Summary of the master work
- Abstract
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. The purpose of the master work
- 3. Scientific novelty and practical value
- 4. A review of research and development on the theme of master work
- 4.1 The concept of photonic antenna
- 4.2 Integrated photonic antenna for radio ultracommunication systems
- 4.3 Conclusion
- References
1. Relevance of the topic
At the present stage of development of radio and telecommunications have high demands on design and quality parameters of antenna systems and electronic equipment. A promising development in this direction is to use fiber-optic communication line. Fiber-optic cable (FOC) is the most broadband transmission medium of information. Therefore, there is a need to develop and create a new simple, inexpensive and compact devices that convert optical signals into electrical signals and vice versa.
One possible way of simplifying these devices is the use of active integrated antennas. They are characterized by the fact that the signal from the antenna (as transmitter) and the antenna (as a receiver) is distributed on an optical fiber, and from the photodiode directly excites the antenna.
As an active photonic antenna microstrip antenna will be used. Coaxial cable, it will be replaced by optical fiber, a photodiode is used to convert the microwave signal in the amplitude-modulated optical signal and vice versa.
2. The purpose of the master work
Investigation of the characteristics of integrated microstrip active antennas for secure communications systems, creating a narrow focus antenna with high gain amplification to increase the range of the antenna, as the output of the antenna low level.
To achieve this goal should address the following objectives:
- a more powerful diodes, as diodes used in the photocurrent is low;
- creation of a new microstrip antenna design.

Image 1 – Microstrip radiator with spaced parallel slits
3. Scientific novelty and practical value
Lies in the fact that the integrated microstrip active antenna can be used as the base stations and transmission in wireless communication systems. as the use of active photonic antenna, a signal which is fed through an optical fiber can significantly simplify the base station, while the signal from the photodiode directly excites the antenna without amplification, and functions such as modulation, demodulation and channel management run the central station.

Image 2 – Transmission scheme using photonic antennas, based on high-speed photodiode

Image 3 – Scheme of radio and optical backbones (Animation: 16 frames, the number of periods of 100, a delay of one frame - 0.1 sec, the size 448h305, 317 KB)
4. A review of research and development on the theme of master work
As a result of information search on the topic of work, it was found that the research on this subject was initiated Master DonNTU Evgeniy Gogolenko., He has been developing an omni-directional photonic band active antenna [1], and relying on its development can deepen and further advance its work, to create a narrow-phase integrated active photonic antenna.
Judging from online sources, these studies in Ukraine, which would have been the subject matter of the final work not performed, and in Asia, Europe and the U.S., this issue is widely studied by scientists.
Integrated active microstrip antenna consists of microstrip radiator, which is supplied fiber optic cable, and a photodetector. The advantage of this antenna is its miniaturization, and ease of construction.
Microstrip antenna (MPA), manufactured by technology of microwave integrated circuits, most of all, what other types of antennas meet the requirements of miniaturization. Microstrip radiators and grating used in the MPA and ensure their small size, weight and cost with high reproducibility characteristics that allows us to represent MPA as a promising class of microwave antenna systems. Improving the quality of design, reducing the cost of the experimental refinement and production of MPA seen in the application of rigorous methods of analysis, the creation of methods and algorithms suitable for use in the machine design.
Optical Fiber — the thread of an optically transparent material (glass, plastic) that is used to transfer the light within you through the full internal reflection. Glass optical fibers are made of quartz glass, but for the far-infrared can be used by other materials such as ftorotsirkonat, Fluorine-aluminates and chalcogenide glasses [2]. Like other glasses, these are the refractive index of about 1.5.

Image 4 – Fiber - optic cable
Currently developing the use of plastic optical fibers. The core of this fiber is made from polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), a shell of fluorinated PMMA (fluoropolymers). Optical fiber, typically has a circular cross section and consists of two parts — the core and shell. To ensure full internal reflection of the absolute refractive index of the core is slightly higher refractive index of the shell. For example, if the refractive index of the shell is 1.474, the refractive index of the core — 1.479. A beam of light directed into the core, will be distributed to her. More complex structures: the as the core and cladding can be used two-dimensional photonic crystals, instead of a step change in the refractive index is often used with a fiber gradient refractive index profile, the shape of the core may be different from cylindrical. These structures provide the fibers special properties: retention of the polarization of the propagating light, reducing losses, changes in the dispersion of fibers, etc.
Optical fibers used in telecommunications, as a rule, have a diameter of 125 ± 1 micron. The diameter of the core may vary depending on the type of fiber and national standards.
Photodetectors (PIN-diode)
PIN-diode - a kind of diode, in which the regions between the e (n) and hole (p) is the conductivity of its own (not alloyed, Eng. Intrinsic) semiconductor (i-region). p and n doped region are generally strong, as they are often used for ohmic contact to the metal.
Photodiodes are made on the technology of molecular-beam epitaxy on GaAs and InP. The characteristic quality of pin-diodes are shown at work in the strong injection, when the i-region is filled with charge carriers from the heavily doped n + and p + regions to which the applied forward bias voltage. pin-diode functionally comparable to a bucket of water with a hole in the side — as soon as the bucket is filled to the level of the hole — it begins to flow. Similarly, the diode begins carry a current, once filled with charge carriers i-region.

Image 5 – The functional structure of the pin-diode
PIN-diode can be used as network cards and switches for fiber-optic cables. In these applications, pin-diode is used as a photodiode.
As a photodetector pin-diode is operated at reverse bias. At the same time it is closed and does not pass current (except for a small leakage current Is). photon included in the i-region, giving rise to the formation of electron-hole pairs. Carriers entering the electric field of the SCR, begin to move toward high-fields, creating an electrical current that can be detected by the external circuit. The conductivity of the diode depends on the wavelength, intensity and frequency modulation of the incident radiation.
The value of reverse voltage can reach high values??, with greater tension creates a larger field that pulls media from IPF i-region over quickly.
4.1 The concept of photonic antenna
Traditional microwave antenna [3] has a coaxial or microstrip feedlines, which ends the microwave connector. Microwave signal is transmitted to and from the antenna with using a coaxial cable. In the photonic antenna coaxial cable is replaced by optical fiber, and therefore the need to use optoelectronic components, such as lasers and photodiodes for converting microwave signals to amplitude-modulated optical signal and vice versa.
Photonic antenna may be a hybrid (im. 6. a) or integrated (im. 6.b).

Image 6 – Hybrid (a) and integrated (b) photonic antenna
Hybrid photonic antenna consists of two independent parts: a fiber-optic photodiode module and conventional microwave antennas, which are connected with the aid of microwave connectors. The integrated photonic antenna photodiode integrated with the antenna radiator so that the photocurrent generated by the photodiode directly excites the antenna.
ntegrated photonic antenna has the following advantages:
- ight weight and small size, because it does not require metal coaxial cable and microwave connectors;
- bandwidth, which is limited only by the transmitter antenna;
- immunity to electromagnetic interference, which is important for the antenna arrays and systems;
- the ability to remotely control an antenna because of low losses in optical fiber, which may be less than 0.2 dB / km;
- the possibility of using methods of optical processing and generation of microwave signals.
It should be noted that only the photon transmission antenna can be is based on the photodiode by a one-sided nature of optoelectronic components. The main disadvantages are the transmitting antenna of the photon loss photoelectric conversion, which can exceed 10 dB, and a relatively low output power of the microwave signal, limited the maximum photocurrent of the photodiode, which usually does not exceed several tens of milliamperes.
4.2 Integrated photonic antenna for radio ultracommunication systems
In the case of photonic integrated antennas [4] loaded directly onto the photodiode input impedance of the microstrip radiator (im. 7).

Image 7 – Front and rear integrated photonic antenna
Microwave signal is fed to the antenna using a photonic single-mode optical fiber in the form of an amplitude-modulated optical signal. Photon emitter antenna is a rectangular microstrip E-shaped emitter, which is designed to operate at a frequency of 5.6 GHz and has a bandwidth of 750 MHz at -10 dB. Substrate microstrip radiator is used for mounting the photodiode, which is soldered to the back of the radiator so that the photocurrent of the photodiode can flow through the microstrip. The photodiode used in the photonic antenna, a high-speed InGaAs / InP p-i-n-photodiode with a bandwidth of 8 GHz and a sensitivity of 1 A / W at 1310 nm (im. 8).

Image 8 – Структура InGaAs/InP p-i-n The structure of the photodiode and the equivalent circuit of an integrated photonic antenna for high frequencies
The equivalent circuit of an integrated study of the photon antenna consists of a high-frequency impedance Zi i>, representing the microstrip radiator, power source Iph , capacity p-n -transition Spn (0.07 pF) and resistance p-n- transition Rpn and consistent resistance Rs (3 ohms), together representing the photodiode chip, connecting wire inductance Ls (0.5 nH), capacitance Cp (0.5 pF) and inductance Lp (3 nH) of the body of the photodiode. From the equivalent circuit can be seen that the effective radiated power of the antenna depends on the photon impedance matching of the photodiode and microstrip radiator.
In the first case was measured by conventional microwave antenna, when the microwave signal to the microstrip radiators fed by means of a coaxial cable through RF connector SMA. In the second case examined hybrid photonic antenna. In the hybrid microstrip antenna photon emitter is connected to the photodiode module with SMA connectors. In the third scenario was investigated by an integrated antenna.
If the measurement of hybrid and integrated photonic antennas used the same laser module. For all measurements of the microwave signal power measurement was the same. The figure shows that the transmission coefficient of integrated photonic antenna increases for higher frequencies. This is explained by a monotonic increasing the active input impedance of the emitter at a frequency that leads to better agreement with the impedance of the photodiode.
The design and performance of broadband active integrated photonic antenna are presented and comparison of the transmission coefficient of hybrid and integrated photonic antenna is shown that the efficiency of the photonic antenna can be increased by optimizing the choice of excitation microstrip radiator, where the achieved the best possible coordination of the input impedance of the photodiode and the emitter (without a microwave matching circuits and amplifiers).
In this paper the current master of scientific and technical challenge, which is devoted to research and design of microstrip integrated narrowcasting the active antenna in secure communication systems. We consider different methods of designing antennas to increase gain and output power.
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In this paper the current master of scientific and technical challenge, which is devoted to the study and modification of modern methods of sorting.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.