Processing of multiparameter measurement data in information systems of protection information
- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. A method of processing multiparameter measurement data
- Conclusion
- References
In the design process of aircraft is the problem of optimal synthesis, ie, to choose the structure and parameters of the system to ensure its optimum performance.
The complexity of the mathematical description of the aircraft systems , cause inability to create a strict in mathematical sense, method of optimal synthesis. Therefore, the design solution to the problem of synthesis is divided into a series of sequential steps and becomes an iterative process with a cycle – a theory calculations, experiment, analysis. Approximately 40% of all problems are solved with the help of experimental tests. But the complexity and high cost of producing large quantities of aircraft facilities for testing is impractical. To improve the efficiency of flight tests and to reduce material costs for their conduct, it is necessary to provide the most informative parameters of measurement and apply precision measurement systems [1]. Data processing system solves problem which consists of two parts:
- Approximate measurements for the reduction to a single point in time [2];
- To smooth a possible error of measurement and reduce its influence on the outcome of the treatment system [3,4].
1. Theme urgency
With the rapid development of technology, where the quality and complexity of the aircraft is growing, and trajectory measurements are close to the borders of their precision capabilities, due, mainly, of the atmosphere [5], especially important is the development and application of methods for analyzing trajectory information [6], based on using of redundant measurements to improve the accuracy and reliability of the results of processing [7].
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The aim of the research is the development, simulation [8], and possibly testing of the algorithm ofprocessing multiparameter measurements data on real external trajectory measurements.
The main objectives of the research:
- Analysis of existing methods for processing external trajectory measurements;
- The choice of architecture and basic concepts of a new processing method on the basis of ongoing research [6, 9–13].
Object of study: methods of processing multiparameter data external trajectory measurements.
Subject of research: the integration of methods of processing of temporal and spatial redundancy.
3. A method of processing multiparameter measurement data
In [10] carried out simulation of multiparameter measurement data processing with spatial redundancy. In general, the functioning of the generalized system with ability to handle temporal redundancy can be represented with next block – diagram (Fig. 1).
The generalized method makes it possible to get a gain in accuracy by the number of measuring stations (Fig. 2). Error in calculation of the trajectory decreases with the number of stations. And when you consider the features of functioning of each of them and optimize their relative position to the experimental measurements [14], the error can be further reduced. We tested the algorithm was simulated by a typical trajectory – Nesterov loop. For better visibility the initial error is multiplied by 10.
The next step will be to develop a nonlinear smoothing algorithm using the OBF of the two variables. It is now performed studies [12,15] that justify the possibility of using this mathematical apparatus. But the question arises: "Which of these systems is need to be used?". Further work will be presented in the justification for the selection of one of the cell – matrix structures, verification and simulation of orthogonal OBF processing.
Master's thesis is devoted to actual scientific problem of co-processing of multiparameter measurement data with spatial and temporal redundancy. For today:
- Developed a general structure of the processing algorithm;
- On the basis of the research proved the possibility of describing the trajectory using orthogonal basis functions of two variables;
- Experiments were carried out on the effectiveness of the generalized processing method .
Further studies focused on the following aspects:
- Research and selection of one of the proposed cell – matrix structures to describe the trajectory;
- Carrying out the numerical simulation of the new algorithm and study its properties and limits of application.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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