LedRangeFinder – User ManualDocumentation Author 1 Introduction1.0.1 LedRangeFinderThe LedRangeFinder board is an extension that provides necessary hard-ware to use the Hokuyo PBS-03JN module on the K-Team Koala robot. Even if this board may be used with an external desktop personnal computer, we recommend to use the KoreBot cpu board with the KoreBotAdaptor board. 1.0.2 PBS ModuleThe Infrared Scanner module allows to instant reliable measurement of the whole front 180 degrees, this even if one can retrieve from 18 deg minus to 198 deg. Measurement principle of this module isn’t known. Only things that are known is that internal leds are rotating at a 600 turns per minute rate while measuring reflected light with an 1.8 degree resolution. Every received measure block will gives more than hundred millimeters values. The module delivers tens measures per minute, but we recommend to average several measurements to increase the reliabilty of the results. 1.0.3 PBS CommunicationThe Infrared Scanner module using some system to ensure that the software has been compiled for the specific module. Note that programmer doesn’t requires to deal with such low level func- tions for a normal situation, because top level apies doing the whole link certification. 2 Led Range Finder Hardware2.1 OverviewLedRangeFinder. Figure 2.1 describes the board main components. ![]() Figure 2.1: LedRangeFinder hardware overview 2.2 LedRangeFinder Connections2.2.1 Communication ConnectionsLedRangeFinder offers two communication connectors. 2.2.2 Power ConnectionsThe LedRangeFinder card is powered by the KoreBot via the KoreBot Adaptor board. 2.3 Hardware Protection2.3.1 Electrostatic Discharge ProtectionAs any electronic device, the KoreSound may be damaged by Electrostatic Discharge. 3 LedRangeFinder Software3.1 OverviewThis chapter presents how to use LedRangeFinder from a KoreBot ( with a
KoreBot Adpator ) using a Linux Operating System. It requires: 3.2 LedRangeFinder Programming on KoreBotThis section shows how to access to the led reange ?nder from your stan- dard Linux application. The examples given are in standard C and use the standard C library. It requires some knowledge about the ?le functions on Linux. 3.2.1 simple LRF programmingThere is no need to load a particular driver, what you requires is to use the
prede?ned APIs provided with the standard korebot library. Start with to
add korebot header to your source code. And then initialise the led range
?nder module. 3.2.2 advanced LRF programmingOf course, there is more APIs available for programmers. Especialy because the led range ?nder module requires much power programmer may
use kb lrf pwrO? to turn o? the on board DC/DC converter which just
turn down the module. Note that the kb lrf init function does calling
kb lrf pwrOn and that kb lrf close function does calling kb lrf pwrOff
A simple measure that turns on, get ?ve measures and turns o? the
module. 3.2.3 Supported LRF APIsWe encourage programmers to check the kb lrf.c from the libkorebot’s src folder to get more infos about the apies. |