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Enterprises of ferrous metallurgy in Ukraine are among the largest suppliers of billets and long products to the global market. The progress of the market is characterized by a constant increase competition and quality requirements of products [1].

Continuous casting of steel is one of the most important process steps in the manufacture of metal products, because it provides translation of steel from liquid to solid and giving it a definite geometric shape. During continuous casting conditions of cooling and hardening of the steel determines the quality of steel to a large extent.

The use of continuous casting in steel production [2]:

  • saves investments in connection with the exception of the cost of soaking pits;
  • provides significant cost savings due to reduced metal trim;
  • saves energy, which is spent on heating ingots in soaking pits;
  • to reduce the environmental burden on the atmosphere;
  • improve the quality of metal;
  • automate the process of casting;
  • to improve the working conditions of staff.
  • 1 Theme urgency

    Current market demand of steel products is aimed at improving quality, increasing production and reducing costs. These requirements make it necessary to upgrade existing and build new machines, which are characterized by a high degree of process automation, increased efficiency, reduced costs of energy, the ability to flexibly adjust to the required output quality.

    Continuous casting machine is one of the main components of steel production. The peculiarities of metallurgical machines are high loads and heavy modes, an aggressive environment, trouble-free operation, easy maintenance. Unplanned stop of continuous casting machine in a metallurgical process causes significant losses due to lost production, repair costs [3].

    The relevance of this topic is due to the use of continuous casting in industrialized countries and the need to run a fairly large number of machines are continuous at the metallurgical plants of Ukraine in the near future. Task of maintaining the competitiveness of domestic products are solved by the creation of complex automated control systems and process control. It provides the required quality of steel products at every stage of production [4].

    2 Goal and tasks of the research

    The aim of this work is to improve the efficiency of the continuous casting of steel. we will create an integrated automated process control system to achieve it.

    Requirements to the automation system:

  • ensure the required quality billet caster and a given performance;
  • reduction of metal losses during pouring;
  • to provide the operator a comprehensive and reliable information about the process in a readable form;
  • reducing equipment downtime;
  • reduce the influence of human factors on product quality and productivity of the casting; -improvement of working conditions of staff [5].
  • Results of the work:

  • the development of the block diagram of the automated control system of continuous casting;
  • the development of the block diagram of the actuator;
  • modeling of the electric drive;
  • the development of SCADA-system for the visualization of the technological process.
  • 3 Development of an automated process control system for continuous casting of steel

    The whole system is divided into separate functional subsystems control mechanisms of continuous casting machine (Buckets, Mold, Secondary cooling and Speed and dimensional cut).

    The peculiarity of the developed system is a distributed automation structure. It is made using ATmega microcontrollers. Modules for signal processing subsystems can be installed as close as possible to the mechanisms of continuous casting and quickly replaced. This architecture allows to reduce the cost of cable products, to improve noise immunity of equipment, as well as the need to quickly perform upgrades with minimal costs [5].

    The functions of the subsystem Buckets [6]:

  • temperature measurement of molten metal in the ladle;
  • measurement of the mass of metal in the ladle;
  • measurement of level regulation in the tundish;
  • temperature measurements began in the tundish;
  • regulation of Level regulation in the tundish;
  • dimension of the locking mechanism of steel ladles.
  • The functions of the subsystem Mold:

  • regulation of the metal in the mold;
  • measurement of the level in the mold;
  • dimension of the locking mechanism of the tundish;
  • measurement of flow rate and temperature drop in the mold;
  • regulation of water flow;
  • flow measurement of lubricant;
  • flow control of lubricant;
  • measurement of the oscillation amplitude of the mold;
  • measurement of the oscillation frequency.
  • The functions of the subsystem Secondary cooling:

  • measurement of the surface temperature of the ingot in the sections;
  • measurement of water flow in the sections and general consumption;
  • measurement of water pressure in the sections in the general line;
  • measurement of positions of the mechanism of electric singleturn in the pipeline;
  • regulation of water flow in sections and general;
  • measurement of surface temperatures on rollers in sections;
  • measurement of water flow in sections on rollers;
  • measurement of water pressure on the rollers in sections;
  • regulation of water flow in sections.
  • The functions of the subsystem Control the speed and dimensional cut:

  • measurement of the total length and dimensional length of the ingot;
  • measurement of oxygen pressure in the gas cutting;
  • measurement of gas pressure in the gas cutting;
  • measurement of oxygen consumption;
  • gas measurement flow
  • regulation of oxygen consumption;
  • regulation of gas flow;
  • measurement of gas cutting;
  • control the movement of gas cutting;
  • measurement of the speed-drawing;
  • regulation of pulling-speed control.
  • Conclusion

    We made the development of the block diagram of an automated process control system, a continuous breakdown of steel, SCADA-system block diagram of the electric drive and simulated induction motor with frequency regulation.

    The main economic effect of the introduction of automated processes for the continuous casting of steel is achieved by:

  • improve the organization of the casting process,
  • full load of equipment;
  • reducing unproductive losses;
  • increase productivity;
  • reduce production costs;
  • improve the quality of the workpiece.
  • This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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    2. Смирнов А.Н. Непрерывная разливка стали / А.Н. Смирнов, С.В. Куберский, Е.В. Штепан // Режим доступа:
    3. Ануфриенко О.С. Отчет о научно-исследовательской работе Конструкция автоматизированных машин металлургического производства / О.С. Ануфриенко, Ю.П. Бойко, Н.Я. Подоляк, А.М. Родригес // Режим доступа:
    4. Батраева А.Е. Совершенствование процесса управления охлаждением заготовок МНЛЗ в АСУ ТП. Автореферат диссертации // Режим доступа:
    5. Бакан С. Особенности АСУ ТП сортовой двухручьевой МНЛЗ Омутнинского металлургического завода / С. Бакан, А. Соченко, Н. Тюрдьо // Режим доступа:
    6. Бояров Д.В. Комплексная автоматизированная система локального управления технологическими процессами в МНЛЗ // Режим доступа: