
Abstract of master's work



Raw materials and characteristics of the copper industry in Ukraine




In a permanent change in the situation on the world markets for steel products and the growing level of competition for enterprises-producers of copper and its alloys is the improvement of efficiency of production and the production of competitive goods demanded quality. In this regard, further increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian copper products due to minimize material and energy costs of production is a complex task, the relevance of which in Ukraine is defined as the utilization of low-grade domestic scrap metal, and the desire to produce the finished product which meets world standards.

Analysis of trends in the production and consumption of copper products shows that Ukrainian enterprises working in this market segment, are used as feedstock scrap, which quality is far below world analogues. This, in conjunction with the export orientation of the industry, domestic manufacturers increasingly take advantage of the internal market by acquiring new products and improve manufacturing process in order to increase competitiveness in the global market.

One of the stages of production of copper products, greatly influencing the economic aspects of the sustainability of the enterprise, is the translation of a liquid melt into solid preset. From the rational organization of the process depends as much output quality, and the quality of the metal. Improving the quality and reducing the cost of workpiece is possible due to detailed study of the processes of crystallization and formation of defects in the crystallizer. The important properties of melt copper fire refining, are currently under consideration. This is especially true for Ukraine, in which copper fire refining is made from low-grade scrap quantity of impurities that changes from heat to heat.

Raw materials and characteristics of the copper industry in Ukraine

Currently only the production of titanium, zirconium, magnesium, silicon and some rare earth metals is based on your own mineral. For the production of other non-ferrous metals (and most) are the only domestic source of raw materials and industrial waste. Geological studies have confirmed the existence of promising copper deposits in Ukraine, but their industrial development is far from a close perspective.

Proportion of recycled materials in the production of non-ferrous metals is constantly growing. The term secondary raw material should become the main source of many non-ferrous metals, especially copper and ferrous processing would cover the deficit balance between consumption and production of copper. Integration of secondary raw materials in metallurgical production cycle is of great economic importance to rational use of non-renewable natural resources, decrease technogenic load on the environment, get metal simpler and cheaper ways.

During the years of independence from Ukraine more than 1.5 million were exported. tons of colored scrap or semis. Despite the adoption in 1998, the law on banning the export of colored scrap amounts of their collection and processing each year falling. This is due to the lack of modernization of the equipment for processing and remelting of colored scrap in a substantial drop in its quality. An equally important factor is the decline in the last decade in the economic growth of a number of industries where traditionally used copper products. As a result, falling levels of industrial waste, which, unlike the consumer have a chemical composition.

Effective use of recycled materials in non-ferrous metals industry depends on the level of organization of the collection, sorting, and storage, and, to a large degree, preparing for the reconfiguration of the whole production. Assorted metal waste is a material of the same composition and appearance (copper, bronze, brass, etc.). In the case of unsorted recycled materials processing and smelting technology is complicated and not better, it involves sharing present valuable components and removes harmful impurities.

Present status of production of copper products is characterized by instability in procurement and supply of secondary raw materials in the steel industry, a severe shortage of originating scrap and waste and therefore extremely low loading capacity (-35%).

To determine the volumes of scrap and waste education, it is necessary to have exact data on volumes and consumption of copper products, including 25-30-year retrospective. Most of the harvesting is scrap and scrap electrical wire current-52.2% and the same little chips (0.3% of the total).

The low rate of technical modernization of the domestic industry and a significant decline in production in recent years, the trend to slowing the collection and recycling of obsolete scrap. Because of transport costs and higher prices for raw copper alloys Ukrainian producers are not buying scrap and waste in the European Union and, with rare exceptions, use only domestic secondary raw materials of non-ferrous metals, at a lower quality Consumption of Foundry bronzes and brasses in 1985-1990. There were 40-48 thousand tons per year, including brasses 23-28th. t, brass-17-22, 2000-2008. Accordingly 10-12, 8-10, 2-3 thousand tons a year. On earlier research conducted, the main consumers of Foundry bronzes and brasses in 1985-1990. were the automotive, chemical and petroleum engineering, construction, road building, public utility machinery. In the 2003-2009 years specialized in steel processing enterprises were supplied to other countries, on average, 12 thousand. tons a year product of brasses and bronzes, the bulk of which are extruded and drawn rods brass and bronze products for sanitary purposes.

This production is estimated to be nearly at cost of brass in pigs, and in most cases is used as input material. At the same time, in the manufacture of brass rolling uses a large number of domestic manufacturers of expensive copper scrap (an average of 300 kilo /ton), which increases the cost of the product. This reflects the misdirection of the copper raw materials with advanced technology of its processing.

Thus, the analysis of the current situation with the harvesting of scrap and wastes of copper alloys shows that Ukraine has the necessary resources for the production of alloys for castings, brass and bronzes. To reduce import dependence of copper-based metal products to organize production of fittings, water pipes, tubes, etc. in domestic enterprises.


Analysis of the conditions of production of copper products shows that the most effective method is the production of copper fire refining of secondary raw material, because this method allows you to provide an adequate level of technical quality of copper in its production of local raw materials. This will effectively apply a copper for manufacture of electrical, building and engineering products.

At present, the world market for metal makes strict demands to quality of production of refined copper. One of the basic steps to ensure its quality is a high standard of ingots, billets for rolling the redivision of the source. In doing so, to ensure the necessary level of quality of the workpiece should study further the influence of properties of copper fire refining and casting technologies and design parameters on the formation of defects of products. The lack of experience in In connection with the absence in Ukraine of the experience of casting of refined copper of this question at present not well understood, therefore, is a topical study of the impact of such properties of copper fire refining, as viscosity and surface tension, to the formation of cracks workpiece semi continuous casting


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