- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Review of existing literature
- 4. Brief content of the work
- 4. Conclusion
- 5. References
1. Theme urgency
Four decades ago a number of futurologists (D. Bell, D. Risman, O. Toffler, A.Turen, A. Bard [1] etc.) started to predict the introduction of the most developed countries in qualitatively new stage of social development connected with development of information and communication technologies. In 20-30 years the most part of the events predicted by them found an embodiment, and today essentially surpassed many forecasts. Technological changes are accompanied by transformation of all spheres of public life and the social nature of the public relations. A number of the phenomena for which understanding in modern sociological and philosophical knowledge doesn't exist neither definitions, nor adequate models is thus observed. Differences are so great that being formed «the new world» isn't entered any more, doesn't hold" in one of existing models of an explanation of social reality. As a result being formed new society exists under the new laws which for the present haven't been fixed in theoretical concepts that causes an urgency of research works in the field.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The goal of the research is to analyze the ontological nature of changes of social reality under the influence of new means of communication and to show influence of these changes on transformation of a sociocultural paradigm and type of a social subjectivity.
To achieve this goal the following tasks were put:
- to consider existing concepts of sociocultural transformations;
- to prove need of consideration began XXI as qualitatively new stage of development of human society;
- to analyze fundamental features of the sociocultural reality which is forming during this period;
- to comprehend potential of these features in permission of a number of the contradictions inherent in modern society.
The object of the research is a Subjectivity as ability and potential readiness for reformative social activity became object of work.
The subject is the transformation of this category in the society of the XXI century.
Review of existing literature
There exists a wide range of scientific works considering separate aspects of modern technological and sociocultural transformations, in particular:
- philosophical and sociological models of modern society: M. Maklyuen, E.Toffler [5], K.Popper, Z.Liotar, D. Bell, Y.Habermas, P. Berger, T.Lukman, N. Luman, A.Shyuts, P. Druker, A.Turen, A.V.Gulyga, V.A.Emelin, V.L.Inozemtsev, J. Shuroviesky [7];
- works in the field of philosophy the technicians analyzing technogenic character of modern society: E.S.Demidenko, B.I.Kudrin, A.I.Rakitov, V. S. Stepin;
- analysis of a phenomenon of the collective subject and information cover of Earth: G.W.F. Gegel, V.I.Vernadsky, T.de Chardin, V.F.Turchin, N. N. Moiseyev;
- Internet research as phenomenon of social reality: works U.Eko, D. Tapskott [5], I.Eydman, B. Uelman, R. Collins, A.Bard and Y.Zoderkvist;
- lingvo-culturological, literary and art criticism researches of a cyberspace of L.Tiraspolsky, E.Gorny, N Mankovsky, M. Epstein;
- research of «mobile society» and influence of mobile communication devices on sociocultural reality in G. Reyngold [4], Ya.N. Zasursky's works;
- research of transformation of mass media and modern journalism: And. and G. Asmolov, D. Gillmor;
- psychological research of the personality in Internet space: A.E.Zhichkina, G.K.Saykina.
Brief content of the work
Scheme 1. Information revolutions (animation: 5 frames, 5 repeats, 99 Кб) |
As motive power of any sociocultural transformations that its element in which at present to time the greatest dynamics of development is inherent usually acts. Today emergence and universal distribution of the latest means of communication became such influencing moment. It is possible to argue that the shape of the today's world was defined by three technological "breaks":
- creation of the global Internet (as information space);
- development of a standard of design of the Web 2.0 Internet resources and emergence of social networks (as communication space and space of general creativity);
- creation and distribution of mobile communication [2] devices and mobile computers that created possibility of almost permanent stay of millions people «on communication» in this space.
Thanks to these technological opening in the first decade of the XXI century new level of sociocultural reality – information and communication space (further – IKP or the Network) is formed.
The understanding of essence of this space undergoes eventually essential changes. Originally understood as the environment of exchange of information, in recent years it was considered generally as the communication environment. Today it is more expedient to allocate other party of the nature of IKP. It is a question of its formation as:
- the space of total, general creativity and reality designing in which there is a formation of special type of a subjectivity [3];
- a special level of reality which gets the status of high-grade ontological reality, becomes central, comprehensive and "grows together" with other levels of reality, and at times pushes aside them «on a background».
As a result of development of information and communication technologies the mankind faces new technological and sociocultural reality without which understanding the understanding of the modern person and society is impossible, and, means, the philosophy as that is impossible. Occurring changes carry not so much technical, how many humanitarian, social character. The new society, the new person and new models of communications and social interactions is before our eyes formed. Therefore today dialogue of philosophy and the sphere of information technologies becomes very actual and gains new lines: philosophers, sociologists and experts in the field of information technologies can't exist the friend without the friend any more for only on a joint of these two areas of knowledge the understanding of the new world in which "real" and virtual layers merge in inseparable integrity is possible.
Now it is possible to generalize theoretical results of the analysis of transformations of modern society carried out in work in several of theses.
1. Due to the development in the first years of the XXI century of a technique of design of the Internet resources, received the name "Web 2.0" and distribution of social networks it is represented not only lawful, but also necessary expansion of understanding of a modern cyberspace as spaces of life, ontological space, a special form of reality, on importance degree not conceding to reality physical.
2. Due to the transformations which have resulted it of modern information and communicative space, today it is possible to speak about change of information and sociocultural paradigm and the beginning of a new civilizational stage which in the real work is analyzed under the working name "society 2.0".
3. And, as a result, one of fundamental characteristics of modern society it is possible to consider as the most important factor of the specified transformations the open creative nature of a modern cyberspace designated in work as a phenomenon of "pan-authorship" and considered as one of essential conditions for permission of a number of contradictions, inherent in modern society. There are bases to believe that strengthening of universal participation in creation of everybody will appear a key to condition overcoming «death of the author» [8] to which the post-present era, and to «revival of the subject» came.
Possibility of practical application of results of work locates, first of all, that today there is an objective need for carrying out complex interdisciplinary researches and, moreover, in formation of special branches of the knowledge the analysis and designing of that integrated virtual and physical space in which there is a modern society should become which purpose.
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