- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Identify the basis of a gender perspective transformation between religions and historical perspective.
- Conclusion
- References
Every religion has been building their structured relationship between the source of the moral, the indoctrination, the control and the sanctions for the violations, which corresponded to both a collective representations (collective representations) expressed in the language (the myth, the fairy tale, the epic, the fable) and the commercial activity with the synthesis of values. The problem of the relations of the public morality, the biological functions and the cultural features, which are mainly based on the masculine for the Europeans or by the words Zh.Derridy "the falocentric system of representation" [9], has become urgent after the Kantian problem of understanding the relation of the human existence and the morality.
1. Theme urgency
Thus, for a modern society, the current is not just a problem of following a certain biologically driven roles, but the cultural and social basis of equality in the two different morpho-physiological, but equal in value and respect the legal entities that build up the general field of human culture: men and women .
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The methodological basis for the presentation of abstracts is philosophical, theological descriptive method of research, textual analysis of the elements of comparison, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction.
The expected result is an integrated view on the issues of gender relations of religions that have a single source, common external factors of development, but have undergone different development path.
Main tasks of the research:
- Disclosure Statement and the completeness of the basic concepts and terms that are a collection of a gender perspective in its chronological sequence.
- Identify, based on the analysis of the main sacred literature, and culture-ethnological research and the main factors affecting gender relations.
- Identify the basis of a gender perspective transformation between religions and historical perspective.
Research object:The study is of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, on the place of women and men religious, and not separable from it, the moral sphere of life.
Research subject: The subject of study in this context are just conceptual approaches from different areas of philosophy, theology, sociology, in matters of religion and gender relationships in the Abrahamic religions .
3. Identify the basis of a gender perspective transformation between religions and historical perspective.
As the first wave of resolution of issues concerning sex-role function in society actors effectively ended the availability of the statement of the problem, then the beginning of the second wave feminist movement put John Stuart Mill in the late 70s of the XIX century, when they began to take shape modern views of scientific knowledge, which was certain result of the general development of science and culture. Topics of research in the field of gender roles from the first work devoted to medical and psychological spheres. Prominent representatives are Sigmund Freud and Havelock Ellis, Ruth Benedict. In the middle of the twentieth century may be noted Simone de Beauvoir, Margaret Mead. Since the 60s, an active phase of feminism of the twentieth century. Specific productivity of researchers Julia Kristeva, Linda Woodhead, Mary Daly, Devidman Lin [20] have allowed a new look to look at complex issues of gender as a social condition for the existence of the individual.
Since the mid 80s into use is strongly gender identification with the filing of a famous British sociologist Anthony Giddens[5], which gives a new perspective for understanding how gender is not biological, but only a social phenomenon. The same concept is shared by scholars such as Judith PLASKE, Wendy Griffin, R.Mari Griffin, Sylvia Valbi, Lucy Irigarey, Dzhrerri Parinder, Adrienne Rich, Rosemary Rusher, Rebecca Shope, Ursula King. Gender Studies in Judaism, the authors reveal the details, the supporters of liberal Judaism, Tamara Roth, Yehudi Gelman [17]. Issues related to Islam, specified by such researchers as Leila Ahmed Sherif Abdel Azym, Ozlem Ingyun, Defne Suman, Adnan Celik.
Russian philosophers and scientists are not allowed in the side of this perspective. A great contribution to the development of this issue has made Stepanyants Marietta [19], also revealed this theme in the works of Tatiana Barchunovoy [1], Lyudmila Semenova [18], Galina Pushkar[15] Vladimir Legoida, Yasin Rasulov, Igor Nasyrova [12] Eldar Ziganshina, as determined by the local phenomenon of coexistence of Orthodox Christian and Islamic cultures in a single state.
Ukrainian researchers have devoted the issue of gender studies is not enough attention, but Oksana Zabuzhko was the first on the definition of gender stereotypes and roles of women in Ukrainian society. These philosophers and religious scholars Ukrainian as Anatoly Kolodny, Lyudmila Filipovich, Olga recently [13], Victoria Кnotted [20] and other issues related to gender as a social phenomenon as it applies to religious morality and practical life.
The modern paradigm of humanity is to examine the role of man in society as a dominant transforming activity without due attention to the mechanisms of deterrence in the form of religion, which is increasingly evident in the life of society. All this testifies to the fact that today the process of transforming those ideas have not yet completed, but will likely never reach completion, and will last indefinitely. This leads to the conclusion that the subject of gender studies in religion will be exhausted only a very distant future, subject to the disappearance or removal from the actual agenda of the three Abrahamic religions, ie, the complete disappearance of the holders of cultural values. In doing so, these processes are very interesting for religious studies, and will be open to all new dimensions. All this proves the stability actuality selected issues and points to the infinite variations in relation to the "male" and "female" principle in religion and society.

Animated diagram of the establishment of women's equality in the world
(animation: 6 frames, 41 KB)
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