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Prolonged operation of coke oven batteries raises the question of durability of masonry of coking chambers, so the preservation of masonry, the maximum possible extension of its life – a very important task, the successful solution of which depends on the major technical and economic performance of the industry.

The last decade in the domestic coke, and in advanced coking industry wide front are working to improve methods and technologies for preventive maintenance of masonry of coking chambers, especially the hot repairs – to increase the resistance caused by the repair layer, reducing labor and material costs, and time-consuming to carry out repairs [1].

At present, there is a significant asset koksohimikov arsenal of methods of laying hot repair of coke ovens and equipment for its implementation. Traditional methods of repair of the hot – wet and semi-dry concrete spraying, and they are ubiquitous. Wet gunned a long time was the only industrially preventive maintenance masonry of coking chambers because of its cheapness, ease of implementation, unpretentious equipment. However, the lack of stability of the repair layer, thermal shocks that occur when applying a wet mixture on a hot ceramic surface of masonry, was forced to seek better ways to implement preventive repairs [2].

Numerous development (both abroad and in our country) the new modern way to hot repair, free from the above-mentioned drawbacks of semi-dry and wet shotcrete can be grouped as follows:

  1. Methods of deposition (pripylivaniya) refractory material on the clutch and then sintering it at the expense of laying accumulated heat or flame heat hot coke oven gas, acetylene, etc.
  2. Methods of torch guniting, consisting in melting refractory powder by the heat of combustion of high-temperature flame of propane in oxygen and applying it to the repair area.
  3. Methods of ceramic welding (Welding), consisting of the fact that the dry refractory mortar mixed with metal powder is fed a stream of oxygen on the heated surface of the masonry, there is an exothermic reaction of oxidation of the metal component of a ceramic mixture of oxygen under the action of heat released refractory ceramic part of the mixture is melted and together with the products of the oxidation of metals melt, filling defects in the brickwork.
  4. Methods of plasma shotcrete in which to melt the refractory material used heat the plasma of inert gases [1].

1 The technology of hot repair of masonry of coking chambers using ceramic welding

Method of hot repair of masonry of coking chambers using ceramic welding – is a complex physico-chemical process.

The essence of this method is as follows: dry spray powder in pure oxygen applied to the damaged area of masonry coke oven with a temperature of not lower than 700-800 ° C. Due to the heat of chemical exothermic reaction between oxygen and fuel component mixture of ceramic (aluminum powder, silicon crystal) is the melting of refractory components (Silica mortar and silica sand, ground diabase), followed by the filling of defects of masonry[3]. During the solidification of the melt, due to some combination of components of a mixture of ceramic, monolithic structure is formed, its properties are close to the masonry material with a ceramic bond between the fireclay brick masonry and repair layer, which provides a high resistance and durability of coatings deposited in this manner [4].

The process of coating deposition is shown in Figure 1[11].

The technological scheme of the application of ceramic mixtures

Figure 1 – The technological scheme of the application of ceramic mixtures

The quality of welding depends not only on the composition of the ceramic mixture, but also on parameters such as oxygen consumption, the speed of the ceramic coating deposited mixture, the temperature of the coking chambers of masonry, the surface state of the repaired area, as well as subjective factors such as staff expertise to the work of the new device (Figure 2)[5].

Installation of ceramic welding <q>MAX</q>

Figure 2 – Installation of ceramic welding MAX

Table 1 – The main technical characteristics of the facility MAX

Name Unit Value
Fuel tank repair material: full / working l 37–30
Performance kg / h to 160
Gas pressure at the inlet, no more than: MPa (kgf/cm²) oxygen 0,60÷0,63
nitrogen 0,70÷0,80
Consumption of gas at a pressure of 0,6÷0,8 МPа (6÷8 kgf/сm²) m³/min 0,4÷0,7
Range of supply of repair materials m tо 20
Dimensions, В×L×H mm td> 510×780×1000

Low temperature carbonization chamber of masonry, as well as bad stripped from the graphite deposits repaired sections of masonry leads to poor adhesion with masonry cladding material, which reduces the adhesive strength of masonry. Increased oxygen consumption leads to a reduction in fire resistance, and high speed coating deposited mass to neproplavlennosti, friability and high porosity surfacing. It is therefore important to choose the optimal mode of ceramic welding [4].

A necessary condition for the normal flow of ceramic welding process is to match the stoichiometric ratio of expenditure weight of the mixture and oxygen at a temperature of masonry of coking chamber not below the onset temperature of exothermic reaction of combustion fuel component.

The temperature of the beginning of the exothermic reaction of combustion of aluminum is equal to its melting point, ie is 660 ° С.

Therefore, for successful and sustainable process of ceramic welding is necessary that the temperature of the coke oven repaired masonry was not lower 700-800 °С [6].

It is known that the flow of any gas, as well as fine granular materials transported by a gas depends on its pressure, and pressure increases with increasing flow rate. Transportation of a mixture of the system in this way is compressed air. Therefore, the main parameters of the process of ceramic welding is the pressure of oxygen and air pressure in the apparatus for coating.

The choice of the optimal values ??of the basic parameters of the ceramic welding was done after a series of experimental built-up layers on the experimental stand.

The appearance of chamotte lining of industrial furnaces is shown in Figure 3 [12].

The appearance of chamotte lining of industrial furnaces to (a) and after (b) the method of ceramic welding repair

Figure 3 – The appearance of chamotte lining of industrial furnaces to (a) and after (b) the method of ceramic welding repair

Equally important in the conduct of a dispersion of ceramic welding of the components of a mixture of ceramic and the presence of impurities in it.

Empirically found that a mixture of ceramic particle size should not exceed 1.5 mm, and the moisture content of less than 1%.

The success of the hot repair by this method largely depends on the quality of the mixture, and it imposes certain conditions and requirements for the initial components, the process of preparation and equipment used [2].

The mixture is prepared by mechanical mixing of dry powders in certain proportions. The absence of complex physical and chemical transformations in the preparation of ceramic mixtures makes it accessible to the production of any coke plant. However, the initial assumption is that, without proper organization and preparation of the cooking process can be a mixture of qualitative, not justified. There was a need for a centralized its production with the selection of equipment and development of production schedules.

The main stages in the process of making ceramic mixtures are: crushing, grinding and grinding of lump silica, drying and sieving the original components, dosing and mixing of the initial components of the mixture. To perform these operations is mainly used, the standard model equipment: jaw and hammer mill, vibrating mill, a mixer [7].

2 Description of technological process of preparing a mixture of ceramic

 Technological scheme of preparation of ceramic mixtures (Animation: 18 frames, 5 cycles of repetition, 319 kilobytes)

Figure 4 – Technological scheme of preparation of ceramic mixtures

The basic technological operations for the preparation of the mixture are:

2.1 Fragmentation of silicon

Lump crushing of silicon is carried out on a jaw crusher. Delivery of the Party of silicon from the warehouse to the crusher is done by truck. Download lump of silicon in a boot box crusher by hand. Crushed silicon from the exit slit of the crusher arrives in the receiving tank and then sent to the stage of grinding.

Mode crusher periodically. Number of crushed silicon in each case established a separate order of the head of the site, depending on the needs of the mixture. Possible time between crushed silica with a stock of the needs of [3].

The width of the output gap is set crusher adjustment mechanism so as to ensure that the minimum size (no more than 10 mm) of crushed pieces of silicon at the outlet of the crusher.

Jaw crusher

Figure 5 – Jaw crusher

1 – wall of the body, 2 – lateral cheek, 3 – movable jaw, 4 – axle, 5 – Val 6 – rod, 7 – Belt drive, 8 – electric, 9 – pring 10 – draft of 11 – blank, 12,13 – spacer plate, 14,15 – crushing plates

Grinder fitted with two locks, which disables the drive crusher in the following cases: