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1. Simulation in program abaqus

During the development of software ABAQUS me was simulated bending process ingot in the zone of secondary cooling in general form. In the below figure photographed working window.

With Abaqus can demonstrate that and where the forces acting on the workpiece, as distributed load throughout the section. Well thought-out animation allows you to trace, as are a metal and wrought tools of their trajectory and deformation.

2. Key issues and weaknesses

During the development of software and found some problems, mainly because of a sufficiently large time needed to complete the development program (it is 1.5 -2 years). The main shortcomings of the program include the lack of Russian-Ukrainian-language and interface, which greatly complicates the already very difficult process of modeling.

Another major drawback, which, however, can not blame its creators, is the lack of textbooks in Russian for the development of this program, except for a few brief guidelines.

Another disadvantage is that when modeling grade timber, we can simulate the device seed that process was running without some defects, such as such as kick the side faces at the first roll along the caster, shot shown in Figure above.

Another disadvantage is that we can not model the furnace - ladle, which produces liquid metal through the crystallizer, which we also can not model, so we modeled two mold instead of two giving rolls..


  1. As a result of analysis of the development of continuous casting processes have been identified current trends in the production of continuously cast billets grade, analyzes construction and equipment of modern varietal composition of the MNLZ. It was found that one of the biggest advantages of continuous casting is an important opportunity for management and process automation.
  2. Design analysis and calculation of key parameters and the varietal caster pulling-straightening machine MNLZ suggests that you need a thorough study of deformation of the metal in these areas, as for continuously cast ingot characterized by the simultaneous existence of conditions of crystallization and deformation, which determines the possibility of formation of defects that have different nature. Therefore, to maximize control processes in these areas.
  3. Obtaining high quality depends on production technology and equipment to work properly. Modern computer technologies make it possible to simulate the real processes at work under this allows them to learn and improve detail. Modeling and analysis in some areas of industry to avoid costly and lengthy development cycles such as "design - manufacturing - test". All this suggests that without the introduction of new technologies in our time can not effectively develop and improve products to be competitive now on domestic and foreign markets.


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