Anton Vlasenko

Faculty of computer science and technology (CST)

Department of computer engineering (CE)

Speciality "System programming"

"Virtualized Modular Computer System for the Educational Process"

Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Samoshchenko Alexander

Server technologies

  • GNU/Linux (Debian, Gentoo, Ubuntu)
  • Apache, nginx, Openfire, squid, bind, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, mapnik
  • Xen, KVM, VirtualBox

Development technologies

  • Python: Pyramid, Django, Tornado, Twisted, PySide, PyQT, SQLAlchemy
  • Java (SWT), Javascript (AJAX, JQuery), Android (libgdx)
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB
  • Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, Twitter Bootstrap

Development and testing tools

  • PyCharm, Eclipse SDK, PyDev, vim, Bluefish
  • Python unittest, Sphinx, JUnit, ab, netcat
  • Qt Designer, WindowBuilder
  • GIMP, Lightroom, Hugin, Inkscape