna

Institute of Mining and Geology

Department of Geoinformatics and Geodesy

Speciality "Land management and cadastre"

Models and algorithms of developing land management projects that provide ecological and economic assessment of crop rotation and land arrangements

Scientific adviser: PhD. Germonova Ekaterina


1 Master’s initials Solopova Anna
2 Date of birth 14/12/1988
3 Birthplace Donetsk
4 Schools 1. Secondary school № 96 (1996-1997)
2. Secondary school № 20 (1997-2006)
5 University 2006-2010  DonNTU —  the bachelor’s degree
2010-2011  DonNTU —  the master’s degree
6 Average mark 4,83
7 Languages Russian, ukrainian — perfectly; English —  with the dictionary
8 Interests Embroidery a dagger, reading, travel.
9 Professional qualities Attentiveness to details, ability to training, accuracy, sense of duty, responsibility.
10 Computer skills Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, MathCAD, ArcView GIS, МГСети, SQL, Digitals, Delphi, CorelDraw, 3D Studio Max
11 Additional courses Courses:  DonNU
  1. Main principles of work of operating system Windows. Account automation in Excel.
  2. Computer graphics: Autodesk AutoCAD. 
  3. Computer graphics: Autodesk 3D Studio Max
12 Working experience Donetsk city department the State enterprise «Center of the State  ground  cadastre», the technician (1.04.2010 — 01.02.2011)
13 Future plans To finish a master’s degree ,  to get a second degree.
14 Contact information