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Zhegylina Alla

Zhegylina Alla

Institute of Mining and Geology

Departament: Mine Surveying

Speciality "Mine Surveying"

Prediction of displacements and deformations for earth crust during the single process longwall face with advance diagonal strike of seam in conditions of hollow and slanted occurrence. Donetsk Basin.

Scientific advisers: docent Kozlowskiy Gennady




Actuality of theme. Purpose of work and research tasks. The idea of work. Alleged scientific innovation.

A review of research in DonNTU

A review of research in Ukraine

The purpose and objectives of research




Actuality of theme. Purpose of work and research tasks. The idea of work. Alleged scientific innovation.

The need for prediction of displacement and ground deformation is closely related to design protection measures undermining buildings and structures. Prediction technique is well blessed in the literature and regulations established in the "Rules of undermining buildings and natural sites in coal mining underground mining" (izd.2004) [1] only when developing for the strike of longwall face formation. Meanwhile, the number of mines with coal seams are processed podviganiem lavas on the diagonal to the strike direction. For these conditions the parameters of the basin subsidence and method of forecasting the earth surface deformation in her little studied. All this makes the technique progoza of displacement and ground deformation at working with a single longwall face podviganiem diagonal strike formation relevant and important scientific and technical challenge.

The purpose of the work is to propose methods for determining the angular parameters of the basin subsidence and prediction of ground deformation for the conditions of the diagonal mining longwall face.

Research tasks:

• analysis of existing methods of prediction of displacement and ground deformation;

• development of methods of transition from the angular parameters of the displacement across the strike to the angular parameters of the diagonal directions;

• development of methods to predict ground deformation conditions diagonal mining longwall face.

The idea of work is to determine the optimal method of transition from the angular parameters of the displacement across the strike and along strike to the angular parameters of the diagonal directions.

Is supposed to lead the calculation of parameters of displacement along the diagonal directions with respect to stretch podviganiya longwall face formation. The developed technique will be used in the course "Mine surveying software undermining objects". Possible use of methods in a production environment will depend on the degree of reliability.

A review of research in DonNTU

Institute of Mining and Geology, Donetsk National Technical University is one of the leading scientific organizations, which deals with geomechanical models of displacement across the thickness of rock above the cleansing formulation, the processes occurring in the array as a result of underground mining. Teachers of the department Surveying participate in the development of normative documents.

A review of research in Ukraine

On the territory of Ukraine research processes subsidence and ground deformation occurring in the interior of the array as a result of underground mining deals Department of Surveying Dnipropetrovsk National Mining University.

The purpose and objectives of research

In the first part of the review of the existing prediction technique of displacement and deformation of the Earth surface and transversely to the strike formation in underground coal deposits.

The greatest spread and development in our country is the method of standard curves, which runs on a standard procedure [1].

In the existing prediction technique of displacement and ground deformation parameter calculation is performed for the following mining and geological conditions:

• monocline occurrence of rocks in the absence of a zone of influence of excavation discontinuous tectonic disturbances;

• formation of steep seams in the central region of Donbass;

• the presence in the zone of excavation of faults that do not alter the nature of displacement, and no more than 1.3-fold increase values of displacement and strain.

Forecast of displacement and ground deformation in conditions not specified in the "Rules of undermining buildings and natural sites in coal mining underground mining" (izd.2004) [1] should be performed based on the results of instrumental observations on the recommendations of a specialized institution or Ukrainian Research Institute of Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU).

The calculations are as follows location of the coordinate axes [1]

Figure 1 — Arrangement of axes (X axis coincides with the strike of the formation, Y is directed toward the rising (falling) reservoir).

Then, within each polumulde scheduled points in 0.1 of its length, which will be calculated parameters of the displacement. In turn, the parameters are calculated by the formulas shown below in tabular form [1].

As the initial data taking typical Donets Basin mining-geological conditions of occurrence of the reservoir with the incidence angle of 45 degrees. Produce the construction of the basin subsidence. At the intersection of the diagonals of the flat bottom of the basin planning a central point 0, which perform the coordinate axes (X — the strike layer, Y — to the rise (fall)) Diagonal directions mining longwall face by the interval of 30 degrees from the line stretch reservoir counter-clockwise. We demonstrate the construction in fig. 2.

1 — longwall face, 2 — flat bottom of the basin subsidence, and 3 — boundary of the basin.

Figure 2 — Arrangement of axes and the lines of the calculation of the expected ground deformation with respect to a single lava (animated figure: the number of frames — 4, speed — 150 ms, volume — 102KB, repetitions — 7)

In what would be calculated displacement parameters for the other angles of dip, and compared, with the result that determine the behavior of the angular parameters in the diagonal direction of the longwall face.

Calculation of the parameters will be performed using the program "Part-" (Version 1.2) developed by Ph.D., head of the "Mine surveying" Grischenkovym NN


In the master's work presents the actual scientific and practical challenge of developing methods for determining the angular parameters of the basin subsidence and prediction of ground deformation for the diagonal with respect to mining longwall face stretch seam.

In the future need to do implement all the necessary calculations and analysis to determine the appropriate methodology for determining the parameters of the process of displacement. Planned to use references [2-10].


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2. Медянцев А.Н., Борщ-Компониец В.И. Сдвижение горных пород и земной поверхности при подземных разработках — М.: Недра, 1982. — 278 c.

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5. Кратч Г. Сдвижение горных пород и защита подрабатываемых сооружений./ Пер. с нем. под ред. Р.А. Муллера и И.А. Петухова. — М.: Недра, 1978. — 494 с.

6. Борщ-Компониец В.И., Батугина И.М., Варлашкин В.М. Сдвижение горных пород и земной поверхности при подземных разработках. — М.: Недра, 1984. — 247 с.

7. Охрана подрабатываемых подготовительных выработок / Н.П. Бажин, О.И. Мельников, В.С. Пиховкин, В.В. Райский. — М.: Недра, 1978, 253 с.

8. Правила охраны сооружений и природных объектов от вредного влияния подземных горных разработок на угольных месторождениях. — С.-Петербург: ВНИМИ, 1998. — 291 с.

9. Кулибаба С.Б. Распределение максимальных оседаний в подрабатываемом породном массиве // Уголь Украины . — 2000. 12. — c. 42-44.

10. Сдвижение горных пород и земной поверхности в главнейших угольных бассейнах СССР / ВНИМИ. — М.: Углетехиздат, 1958. — 250 с.
