- Introduction
- Content of work
- 1. Analysis of Condition of Studying the Problem
- 2. General Ecological Assessment of Donetsk Region Pollution
- 3. Methods of Research
- 4. Results of Work
- Conclusions
- List of the Used Literature
Subject Urgency
Intensive growth of the cities in the XX century, concentration of bulk of the population in the limited territories sated with the industrial enterprises, transport highways, houses, led to formation of a number of problems, including the ecological ones. In the big cities of Ukraine a large number of ecologically dangerous industrial productions is concentrated. Donetsk region takes the main place in economic capacity of the country. In its territory which occupies only 4,4 % of the area of Ukraine, practically the sixth part of industrial potential is concentrated. There are more than 1200 enterprises of various industries here. In the structure of industry of the region 78 % of it is the share of ecologically dangerous productions in which the metallurgical enterprises make 42 %. Key branches of industry are mining and metallurgical. A significant amount of the population works at the enterprises with harmful and severe conditions of work, influencing a state of environment and health of the person. Therefore studying of an ecological condition of large city agglomerations is actual presently, especially in industrially developed regions which Donbass refers to.
Connection with scientific programs, subjects, plans
The subject of a master's thesis corresponds to the state scientific program "The State Target Ecological Programme of Conducting the Environmental Monitoring" (the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 05.12.2007 № 1376, with changes brought according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 880 from 17.08.2011). The work is connected with the programme of Scientific Technical Development of Donetsk Region for the period till 2020.
The aim of research
The aim of research is a comparative assessment of structure and level of industrial pollution of Donetsk districts.
The tasks of research
1. The systematization and analysis of data about industrial soil pollution of the cities of Ukraine.
2. The comparative assessment of the structure of environmental pollution of some regions of Donetsk area.
3. To establish the extent of present soil pollution of the territory of works.
4. To reveal geochemical associations of jointly collecting elements pollutants in soils.
5. Research of spatial distribution of pollution with definition of the main sources of pollution.
6. Studying of dynamics of accumulation of chemical elements in soils of the studied territory during 2006-2011.
Object of research
Soil of Donetsk districts.
Subject of research
Monitoring of soils.
Methods of research
- an analogy method in pollution distribution on industries;
- a method of the system analysis of process of accumulation of pollution;
- statistical methods of the analysis of experimental data;
- the spatial analysis of distribution of pollution;
- methods of an estimation of danger of soil pollution in territory of works.
Scientific novelty of the received results
The main sources of emissions providing intensity and structure of pollution of studied areas are established.
The practical importance of the received results
The obtained data can be applied to an assessment of a state of environment, for the purpose of control of dynamics of pollution in the territory of researches, and also allow to develop actions for minimization of a put damage.
Personal contribution of the author
Results of laboratory researches of soil tests were processed and systematized; the main elements pollutants are established; monoelement and complex cards of soil pollution of districts of Donetsk are constructed.
1) XX All Ukraine scientific conference of graduate students and students "Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources", Donetsk, 2010.
2) II All Ukraine youth conference school "Modern problems of geological sciences" on April 12–15, 2010.
3) Interuniversity student's conference "Physics and scientific technical progress", Donetsk, on April 19, 2008.
4) Materials of All Ukraine scientific and practical conference "Economy and marketing in the conditions of the world integration: problems, experience, advanced thought", Donetsk, on March 24–26, 2010.
5) XXI All Ukraine scientific conference of graduate students and students "Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources", Donetsk, on April 12–14, 2011.
6) XXII All Ukraine scientific conference of graduate students and students "Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources", Donetsk, on April 17–19, 2012.
The scientific article on a subject "The analysis and assessment of influence of metallurgical enterprises on the soil pollution of Donetsk region" is in press.
Content of work
1. Analysis of condition of studying the problem
Bases of studying of coal basins were put at the end of the XIX century by geologists of Geological committee of Russia: Karpinsky A.N., Obruchev V.A., Stepanov P. N., Lutugin L.I., Gapeev A. A. and Yavorsky V. I. The influence of quality of coal on emissions of the manufactures using it in technological processes was established.
The main reasons for unequal composition of fossil coals were allocated by Ammosov I.I. In his opinion, these include: initial material, accumulation conditions, degree of water saturation of peatlands, chemical character of the environment and metamorphism. Each of the listed factors influences the quality of coals [1].
When burning coals the considerable part of sulphurous connections turns into dioxide of sulfur which harmfully affects the health of a person, poisons the atmosphere, causes corrosion of metals. The raised content of sulfur in coals worsens the quality of coke and increases its expense when smelting cast iron. Thus, increase of the content of sulfur in coal leads to increase in its expense at metal smelting, and, therefore, to growth of emissions of harmful substances in surrounding environment.
In their works Yudovich Ya.E. and Ketris M.P. were engaged in studying of the content in fossil coals of the toxic and potentially toxic chemical elements representing danger to environment and human health at industrial burning of coals [2].
Panov B.S. in his work devoted to modern environmental problems of Donetsk basin marked out that at coals and breeds of carboniferous thickness the element impurities of non-ferrous, rare, precious and radioactive metals are constantly present. Toxic and ecologically dangerous elements are mercury, arsenic and other elements. When burning coals they evaporate in the beginning, and then are partially besieged and get into a soil cover and water-bearing layers of a zone of hypergenesis. Mercury, arsenic, etc. – elements of the I-st class of danger, are included into group of the most active pollutants of soils and other components of environment. When burning coals in the industry, in a life, when burning waste heaps, it disappears in the beginning, and then is besieged by a precipitation and gets into soils. The existence of abnormal concentrations of mercury in soils generates its anomalies in surface and underground water, and also in the atmosphere. The presence of abnormal concentration of arsenic is connected with the centers of pollution of mines, concentrating factories, coke-chemical plants, in zones of impacts on environment of metallurgical, metal-cutting and transport enterprises [3].
Volkova T.P. together with Falevich V. V. in the article "Analysis of emissions of polluting substances of the coal-mining enterprises" on an example of mine "Poltavskaya" which is located in the city of Enakiyevo of Donetsk region, analyze the pollution of atmosphere by the coal-mining enterprises of Donetsk region. The basic sources of emissions, structure of the polluting components, being characteristic for all mines of Donetsk coal basin are allocated [4].
Ferrous metallurgy is the important industry, one of the most important parts of the base of all national economy of the country. It influences the development of all branches of a national economy as the main consumer of fuel, the electric power and water [5].
Powder-gas emissions of the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy demand rationing and control. This question is considered in S.M.Andonyev, Yu.S.Zaytsev, O.V.Filipyev's book in which recommendations about reduction of harmful emissions as a result of improvement of technology and a design of units are made; questions of a dissemination of harmful emissions in the atmosphere and methods of determination of a material damage from emissions and efficiency of nature protection actions are considered [6].
In 1997–1998 the design procedure of full ecological balance of a metallurgical enterprise was developed. It allows to estimate the distribution of various elements on all chain of production of steel products – from ore production to rolled metal. Thus the expense of energy resources on raw materials production, transportation, and on electricity generation is considered [7].
In methodical instructions on estimation of degree of danger of soil pollution by chemicals for the metallurgical enterprises the raised levels of pollution on Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr, Mo, V are noted [8].
Besides, the group of authors [9] notes that the structure of the storm drain being the major technogenic supplier of chemical elements, is formed at the expense of washout of soils, dust washout from the asphalted surfaces, an erosion of buildings and constructions, washout of carelessly stored materials and dumps.
In the areas of location of iron and steel works in the reservoirs adjacent to them, favorable conditions for formation of a hydrosulphuric barrier are created.
Migratory processes of chemical elements in soils are caused by a number of the factors most important of which are oxidation-reduction and acid-basis properties of soils, the contents of organic substance in them, granulometric structure, and also a water and thermal mode and a geochemical background of the region [9].
L.A. Petrova (2010) in her thesis work about regularity of distribution of heavy metals in a zone of aeration of southeast Donbass provides data on prevailing accumulation of heavy metals in soils in the range of depths of 0–10 and 25–30 cm [10]. In the work it is noted that mobile forms of elements with depth are replaced by the steady ones.
In the monograph devoted to problems of soils of urban areas [11], authors N. G. Fedorets and M. V. Medvedeva note that the heavy metals which have arrived on a surface of the soil, collect in soil thickness, especially in the top humus horizons and are slowly removed, their concentration sharply decreases with depth, and accumulation is promoted by clay minerals and organic substance.
A big cycle of researches is devoted to the questions of environmental protection. Aloyan E.M. (2005), Arguchintseva A.B., Arguchintsev V. K. (2004, 2007), Berlyand M. E. (1975, 1985), Marchuk G. I. (1982, 1992), Monin A.C. (1982, 1988), Penenko V. V. (1981), Sonkin L.R. (1991), Yaglom A.M. (1992), etc. were engaged in studying of the matter.
Manifestation of anthropogenous impact on environment is expressed in a change of speed and an orientation of geochemical processes. The balance of metals in the territories subject to the influence of the mining and metallurgical enterprises quite sharply changes.
In the urbanized territories all components of environment (the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, a soil cover) are transformed and polluted, therefore the detection of anomalies of heavy metals remains one of the actual problems of each industrial region [12]. Among chemical elements mercury allocates with its toxicity, a variety of ways of receipt in a human body and cumulative effects, therefore its contents in an urban environment is supervised first of all.
Heavy metals get to the soil with a precipitation from the atmosphere in which they are present in a form of organic and inorganic connections in the form of dust and aerosols, and also in a gaseous form. The following are also considered to be heavy metals: lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc, cobalt, nickel, copper, antimony, vanadium, manganese, chrome, arsenic [13].
Industrial drains and gas emissions, waste of mining productions, corrosion of metal designs and the equipment are constant sources of intake of heavy metals in environment. Anthropogenous receipts of lead make 106 t. in a year, copper – 4×106 t. in a year [14]. The considerable part of metals appears in the soil. They aren't subject to biodegradation and pass to surface and underground water, are absorbed by inhabitants of soils and reservoirs, different types of plants. For difficulty of migration of heavy metals in the soil and limitation of their bioavailability V. V. Volkhin, etc. offer a soil remediation with application of a method of transfer of ions of metals in an inactive condition [15]. For the purpose of an immobilization of heavy metals ameliorants stabilizers, i.e. the substances capable to absorb and to hold ions of metals, including them in structure of low-soluble connections (hydroxides, phosphates, carbonates) are entered into the polluted soil. Humic acids can also represent themselves as ameliorants-stabilizers [14].
2. General ecological assessment of Donetsk region pollution
Pollution of the atmosphere is a burning issue in Donetsk region. The main part of the industry of Ukraine is concentrated on its territory. The main pollutants of atmospheric air in the region are the enterprises of coal, metallurgical industry. Volumes of emissions of polluting substances by the enterprises of the mining industry make 487,7 thousand t., or 29,5 %, ferrous metallurgy – 540,3 thousand t., or 32,7 %, power engineering – 497,5 thousand t., or 30,1 % [16].
The structure of emissions of polluting components in atmospheric air of Donetsk region is given on drawing 2.1.

Drawing 2.1 – Structure of emissions of polluting components in atmospheric air by stationary and mobile sources of pollution
As a whole, as a result of steel works activity, oxides of calcium, manganese and its connections, copper oxide, oxide of zinc, lead, nitrogen dioxide, sulphurous anhydrite, chrome, xylol, coke dust, butyl acetate, iron oxide, acetone etc. also get into the atmosphere. One of the reasons of considerable emissions in the atmosphere is physical wear of the processing and powder-gas clearing equipment.
In martin production there is a sharp problem of reduction of emissions of oxides of nitrogen. There is a problem of reduction of emissions of blast furnaces, namely building constructions of cleaning of emissions of foundry yards, interbell space, stock houses at the metallurgical enterprises.
The main pollutants of water objects in the region are mines, the enterprises of the metallurgical and coke-chemical industry, and also municipal services of the city. The total amount of the return waters dumped in superficial water objects in 2008 made 1546 million m3 [16]. They contain the exceeding established sanitary standards concentrations of the sulfates, the suspension substances, oil products, chlorides, Mn, phosphates.
Major factors of pollution of a surface water are intensive dumping of sewage, silting of the majority of water objects, lack of a constant waterway, an insanitary condition of a number of beams, leakages of sewer collectors. Pollution of underground waters is connected with the drainage of high-mineralized mine waters, disorder warehousing of industrial wastes, intensive city building etc.
Soils as the main depositing environment, mostly reflect scales and nature of changes of surrounding environment.
The main sources of soil pollution in Donetsk region are the industrial enterprises, transport, town-planning activity, and also the processes connected with activity of the person. The most polluted sites are available in territories of the metallurgical enterprises, concentrating factories and mines, and also in zones of placement of dumps of industrial and household wastes. Here in soils a large number of chemical components accumulate. Rates of self-cleaning of soils are insufficient for normalization of an ecological situation.
These and other elements are contained in deviations of the metallurgical, coal, coke-chemical industry which do considerable harm to environment and health of the person.
In total of the formed industrial wastes the share of a dangerous waste of all classes of danger (the I-III classes of danger) makes in recent years 35–40 %. A waste of metallurgical productions pollutes the soil, water and air basins by toxic connections. Over 11 million tons valuable to metallurgy slurries are saved up in them. Their reuse, and also transition to new technologies promote decrease in formation of a slag waste. In the coal industry decrease in a large-capacity mountain waste can be carried out at the expense of reduction of a standard ash-content of mountain weight. Formed in the city territory mountain waste practically isn't used in industry.
Thus, the perspective of impact on environment of Donetsk is one of the major now.
3. Methods of Research
For the purpose of establishment of industrial pollution of Donetsk districts, sampling was carried out in a zone of influence of Donetsk steel works. Platforms of approbation are focused on control alignments along "wind rose" which are chosen taking into account a relief and possible impact on soils of the area of works [17]. Sampling, within the chosen platform, was carried out by an "envelope" method from a site in the size of 5×5 m. One test consists of five private tests which have been selected on corners of a square (four tests) and one – in its center. In total 28 tests of soils were selected.
Chemical and analytical researches of tests of soils were carried out to the SRGE "Donetskgeologiya" central laboratories of Artemovsk.
Quantitatively concentration of the following elements were defined: Рb, Cd, Сu, Нg, Ni, Zn, Мn, Fе. Along with the gross maintenance of elements, рН and concentrations of sulfates and elements in a mobile form (Cr, Co, S) were defined in tests. In 22 tests concentrations of oil products was established.
Definition of contents of the majority of chemical elements was made by the spectral semi-quantitative analysis. The content of mercury is established by a nuclear and absorbing method. Statistical data processing of results of laboratory researches of tests is carried out. The assessment of degree of danger of pollution was carried out on a total indicator of pollution (Zc) on a formula:
Zc = ∑Кс – (n – 1),
Кс – factor of concentration of the element, equal to the relation of its contents (С) in concrete test to the background contents (Сф) (Kc = C / Cф), in calculation Kc of elements >1,5 are accepted;
n – quantity of the analysed elements in concrete test.
4. Results of work
For the solution of objectives the soils of Voroshilovsky, Budenovsky, Leninsky districts of Donetsk were investigated. Donetsk steel works, dumps of a waste of the metallurgical enterprise, plant on manufacturing of mineral cotton wool and designs, and also the enterprises which activity is directed at processing of non-ferrous metals, production of steel products and the mountain and mine equipment, are located there.
As a result of the carried-out works it is established that the main sources of allocation of polluting substances in atmospheric air in the territory of research are: blast furnaces DP-1 and DP-2, martin furnaces №. 2, №. 3, №. 5, №. 6, №. 7, №. 8, the ladle furnace, the processing equipment, serving furnaces. As a result, in the atmosphere the auras of dispersion supervising the centers of soil pollution are formed. Besides, the condition of soils is affected by the boiler rooms located nearby, warehouses of petroleum products and filling stations, various repair sites, highways and railways.
Statistical data processing established the excess of maximum concentration limit of Pb and sulfates in 1,2&ndash3,8 times on average value; Cd, sulfates, Pb and oil products in limits from 1,1 to 7,0 on the maximum value. Non-uniform distribution of contents in the studied territory is revealed only for cadmium (V = 50 %).
Besides, the content of elements in tests was compared with a regional background, for the purpose of identification both positive and negative geochemical anomalies.
By results of comparison to a regional background in all territory of works an excess was established in 1,5 and more times for Cd, Hg, Pb, Cr (mobile form) and Co (mobile form). In separate tests the increased concentration of Cu, Ni, Zn and Mn are noted.
The territory being in a zone of influence of dumps of a waste of steel works and its industrial platform is exposed to the greatest pollution. It is obvious that the abnormal content of the listed indicators is formed owing to a production activity, and also anthropogenous influence as a whole.
By means of the correlation analysis geochemical associations of elements were revealed. The group of joint accumulation of a row of elements Cd-Cu-Hg-Pb-Zn is established.
On the basis of the received results for the elements exceeding a regional background in 1,5 and more times, the indicator of total pollution which reflects cumulative pollution in each test in the research territory (drawing 4.1) was calculated.

Drawing 4.1 – The card of a total indicator of pollution (Zc)
Having analysed the card of a total indicator, soils of the studied territory should be carried to admissible degree of danger of pollution, Zc < 16. From drawing 4.1 it is obvious that the increased values of this indicator are connected with a pollution source. In the southeast where dumps of a waste of steel works are located, and also in the northwest where there is the first City pond, pollution of medium category is noted at admissible degree of danger (Zc > 10).
For establishment of dynamics of nature of soil pollution in areas of works, graphs of change of the main indicators during 2006–2011 were constructed.

Drawing 4.2 – The graph of change of concentration of Pb and Cd

Drawing 4.3 – The graph of change of concentration of sulfates and oil products
In the received graphs the spasmodic behavior of Cd is noted. At the 2nd stage of 2006 and 2010 the minimum content of this component in soils is observed. Probably, it is connected with reduction of its use in technological processes. The maximum content of oil products is traced at the 1st stage of researches in 2007. Abnormal emission of these components is possibly connected with leakage of combustive-lubricating substances, fuel oil, as in the territory of works there are warehouses of petroleum products and filling stations, various repair sites, highways and railways. Stable fall of concentration of this indicator is then observed. Lead and sulfates show stabler behavior.
During work performance the ordering and data analysis of the industrial pollution of soils and the assessment of structure of environmental pollution of separate districts of Donetsk region were carried out. The main sources influencing the structure and intensity of pollution of the territory of research were established. To these one should refer steel works, plant on manufacturing of mineral cotton wool and designs, and also the enterprises which activity is directed at the processing of non-ferrous metals, production of steel products and the mountain and mine equipment. The geochemical associations, jointly collecting elements pollutants in soils of studied areas are revealed. Spatial research of distribution of pollution is carried out. As a result of the calculated indicator of total pollution, the territory of works belongs to admissible degree of danger.
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