Management innovation potential in the enterprise
The content
- Introduction
- The main content
- References
Relevance. To define a current state of economy of Ukraine very difficultly. Many scientists allocate such state of the economy as
, but this definition isn't full and doesn't give a sure assessment of image of the state at the international level as such definition forms representation about not stable economy of the state, and stability in economy is pledge of investment injections and economy developments. The important direction of development of the new modern relations in Ukraine is ensuring competitiveness of the domestic enterprises. As shows experiment of the countries with the developed economy, such development is promoted by development of innovative activity.Innovative activity represents
of the debugged, tested and justifiable operating system of production and production sale, and also the administration organization. In other words, innovations, interfering with the current production activity, enter into it uncertainty and risk elements as more often, the innovation essentially is entered calls into question all previous. But all negative sides of introduction can't and shouldn't serve as the reason of complete refusal of their use as successful innovative activity opens new possibilities of the production and public relations which make a great impact on efficiency of an economic mechanism.But, in order that the enterprise successful in innovative activity it should have set of resources and conditions of activity which form readiness and ability of the organization to innovative development, that is to have innovative potential, and not only to have, but still to be able it reasonably to operate.
Research objective –justification of theoretical bases and development of methodical recommendations of management in innovative potential of subjects of managing.
Research problem. For achievement of the purpose, the following tasks are put:
- To characterize a condition and prospects of innovative activity of Ukraine;
- To consider essence of concept innovative potential and concepts of management;
- To analyze managements in innovative potential of subjects of managing taking into account tools;
- To develop practical recommendations about increase of management efficiency of innovative potential of subjects of managing.
Object of research – management in innovative potential of subjects of managing.
Research methods. A basis of development make: provisions of the general theory of management, innovative management, economy and the organization of innovative activity at the enterprise, strategic management. Such methods, as a system approach – are used at the general of research of the put problem; an induction and deduction method – at definition and the analysis definition
innovative potential of managing subjects
. Information base of research are standard and acts of Ukraine, general provisions of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists within a studied subject, express information of Goskomstat of Ukraine, materials of research conferences, periodicals and the Internet network.The scientific result of research consists in development of methodical recommendations about management in innovative capacity of the enterprises.
The structure of research is caused by its purposes, tasks, a subject and a research method. Work consists of the introduction, three heads uniting divisions, conclusions.
The main content
In introduction the urgency of the offered subject, its objects and subjects of research, namely principles and stages of management process in innovative potential is considered.
In the first section statistical information is considered, which analysis is carried out allows drawing a conclusion that a condition of innovative development in Ukraine low, to it promoted inflation and World crisis in economy in 2008. But according to business cycles, after a recession stage always there is a lifting stage and consequently the assumption is that the domestic enterprises which endured crisis want will develop and be more competitive to be engaged in innovative activity. The main source of financing are own means of the enterprises, and means of foreign investors only start grow in the general destiny of sources, it is promoted not by stable state of the economy of the country and investors don't want to risk own means.
But innovative development of subjects of managing influences not only external conditions, but also internal, and for this purpose it is necessary to estimate in details set of resources and conditions of activity which form readiness and ability of the organization to innovative development, that is to have innovative potential and to be able reasonably to operate of.
The intrinsic characteristic of innovative potential of subjects reveals by means of disclosure of essence of the characteristic
which by results of the carried-out research, is defined as set of the conceptsresources
of the enterprise.[11]Thus, it agrees considered above an approach to concept
interpretation,the innovative potential
the enterprises is treated as limited combinations of resources, abilities and enterprise possibilities.There are various approaches to concept interpretation
innovative potential
. The majority of authors adheres to a resource approach concept interpretationinnovative potential
subjects of managing in spite of the fact that this approach doesn't reflect full essence of considered concept. In more detail to characterize studied object it is possible by means of allocation of its different types, that is, having classified it ([10], [26], [27], [28]).
Table 1 – Classification of types of innovative potential
Type of innovative potential Characteristic Obvious (existing, static) Characterizes directly those resources and ways of their use which the system of the innovative enterprise in a certain period and in a certain situation possesses. Hidden (possible, dynamic) Characterizes the hidden prospect put in resources that is existing possibilities of the subject of managing which is engaged in innovative activity. The used potential Potential which is actually used by system for realization of goals in innovative projects. Not used potential Potential which exists in the hidden look, or obvious, but on certain (objective or subjective) to the reasons isn't included in the list of competitive advantages of the innovative enterprise, that is a socalled reserve. Desirable Potential, level and which structure on the allocated parameters of functioning of the innovative enterprise most approached to optimum, that is some kind of ideal case. Capable Potential which at any moment in certain conditions, it is possible to involve for performance of objectives and achievement of specific goals of the innovative project. Incapacitated Potential which owing to the objective and subjective reasons can't be included in innovative processes of ensuring activity of system. Potential human-centered Capacity of the innovative enterprise in which structure the defining role is played by the human capital to which it is preferred at different solution of tasks. As a rule, it is characteristic for the young enterprises entering the market with innovative production. Setting before itself a main goal to be fixed in the market, they in the maximum degree make active and realize personality possibilities (the leading head, the personnel), using thus a creative approach to the solution of problems and “democratic” methods of management. Potential for technology-oriented Potential of the innovative enterprise in which structure financially technical component prevails that means existence and use as the main competitive different advantage of the substantiated resources (including information transformed and substantiated). As a rule, such type of innovative potential is inherent in “old residents” of the market of innovations whom, possessing sufficient experience and financial possibilities, resist to the competition, first of all, by activization of existing material resources. The relevant potential Potential which possibilities correspond to conditions of achievement of the desirable purposes in innovative process, contents of carried-out functions, conditions of effective functioning. Not relevant potential Potential, qualitative and which quantitative characteristics don't correspond to conditions of achievement of goals of the innovative enterprise, the content of carried-out functions, conditions of effective functioning. The last case is adequate to a condition when discrepancy “ambitions and ammunitions” is available
Thus it is possible to create essence of concept innovative potential which is that is prospect in resources which are available at the enterprise which can be and approach at it to optimum performance, in possibilities which can be involved under certain conditions and at achievement of the desirable purposes in innovative process, in abilities which the defining role is played by the human capital or the material component prevails.
The concepts received during the analysis
innovative potential
results (specification of essence of innovative potential, its structure and types) are a basis for a total characteristic of innovative potential as object of management.The analysis of approaches of management in innovative potential and consideration of functions of management [18]is carried out allows to define an optimum approach of management in innovative potential of subjects of managing. In our opinion the process approach of management in innovative potential as this approach will cover is such and effectively to use in itself all functions of management, both basic, and minor.[23]
The process approach of management in innovative potential is focused on decrease in loading on the head as responsibility is distributed directly between performers of innovative processes thanks to what management will have very flexible and adaptive system which approaches to specifics of innovations, after all innovations in the course of the creation can constantly change, so activity is subject to high level of risks. As at such approach process is caused by self-regulation of system and natural orientation to the consumer, it is dynamic and his internal processes are caused by the general interest in increase in speed in an exchange of resources.
So at such approach of management in innovative potential activity of the enterprise will have advantages in development of the forces in the innovative sphere. The unique lack of such approach is the increase in requirements to a skill level of final performers as the performer who is responsible for a certain process of innovative activity should be interested in that work which it carries out, and is interested in any incentive or motivation.
In the second section it is planned to consider methods of management in innovative potential in a context of subjects of managing. Such concept as a trendvotching which will do bow on definition of the strategic directions of development will be considered. The second it is planned to consider reengineering as a method of stimulation of increase of innovative potential. Other method of management in innovative potential it is planned to consider marketing communications as the modern instrument of management.
In the third section practical recommendations about management efficiency increase in innovative potential of an economy are offered. Namely:
• Organization of controlling of innovative potential of subjects of managing;
• Management efficiency assessment in innovative potential of subjects of managing
• Justification of the directions of increase of innovative capacity of the enterprise
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