| DonNTU
Voloshin Dmitriy
Faculty "Mining and Exploration"
Department of "Mineral"
Speciality "Geological mapping, prospecting and exploration"
Regularities in the distribution of quality indicators deposits of limestone
Scientific adviser: prof., d.g.s., head of department of mineral Volkova Tatiana
1. Name – Voloshin Dmitriy Vladimirovich
2. Birthday – 09.08.1989
3. Place of birth – Donetsk, Ukraine
4. Education:
– 1996-2004,
from 1 to 8 class, school ¹121, c. Donetsk
– 2004-2006, from 8 to 11 class, Donetsk college, c. Donetsk
– 2006-2010,Donetsk National Technical University, bachelor
– 2010-2012, Donetsk National Technical University, master
5. GPA – 4,51
6. Languages:
– Russian perfectly
– Ukrainian perfectly
– English on the sufficient level
7. Achievements:
23-25.03.2010, – the third place in the competition tasks on structural geology Ukrainian Student Olympiad on Geology
8. Hobbies – swimming, theoretical physics
9. Personal qualities – responsibility, goal-oriented, easily trained
10. Computer skills:
1. Operating System – Windows;
2. Programming languages – Pascal, Delphi;
3. IDE – Surfer, SPSS.
11. Plans for the future – the protection of master's work and career opportunities.
12. Contact Information:
E-mail –
ICQ – 457991652